cherrilog 0.1.1 copy "cherrilog: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
cherrilog: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard

Perhaps the simplest and most useful log library for dart. Lightweight and easy to apply.

CherriLog #

CherriLog is perhaps the simplest and most useful log library for dart

Overview #

CherriLog is a simple and useful log library for dart. It is easy to use and can be costumized to your needs.

Features #

  • Log messages directly by calling the method directly.
  • Direct output to console with different colors.
  • Nice stacktrace output.
  • [In Progress] Log to file. (Program Full Platform Support)
  • [In Progress] Highly customizable log format.
  • Log levels support.

Usage #

  1. Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file. Recommended command line.

With Flutter

flutter pub add cherrilog

With Dart

dart pub add cherrilog
  1. Import the library in your code.
import 'package:cherrilog/cherrilog.dart';
  1. Initialize the logger.
  options: CherriOptions()
    ..maximumLevel = CherriLogLevel.all
    ..minimumLevel =
    ..timeStampPattern = CherriFormatterTimeStampPattern.standardLongDateTime
    ..useBuffer = false,
  1. Use the logger.
info('This is an info message');
warning('This is a warning message');
error('Something went wrong');

Configuration #

The class CherriOptions contains all the configuration options for the logger.

  • CherriLogLevel maximumLevel: The maximum log level to be displayed. Default is CherriLogLevel.warning.
  • CherriLogLevel minimumLevel: The minimum log level to be displayed. Default is CherriLogLevel.all.
  • String timeStampPattern: The pattern to be used for the timestamp. Default is CherriFormatterTimeStampPattern.standardLongDateTime.
  • bool useBuffer: If true, the logs will be buffered and only displayed when the buffer is full. Default is true.
  • int bufferLineLength: The number of lines to be buffered before displaying them. Default is 30.
  • Duration flushInterval: The interval to flush the buffer. Default is const Duration(milliseconds: 500).

Log Levels #

The log levels are defined in the CherriLogLevel enum.
Ranking of importance from highest to lowest.

  • CherriLogLevel.all: All log levels. You should NOT use this loglevel when logging messages.
  • CherriLogLevel.fatal: Fatal errors.
  • CherriLogLevel.error: Errors.
  • CherriLogLevel.warning: Warnings.
  • Informational messages.
  • CherriLogLevel.debug: Debug messages.
  • No log messages. You should NOT use this loglevel when logging messages.

timeStampPattern #

We offer some preset formats. You can also create your own format.
You can see formatter/timestamp.dart for more information.

Customization #


Output #

[2024-04-13 18:07:28] [DBG] You are doing something right
[2024-04-13 18:07:28] [INF] You are doing something
[2024-04-13 18:07:28] [WRN] You are doing something wrong
[2024-04-13 18:07:28] [ERR] You can not shutdown power
[2024-04-13 18:07:28] [FTL] The power is off

Note: The colors may vary depending on the terminal. This is probably the result on VSCode. Reference

pub points


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Perhaps the simplest and most useful log library for dart. Lightweight and easy to apply.

Repository (GitHub)
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#logging #utility


unknown (LICENSE)


intl, stack_trace


Packages that depend on cherrilog