chat_app_abc_demo 0.2.1 copy "chat_app_abc_demo: ^0.2.1" to clipboard
chat_app_abc_demo: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard

This handbook aims to be the one-stop-shop for all sdk documentation.

Welcome to ChatLib with #

This documentation provides an overview of the Chat , Networkclass and its methods.

Table of Contents #

Methods #

Default api response #

       "data": "response api", // response all api
       "success": true, // status api true: success, false : have error

Error definition #

  • header status:
    • 200: success
    • 400: bad request
    • 401: Unauthorized
    • 404: Not Found
    • 500, 501: Server Error
  • response error:
  "error": {
    "code": "string", // code error
    "message": "string", // message
    "details": "string", // detail error
    "data": {
      "additionalProp1": "string", // It cannot determined
      "additionalProp2": "string",
      "additionalProp3": "string"
    "validationErrors": [
        "message": "string",
        "members": [


Method Description
connect Create connections
disconnet Stop connections
sendMessage send message with group
updateMessage update message with group
receiveMessage Listens for incoming mes
receiveDeleteMessage Listens for incoming mes delete
setMessageSeenStatus Sets the "message seen"


Listens for incoming chat messages and invokes a callback function when a new message is received.

    message: "", // message sent
    attachments: [
        name: "", // name file
        desciption: "",
        id: "", // id attachments (send id = null or '')
        url: "", // url file
        typeAttachment: 1, // - video = 1,  // - audio = 2// - image = 3// - file = 4 // - other = 5
        sizeByte: 0,
        durationSeconds: 0,
        revoke: 1, // 1 revoke for sender, 2 revoke for all group
    forwardFromRoomId: "",
    mentionIds: [], // list userId mention
    type: 0, //type message list in here:
    // - text = 0
    // - audio = 1
    // - file = 2
    // - sticker = 3
    // - gallery = 4
    // - video = 5
    quoteMessageId: "", // message quote id
    forwardMessageId: "", // message forward id


Listens for incoming chat messages and invokes a callback function when a new message is received.

chat.receiveMessage(message  => {
// response in socket message
  "attachments": [], // list file
  "forwardFromMessageId": "", // id message forward
  "forwardFromRoomId": "", // id room message forward
  "mentionIds": [], // list userId mention
  "message": "Test",
  "messageId": "", // id message
  "quoteFromMessageId": "", // id message for quote
  "roomId": "", // room id
  "senderId": "", //userid sender
  "senderProfile": {
    "avatar": "", // url avatar
    "displayname": "", // name
    "id": "", // userid sender
    "username": "" // username
  "timeSend": "2023-09-28T09:10:46.783Z",
  "type": 0     //type message list in here:
                // - text = 0
                // - audio = 1
                // - file = 2
                // - sticker = 3
                // - gallery = 4
                // - video = 5

note: Before using it, you have to initialize the data retrieval function. #

import {
} from "chat-app-demo-abc";
// auth config
const chatUser = InitChatUser(url, token);
const chatUser = new ChatUser(url, token);
// auth message reader
const apiMessage = InitMessageReader(url, token);
const apiMessage = new MessageReader(url, token);

// chat management
const apiManage = new ChatMagement("url_chat_manager", token);
const apiManage = InitChatMagement("url_chat_manager", token);
// chat management
const chat = new InitChatSocket("url_chat_soket", token);
const chat = ChatSocket("url_chat_socket", token);
  • Except for the login function, you need to pass the token for all other functions.
  • authUrl, messageReaderUrl, ChatManageUrl: You only need to pass one of the three. Use the cluster's URL you're using.


Method Params Description
Login userName:String, passWord: string get token using to conect chat


const result = await ChatUser.login(param);

// param request
  "userName": "string", //email account login
  "passWord": "string",  // password
  "pushToken": "string"// pushtoken is device token in firebase

  "access_token": "", // token access chat (you can using jwt_decode access_token to get info user)
  "refresh_token": ""
  "expires_in": 0, // expires time
  "token_type": "Bearer", // type Authorization
  "scope": "Auth offline_access"
// this way to get info user
import jwt_decode from "jwt-decode";
 var infoUser = jwt_decode(access_token);

note: if you need get info user ex: useId, name... you have to instal jwt-decode to decode access_token then you have it


const result = await ChatUser.register(param);

