chicken 0.0.9
chicken: ^0.0.9 copied to clipboard
chickenStyle is a package that can help developers to speed up the process of creating textstyles widget. just type one line bash code and chickenStyle will generate file, class and widget for you.
chickenStyle 🐔🐔 is a package that can help developers to speed up the process of creating textstyles in general. as we know the more complex the page we create the more we interact with textstyle. designing the textstyle in each widget is a very tiring job, and you definitely won't be able to be consistent in your work. chickenStyle comes like a class in CSS, where is the declaration of this class we save it in a different file, and we can call that class anytime and anywhere Apart from that, we don't need to declare widget one by one, you just type one line of bash code and you will get more than 20 textstyle widgets ready to use. In that class you can define colors, font family, fontweight and others..
Getting started #
open your terminal editor and type
Generate simple textStyle widget #
dart run chicken
and you will find new file on your apps ./lib/chickenStyle/ChickenStyle.dart
Generate textStyle widget with color red #
dart run chicken
dart run chicken --color='Color(0xffffff)'
and you will find new file on your apps ./lib/chickenStyle/ChickenStyleRed.dart
Generate textStyle widget with class name #
dart run chicken --class-name=MyCustomeStyle
and you will find new file on your apps ./lib/chickenStyle/MyCustomeStyle.dart
Generate textStyle widget with font family #
dart run chicken --font-family=Inter-Regular
Generate textStyle widget with custome mininal and maximal fontsize #
dart run chicken --min=5 --max=100
then sistem will generate custome textStyle widget with fontsize start from 2 to 100
Generate full custome statements #
dart run chicken --class-name=MyFullCustomeStyle --font-family=Inter-Regular --min=10 --max=90
Additional information #
Feel free to report some issues..