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This sdk can be used to authenticate the users of your flutter application with cidaas.

cidaas flutter SDK #

This SDK makes it easy to secure your flutter app with cidaas.

Getting Started #

With this SDK you can secure your flutter application easily with cidaas.

Requirements #

Dart SDK version: SDK: ">=2.7.0 <3.0.0"

Installation #

Add the cidaas flutter SDK to your dependency section of your project's pubspec.yaml:

  cidaas-SDK-flutter: ^3.3.3`

Configuration #

To use the authenticate your users via the authorization code flow,
please first configure your cidaas Application as described here

You have to create the cidaas_config.json file under your project's root folder, this should contain following values:

  "baseUrl": "",
  "clientId": "your_apps_clientId",
  "clientSecret": "your_apps_clientSecret",
  "scopes": "openid profile email offline_access",
  "redirectUri": ""

Don't forget to add the /assets/ folder as asset to your pubspec.yaml file:

    - assets/

Per default, the SDK will search for this configuration file under '/assets', but you can also define any other path where the SDK should search for this configuration. Note, that you will have to provide the path to the configuration within your code to the SDK if you chose so. You can do this by calling checkAndLoadConfig({configPath: "your/custom/path/to/your/cidaas_config.json"}) from within your code before the first login event is triggered.

Overview #

The SDK is using the Bloc pattern.

There are two important classes to be used:

  • The Cidaas class, which can be implemented and listens to your current Authentication State to decide which Widget should get displayed,
  • the CidaasLoginProvider, which provides static methods to be used in the context of authorization.


To integrate the SDK into your application, you will need to implement the Cidaas class. This class encapsulates the state logic used by the authentication Bloc. All it needs, is the information what should be displayed when your user is:

  • Not logged in
  • Ís logged in
  • The SDK is doing some asynchronous tasks
  • The Authentication was not successful

This is done via the four methods

  • getLoggedOutScreen()
  • getLoggedInScreen()
  • getSplashScreen()
  • getAuthenticationFailureScreen()

All of them return the Widgets which should get displayed in the respective cases. The Widget returned by getLoggedOutScreen() should provide a button to start the authentication. This button should call CidaasLoginProvider.doLogin(context) to trigger the authentication. In the same way, CidaasLoginProvider.doLogout(context) can be called to trigger the logout.

class MyCidaasImpl extends Cidaas {
  Widget getLoggedOutScreen({context}) {
    return Center(
        child: RaisedButton(
      child: Text('Login'),
      onPressed: () {
  Widget getLoggedInScreen({tokenEntity}) {
    return MyCustomLoggedInScreen(tokenEntity: tokenEntity);

  Widget getSplashScreen() {
    return Center(
      //child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
      child: Text('Please wait'),

  Widget getAuthenticationFailureScreen({errorMessage}) {
    return Scaffold(
        body: Center(
      child: Text('$errorMessage', style:
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

To integrate your CidaasImplementation, you will need to provide the AuthenticationBloc used by it to your build context. This is done like this:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocProvider<AuthenticationBloc>(
      create: (context) {
        return AuthenticationBloc();
      child: MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
            appBar: AppBar(
              title: Text('App'),
            body: MyCidaasImpl()),
        routes: {
          App.route: (context) => App(),
          MyCustomLoggedInScreen.route: (context) => MyCustomLoggedInScreen()

Note, using the Bloc pattern you don't need the routes defined here in the MaterialApp.

Obtaining the access_token

To obtain the access_token after the user has logged in, you can use

TokenEntity tokenEntity = await CidaasLoginProvider.getStoredAccessToken();

The returned TokenEntity will hold the accessToken, idToken, sub & refreshToken. Note that if the accessToken is expired or will expire in less than 60 seconds, this method will automatically trigger the refresh_token flow to obtain a new access_token, if the refreshToken is available.
To make the refresh Token available to your application, you will need to provide the offline_access scope. Read more about how cidaas handles scopes here.

After the first login, the retrieved TokenEntity can be retrieved via the getLoggedInScreen()-method implementation as well:

  Widget getLoggedInScreen({tokenEntity}) {
    return MyCustomLoggedInScreen(tokenEntity: tokenEntity);

This way, you can pass the initial tokenEntity directly to your widget to be used.

Get the token claim set:

You can decode the token claim set via CidaasLoginProvider.getTokenClaimSetForToken(tokenEntity.idToken) You can either provide the accessToken or the idToken stored. If the idToken is not set for your application, make sure the openid scope is set.

Check if the user is logged in in your code:

To check manually (from your code) if the user has logged in, call the CidaasLoginProvider.isAuth() method. This returns Future

Trigger login & logout

You can trigger the login & the logout anywhere from your code with these methods:

  • CidaasLoginProvider.doLogin(context)
  • CidaasLoginProvider.doLogout(context) Note the context provided must contain the AuthenticationBloc.

If the user is already logged in, the login page will not get triggered and the user will get redirected to the Screen defined by the getLoggedInScreen()-Method directly.

Get the configuration

You can get the cidaas configuration by calling CidaasLoginProvider.getCidaasConf() like this:
CidaasConfig cidaasConfig = await CidaasLoginProvider.getCidaasConf(); You can get the retrieved OpenIdConfiguration for your cidaas instance like this: OpenIdConfiguration idConfigLater = await CidaasLoginProvider.getOpenIdConfiguration();

How is the access_token/ the id_token stored?

The Tokens are stored using flutter_secure_storage, this translates to

  • Keychain for iOS
  • & AES encryption for Android. The AES secret key is encrypted with RSA and RSA key is stored in KeyStore

Further documentation

For further documentation, have a look at the cidaas docs




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This sdk can be used to authenticate the users of your flutter application with cidaas.



API reference


MIT (license)


bloc, equatable, flutter, flutter_bloc, flutter_secure_storage, http, provider, webview_flutter


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