// param request
  "username": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "phoneNumber": "string",
  "gender": 0,
  "avatar": "string", // url avatar (optional)
  "dateOfBirth": "2023-10-06T02:43:24.154Z",
  "password": "string",
  "image": { // optional
    "fileId": "string", // file id get from api upload(optional)
    "fileName": "string", // name file (optional)
    "extension": "string", // extension file
    "fileUrl": "string", // url file
    "contentType": "string"
  "isAdmin": false // status is admin default false

   "userId": "string", // user id
  "access_token": "", // token access chat (you can using jwt_decode access_token to get info user)
  "refresh_token": ""
  "expires_in": 0, // expires time
  "token_type": "Bearer", // type Authorization
  "scope": "Auth offline_access"
// this way to get info user
import jwt_decode from "jwt-decode";
 var infoUser = jwt_decode(access_token);


find list user by contact(phone)

const param = ["09xxx", "08xxx"];
const result = await chatUser.listUserContactAdd(param);

    id: "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // userId
    name: "string", // name
    avatar: "string", // url avatar
    email: "string", // email user
    phoneNumber: "string", // phone user
    gender: 0, // gender 0: male, 1: female
    dateOfBirth: "2023-10-06T02:46:24.015Z",
    isFriend: true, // status is friend
    distance: 0, // distance(km)


find friends

const result = await chatUser.searchFriends(param);

// param request
  "groupId": "string",
  "filters": "string", // string search
  "phoneNumber": "string",
  "sorting": "ASC",
  "skip": 0,
  "take": 10,

  "items": [
    "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // userId
    "name": "string", // name
    "avatar": "string", // url avatar
    "email": "string", // email user
    "phoneNumber": "string", // phone user
    "gender": 0, // gender 0: male, 1: female
    "dateOfBirth": "2023-10-06T02:46:24.015Z",
    "isFriend": true, // status is friend
    "distance": 0 // distance(km)
  "pageSize": 0,
  "totalCount": 0


User action(add friend, unfriend, block , unblock)

const result = await chatUser.userDoAction(param);

// param request
  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",// userid user
  "actionType": 0 // 0: add friend, 1: unfriend, 2: block , 3 unblock



const result = await chatUser.listFriends(param);

// param request
  "groupId": "string",
  "filters": "string", // string search
  "phoneNumber": "string",
  "sorting": "ASC",
  "skip": 0,
  "take": 10,


  "items": [
    "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", // userId
    "name": "string", // name
    "avatar": "string", // url avatar
    "email": "string", // email user
    "phoneNumber": "string", // phone user
    "gender": 0, // gender 0: male, 1: female
    "dateOfBirth": "2023-10-06T02:46:24.015Z",
    "isFriend": true, // status is friend
    "distance": 0 // distance(km)
  "pageSize": 0,
  "totalCount": 0

Message management


Retrieves a list of chat rooms in which a user has participated.

const param = { userId: "", skip: 0, take: 20 };
const result = await apiManage.ListRoomChat(param);
// param request
  "userId": "string", // userId (can be null default get by token)
  "groupName":"", // name group
  "tagFilter": null, // number 1,2,3
  "skip": 0,  // point start record
  "take": 0// The number of records retrieved
// response
  "items": [
      "id": "string", //id room chat
      "createdOn": "2023-09-28T07:35:34.233Z",
      "name": "string", // name room chat
      "typeOfGroup": 0, // type group: 0: group, 1: direct, 2: support
      "topic": "string", // topic group(canbe null)
      "description": "string", // desc group (can be null)
      "image": "string", // url image room
      "ownerId": "string", // id user owner group
      "participantCount": 0, // total participant
      "lastMessage": {
        "id": "string", // id message
        "message": "string",
        "userId": "string", // userid send send
        "userName": "string", // name sender
        "fullName": "string", // full name sender
        "nickName": "string", //
        "avatar": "string",// url avata
        "time": "2023-09-28T07:35:34.233Z",
        "attachments": [
            "name": "string", // name file
            "desciption": "string", //
            "id": "string", // id attachments
            "url": "string", // url file
            "urlPreView": "string",
            "typeAttachment": 1, //  // - video = 1,  // - audio = 2// - image = 3// - file = 4 // - other = 5
            "messageId": "string",
            "sizeByte": 0, // size file
            "durationSeconds": 0,
            "revoke": 1 // 1 revoke for sender, 2 revoke for all group
        "type": 0,
        "isEdited": true,// status edit
        "lastEditTime": "2023-09-28T07:35:34.233Z",
        "isDeleted": true // status delete
      "participantInfo": { // Only available for one-on-one chats This is information about the remaining person in the room
        "userId": "string", // userId
        "userName": "string", // username
        "fullName": "string", // fullname
        "nickName": "string", // nickname
        "avatar": "string", // url avata
        "onlineStatus": 0, //status online 0 offline, 1 online
      "hasUnreadMessage": true, // status unread message
      "unreadCount": 0,// total message unread
      "isFavorite": true, // status favorite
      "tags": [
      ], // list tags group
      "notifyStatus": true, // status get notification
      "leaveGroupHistories": [
          "participant": "string", // userid leave group
          "timeLeave": "2023-09-28T07:35:34.233Z"
  "totalCount": 0


