chatgpt_completions 0.0.1 chatgpt_completions: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Dart client for the unofficial ChatGPT API. Support Text Completeion and stream response from v1/completions.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:chatgpt_completions/chatgpt_completions.dart';
void main() async {
/// Generate api key from openai console:
ChatGPTCompletions.instance.initialize(apiKey: "api_key_here");
print("Generating answer without stream...");
// Text completions without stream response (stream: false)
String? responseWithoutStream =
await ChatGPTCompletions.instance.textCompletions(TextCompletionsParams(
prompt: "What's Flutter?",
model: GPTModel.davinci,
temperature: 0.2,
topP: 1,
n: 1,
stream: false,
print("OpenAI: $responseWithoutStream");
print("-> Generating answer with stream...");
// Text completions with stream response (stream: true)
String responseWithStream = "";
// If you want implement feature "stop generating", need record stream subcription when you want to stop.
// Let call responseSubscription?.cancel();
StreamSubscription? responseSubscription;
await ChatGPTCompletions.instance.textCompletions(
prompt: "What's Flutter?",
model: GPTModel.davinci,
temperature: 0.2,
topP: 1,
n: 1,
stream: true, // --> set this is true
onStreamValue: (characters) {
responseWithStream += characters;
onStreamCreated: (subscription) {
responseSubscription = subscription;
// Stop generating