circle_stepper 1.0.3 copy "circle_stepper: ^1.0.3" to clipboard
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Best circle stepper for flutter

CircleStepper A customizable, animated circular stepper widget for Flutter, designed to visualize progress across multiple steps. With customizable colors, titles, descriptions, and progress directions, CircleStepper adds a visually appealing and interactive element to your Flutter applications.

Web #

Android #

Features #

  • Animated Circular Progress: Smooth animations between steps, indicating progress visually.
  • Customizable Appearance: Easily configure colors, titles, descriptions, and fonts for each step.
  • Direction Control: Choose between clockwise or counter-clockwise progress directions.
  • Multiple Steps: Define the number of steps and track progress dynamically.
  • Responsiveness: Designed to adapt to different screen sizes.

Getting started #

Installation Add circle_stepper to your project's pubspec.yaml dependencies:

  circle_stepper: ^1.0.1

Then, run:

flutter pub get

Usage #

Include short and useful examples for package users. Add longer examples to /example folder.

Here is a simple example of how to use the CircleStepper widget:

        fillDirection: FillDirection.clockwise,
        step: step,
        totalSteps: totalSteps,
        betweenStepText: 'of',
        stepTitles: const {
          1: 'Step 1',
          2: 'Step 2',
          3: 'Step 3',
          4: 'Step 4',
        stepDescriptions: const {
          1: 'Description 1',
          2: 'Description 2',
          3: 'Description 3',
          4: 'Description 4',
        progressColor: Colors.greenAccent,
        backgroundColor: Colors.grey.withAlpha(50),

Parameters: #

Parameter Type Description
width double? Width of the circular stepper. If null, defaults to a calculated height value.
height double? Height of the circular stepper. If null, defaults to a calculated width value.
step int The current step to display, must be between 1 and totalSteps.
totalSteps int Total number of steps to be shown in the stepper.
betweenStepText String Text to display between the current step and the total steps.
stepTitles Map<int, String> A map of step titles corresponding to each step number.
stepDescriptions Map<int, String> A map of step descriptions corresponding to each step number.
progressColor Color Color for the progress fill in the circular stepper.
backgroundColor Color Background color for the circular progress bar.
textStyleStepper TextStyle? Custom text style for the stepper text (e.g., "1 of 4").
textStyleTitle TextStyle? Custom text style for the step titles.
textStyleDescriptions TextStyle? Custom text style for the step descriptions.
colorTextStepper Color Color of the stepper text. Defaults to
colorTitle Color Color of the step titles. Defaults to
colorDescriptions Color Color of the step descriptions. Defaults to Colors.grey.
fillDirection FillDirection Direction in which the circular progress fills (clockwise or counterclockwise).
strokeWidth double? Width of the progress circle stroke. Default is 6.

Advanced Usage #

  step: 3,
  totalSteps: 5,
  betweenStepText: 'of',
  stepTitles: const {
    1: 'Intro',
    2: 'Basics',
    3: 'Intermediate',
    4: 'Advanced',
    5: 'Complete',
  stepDescriptions: const {
    1: 'Introduction to the topic.',
    2: 'Learning the basic concepts.',
    3: 'Understanding intermediate topics.',
    4: 'Mastering advanced techniques.',
    5: 'Completion of the course.',
  progressColor: Colors.greenAccent,
  backgroundColor: Colors.grey.withAlpha(50),
  colorTextStepper:,         // Custom text color
  colorTitle:,              // Custom title color
  colorDescriptions: Colors.deepPurple,  // Custom description color
  textStyleStepper: const TextStyle(     // Custom text style for stepper text
    fontSize: 16,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
  textStyleTitle: const TextStyle(       // Custom text style for title
    fontSize: 20,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
  textStyleDescriptions: const TextStyle(// Custom text style for description
    fontSize: 16,
    fontStyle: FontStyle.italic,

Additional information #

  • For issues, feedback, or contributions, check out our GitHub repository.
  • You can submit issues or feature requests via the issue tracker.
  • Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository and create a pull request.


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Best circle stepper for flutter

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BSD-3-Clause (license)




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