Searches for chat rooms based on specified criteria.

const result = await apiManage.searchRoomChat(param);
// param request
  "roomType":"", // 0,1,2
  "filter": '', // string filter
  "skip": 0,  // point start record
  "take": 0// The number of records retrieved
  "items": [
      "id": "string",// id room
      "name": "string", // name room
      "roomType": 0, // type room default =0 (group)
      "topic": "string",
      "image": "string", // url
      "participants": [
      "participantCount": 0 // total participant
  "totalCount": 0


Searches for chat rooms based on specified criteria.

const  result = await  apiManage.getTotalUnread();
// response
{"DIRECT": 0, "GROUP": 0, "SUPPORT": 0} // total message unread by type group


Searches for chat rooms based on specified criteria.

const result = await apiManage.groupParticipants(groupId, param);
// param request
  "skip": 0,  // point start record
  "take": 0// The number of records retrieved

// response
  "items": [
      "userId": "string", // userid
      "userName": "string", // username account
      "surName": "string", // surname
      "name": "string", // name user
      "nickName": "string", // nickname
      "avatar": "string", // url avata
      "onlineStatus": 0, // status online
      "isAdmin": true. // status roler
  "totalCount": 0


Searches for chat rooms based on specified criteria.

const result = await apiManage.getInfoRoomChat(groupId);
// param request

  groupId: "" // id group chat

// response
  "id": "string", // id group chat
  "createdOn": "2023-09-28T08:28:16.072Z",
  "name": "string", // name group
  "roomType": 0, //deprecated
  "typeOfGroup": 0, // type of group default 0 , 0: group, 1: direct, 2: support
  "topic": "string",
  "description": "string", // desc room
  "image": "string", // url room
  "ownerId": "string", // id owner
  "participants": [
  "participantCount": 0,
  "lastMessage": {
    "id": "string",
    "message": "string",
    "userId": "string",
    "userName": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "nickName": "string",
    "avatar": "string",
    "time": "2023-09-28T08:28:16.072Z",
    "attachments": [
        "name": "string",
        "desciption": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "url": "string",
        "urlPreView": "string",
        "typeAttachment": 1,
        "messageId": "string",
        "sizeByte": 0,
        "durationSeconds": 0,
        "revoke": 1
    "type": 0,
    "isEdited": true,
    "lastEditTime": "2023-09-28T08:28:16.072Z",
    "isDeleted": true
  "participantInfo": {
    "userId": "string",
    "userName": "string",
    "fullName": "string",
    "nickName": "string",
    "avatar": "string",
    "onlineStatus": 0
  "unreadCount": 0,
  "hasUnreadMessage": true, // status unread message. true have message unread
  "isLinkEnabled": true,
  "inviteLinkKey": "string", // url invite
  "labelAllows": [
  "statusAllows": [
  ], // list status allows
  "sexAllows": [
  ], // list sex allows
  "maxAgeAllow": 0, // age max allow
  "minAgeAllow": 0, // age min allow
  "isPrivate": true, // status prive
  "localtionAllows": [
  ], // list location allow
  "isAdminApprove": true // status who can approve join


Searches for chat rooms based on specified criteria.

const result = await apiManage.createRoomChat(param);
// param request

  "name": "string", // name group
  "roomType": 0, // deprecated
  "typeOfGroup": 0, // type group 0.1.2, default 0
  "topic": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "image": "string", // url image group
  "ownerId": "string", // id user owner group
  "participants": [
  ], // list userid
  "tags": [
  "sendDefaultMessage": true, //status send default message
  "defaultMessageContent": "string" // message default

