circular_slider 0.1.1 copy "circular_slider: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
circular_slider: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard

A circular slider for Flutter with customizable segments, markers, and notches.

Circular Slider #

GitHub License Pub Version

Preview #

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Getting started #

Installation #


  circular_slider: ^0.1.1
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to your pubspec.yaml, and run

flutter packages get
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in your project's root directory.

Usage #

Here is a basic usage of the widget:

  min: 0.0, // lower limit of value
  max: 1.0, // upper limit of value
  startAngle: 0.0, // from 0 to 2π, greater than endAngle
  endAngle: 3.141, // from 0 to 2π, less than startAngle
  track: CircularSliderTrack(
    color: Colors.grey.shade200, // track color
    width: 24.0, // track width

  // below parameters are required
  radius: 160,
  value: _value, // a value from 0.0 to 1.0
  knobBuilder: (context, angle) {
    return const Card(
      shape: CircleBorder(),
  onChanged: (value) {
    // value obtained will always be between [min] and [max]
    setState(() {
      _value = value;
copied to clipboard

The above implementation will look like this:

Basic Usage

CircularSliderTrack #

Segments can help you display different value ranges on your Slider.

Parameter DataType Description
color Color Color of the track
width double Width of the track
strokeCap StrokeCap The stroke cap of the track (round or squared)
gradientColors List<Color>? Colors for gradient fill
gradientStops List<double>? The gradient stop values
GradientMode GradientMode Controls how the gradient follows the track

Segments, Markers and Notches #

CircularSlider also provides these 3 parameter:

Parameter DataType
segments List<CircularSliderSegment>?
markers List<CircularSliderMarker>?
notchGroups List<CircularSliderNotchGroup>?

These allow you to customize your CircularSlider to be more informative to the user.


Segments can help you display different value ranges on your Slider.

Parameter DataType Description
color Color Color of the segment
start double value from 0.0 to 1.0
length double value from 0.0 to 1.0, length of the segment proportional to the length of the Slider
width double Width of the segment
gradientColors List<Color>? Colors for gradient fill
gradientStops List<double>? The gradient stop values
GradientMode GradientMode Controls how the gradient follows the segment


Markers help indicate a position on your Slider. You can use an Icon or any other Widget.
Use lockRotation to make the marker follow the Slider's path.
This depends on the value of CircularSlider.steps parameter if you use stepIndex.

Parameter DataType Description
marker Widget
size Size
lockRotation bool Locks the marker rotation to the center of the Slider circle
stepIndex double? The index of the Slider step where the marker will be positioned. To use this, value must be null.
value double? The value where the marker should be positioned. To use this, stepIndex must be null.


Notches are minimalistic indicators for you Slider.

This also depends on the value of CircularSlider.steps parameter if you use stepIndex.

Parameter DataType Description
notches List List of CircularSliderNotch
spacing double
stepIndex double? The index of the Slider step. To use this, value must be null.
value double? The value where this group should be positioned. To use this, stepIndex must be null.


An individual notch in you notch group.

Parameter DataType Description
radius double The radius of the notch circle/dot
color Color The notch's color
filled bool Whether the notch dot should be filled or outlined
width double Width of the outline.



Weekly Downloads

2024.09.06 - 2025.03.21

A circular slider for Flutter with customizable segments, markers, and notches.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on circular_slider