ckb_sdk_dart 0.30.1 copy "ckb_sdk_dart: ^0.30.1" to clipboard
ckb_sdk_dart: ^0.30.1 copied to clipboard


A Dart SDK for Nervos CKB which is a public/permissionless blockchain, the layer 1 of Nervos network.

CKB SDK Dart #

License Pub CircleCI Platform codecov

Dart SDK for Nervos CKB

Prerequisites #

  • Dart 2.5 or later

Installation #

You should install dart firstly through Dart.

Usage #


A simple usage example of jsonrpc request which in example/rpc.dart:

main() async {
  Api api = Api('http://localhost:8114', hasLogger: false);
  String blockHash = await api.getBlockHash('0x2');
  Block block = await api.getBlock(blockHash);

Simple Wallet example #

A simple usage example of sendTransaction which is in example/wallet.dart:

main() async {
    api = Api(NODE_URL);

    print('Before transferring, sender\'s balance: ${await getBalance(TestAddress)} CKB');

    print('Before transferring, first receiver\'s balance: ${await getBalance(ReceiveAddresses[0])} CKB');

    print('Before transferring, change address\'s balance: ${await getBalance(changeAddress)} CKB');

    var hash = await sendCapacity(receivers, changeAddress);
    print('Transaction hash: $hash');

    // waiting transaction into block, sometimes you should wait more seconds
    sleep(Duration(seconds: 30));

    print('After transferring, sender\'s balance: ${await getBalance(TestAddress)} CKB');

    print('After transferring, receiver\'s balance: ${await getBalance(ReceiveAddresses[0])} CKB');

    print('After transferring, change address\'s balance: ${await getBalance(changeAddress)} CKB');

Development #

If you want to develop by yourself, you can download this project to your local.

git clone
cd ckb_sdk_dart

pub get                       // download and install dependence
pub run test                  // run sdk unit tests

dart ./example/main.dart       // rpc request example
dart ./example/single_key_single_sig_tx_example.dart    // single key and single signature transaction 
dart ./example/multi_key_single_sig_tx_example.dart     // multi keys and single signature transaction 
dart ./example/dao_deposit.dart                         // Nervos DAO deposit example
dart ./example/dao_withdraw.dart                        // Nervos DAO withdraw phase1 and phase2 example
dart ./example/carrot_contract.dart                     // simple contract(with carrot string) example
dart ./example/udt.contract.dart                        // simple udt contract example

Features and bugs #

Please create pull requests or issues in this GitHub repo if you want to contribute new features or find bugs.

Welcome to join us. Thanks.

pub points


unverified uploader

A Dart SDK for Nervos CKB which is a public/permissionless blockchain, the layer 1 of Nervos network.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


bip_bech32, dio, hex, http, json_annotation, pinenacl, pointycastle, test_coverage


Packages that depend on ckb_sdk_dart