// response
  "id": "string", // id group chat


Searches for chat rooms based on specified criteria.

const result = await apiManage.updateInfoRoom(param);
// param request
  "name": "string",
  "topic": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "image": "string"

// response
// method put success: 200 in header status
// error


Searches for chat rooms based on specified criteria.

const result = await apiManage.deleteChatRoom(roomId);
// param request
"roomId":'' // room id

// response
// method  delete success: 200 in header status
// error


Searches for chat rooms based on specified criteria.

const result = await apiManage.joinChatGroup(groupId, userId);
// param request
  "groupId": "string",
  "userId": "string"

// response
// success: 200 in header status


Searches for chat rooms based on specified criteria.

const result = await apiManage.inviteChatGroup(param);
// param request

  "groupId": "string", // id room
  "userId": [
  ] // list userId invite

// response
// success: 200 in header status


Searches for chat rooms based on specified criteria.

const result = await apiManage.removeUserChatGroup(param);
// param request

  "groupId": "string",
  "userId": "string"

// response
// success: 200 in header status

Message reader management


Retrieves the chat history of a group.

const param = { userId: "", skip: 0, take: 20 };
const result = await apiMessage.chatHistory(roomid, param);
// param request
  "before":"", //
  "after": '', //messageid after
  "isPined":null,  //boolean, true message pined
  "skip": 0,  // point start record
  "take": 0// The number of records retrieved
  "skip": 0,
  "take": 0,
  "messages": [
      "id": "", // id message
      "messageContentRaw": "",// content message
      "message": "string",// content message
      "timeSend": "2023-09-28T09:08:34.878Z",
      "senderId": "string", // userId sender
      "roomId": "string", // room id
      "mentionsIds": [
        "string" // list userid
      "receiperId": "string", //
      "reactions": [
          "reactorId": "string",
          "reactCode": "string"
      "attachments": [
          "name": "string",
          "desciption": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "url": "string",
          "urlPreView": "string",
          "typeAttachment": 1,
          "messageId": "string",
          "sizeByte": 0,
          "durationSeconds": 0,
          "revoke": 1
      "type": 0,    /// - text = 0
				    /// - audio = 1
				    /// - file = 2
				    /// - sticker = 3
				    /// - gallery = 4
				    /// - video = 5
      "revokeEnum": 1,
      "isDeleted": true,
      "isEdited": true,
      "lastEditTime": "2023-09-28T09:08:34.878Z",
      "countValue": 0,
      "isSave": true, // status save
      "isPined": true, // status pinner
      "isPinedById": "string",
      "lastPinedTime": "2023-09-28T09:08:34.878Z"
  "users": [
      "id": "string",
      "avatar": "string",
      "roles": [
      "username": "string",
      "nickName": "string",
      "displayName": "string",
      "defautlStatus": 0,
      "isOnline": true
  "lastReadMessageId": "string",// message read lastest
  "userSendLastRead": "string",
  "lastReadMessageTimeSend": "2023-09-28T09:08:34.878Z"

lastMessageUserGroup #

Retrieves the last read message of a user in a group.

const result = await apiMessage.lastMessageUserGroup(param);
// param request
  "roomId":"", // Id of group
  "userId": '', //Id of user to check
// response
  "lastReadMessageId": "string", // id mess last read
  "userSendLastRead": "string",// userid last read mes
  "lastReadMessageTimeSend": "2023-09-28T09:38:52.883Z"


Retrieves the history of attachments in a group.

const result = await apiMessage.historyAttachment(roomId, param);
// param request
  "before":"", //
  "after": '', //messageid after
  "types": [],  // -   VIDEO = 1,AUDIO = 2,IMAGE = 3,FILE = 4,OTHER = 5

  "skip": 0,  // point start record
  "take": 0// The number of records retrieved

// response
  "skip": 0,
  "take": 0,
  "messages": [
      "id": "string",
      "messageContentRaw": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "timeSend": "2023-09-28T09:39:43.708Z",
      "senderId": "string",
      "roomId": "string",
      "mentionsIds": [
      "receiperId": "string",
      "reactions": [
          "reactorId": "string",
          "reactCode": "string"
      "attachments": [
          "name": "string",
          "desciption": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "url": "string",
          "urlPreView": "string",
          "typeAttachment": 1,
          "messageId": "string",
          "sizeByte": 0,
          "durationSeconds": 0,
          "revoke": 1
      "type": 0,
      "revokeEnum": 1,
      "isDeleted": true,
      "isEdited": true,
      "lastEditTime": "2023-09-28T09:39:43.708Z",
      "countValue": 0,
      "isSave": true,
      "isPined": true,


Retrieves the history of message in a group.

const result = await apiMessage.searchMessegeInGroup(roomId, param);
// param request
  "textSearch": '',  //  text search
  "skip": 0,  // point start record
  "take": 0// The number of records retrieved

// response
  "messageId": "string", // id message
  "message": "string", // message
  "textSearch": "string",
  "messageIds": [
  ], //list message id
  "messages": [
      "id": "string",
      "messageContentRaw": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "timeSend": "2023-09-28T09:56:34.615Z",
      "senderId": "string",
      "roomId": "string",
      "mentionsIds": [
      "receiperId": "string",
      "reactions": [
          "reactorId": "string",
          "reactCode": "string"
      "attachments": [
          "name": "string",
          "desciption": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "url": "string",
          "urlPreView": "string",
          "typeAttachment": 1,
          "messageId": "string",
          "sizeByte": 0,
          "durationSeconds": 0,
          "revoke": 1
      "type": 0,
      "revokeEnum": 1,
      "isDeleted": true,
      "isEdited": true,
      "lastEditTime": "2023-09-28T09:56:34.615Z",
      "countValue": 0,
      "isSave": true,
      "isPined": true,
      "isPinedById": "string",
      "lastPinedTime": "2023-09-28T09:56:34.615Z"
  "users": [
      "id": "string",
      "avatar": "string",
      "roles": [
      "username": "string",
      "nickName": "string",
      "displayName": "string",
      "defautlStatus": 0,
      "isOnline": true
  "skip": 0,
  "take": 0,
  "totalCountFinded": 0


Retrieves the history of attachments in a group.

const result = await api.getHistoryAroundMessage(param);
// param request
"roomId": '', // roomid search
"messageId": '', // messageid
"take": 10  // The number of records retrieved: default 10

// response

  "messageId": "string",
  "takeOffset": 0,
  "messages": [  //Similar to the description defined above
      "id": "string",
      "messageContentRaw": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "timeSend": "2023-10-05T06:59:31.990Z",
      "senderId": "string",
      "roomId": "string",
      "mentionsIds": [
      "receiperId": "string",
      "reactions": [
          "reactorId": "string",
          "reactCode": "string"
      "attachments": [
          "name": "string",
          "desciption": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "url": "string",
          "urlPreView": "string",
          "typeAttachment": 1,
          "messageId": "string",
          "sizeByte": 0,
          "durationSeconds": 0,
          "revoke": 1
      "type": 0,
      "revokeEnum": 1,
      "isDeleted": true,
      "isEdited": true,
      "lastEditTime": "2023-10-05T06:59:31.990Z",
      "countValue": 0,
      "isSave": true,
      "isPined": true,
      "isPinedById": "string",
      "lastPinedTime": "2023-10-05T06:59:31.990Z"
  "users": [
      "id": "string",
      "avatar": "string",
      "roles": [
      "username": "string",
      "nickName": "string",
      "displayName": "string",
      "defautlStatus": 0,
      "isOnline": true


Retrieves the history of attachments in a group.

const result = await api.getLastMessagePined(roomid);

// param request

// path : roomid

// response

  "messages": [ // Similar to the description defined above
      "id": "string",
      "messageContentRaw": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "timeSend": "2023-10-05T06:58:45.318Z",
      "senderId": "string",
      "roomId": "string",
      "mentionsIds": [
      "receiperId": "string",
      "reactions": [
          "reactorId": "string",
          "reactCode": "string"
      "attachments": [
          "name": "string",
          "desciption": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "url": "string",
          "urlPreView": "string",
          "typeAttachment": 1,
          "messageId": "string",
          "sizeByte": 0,
          "durationSeconds": 0,
          "revoke": 1
      "type": 0,
      "revokeEnum": 1,
      "isDeleted": true,
      "isEdited": true,
      "lastEditTime": "2023-10-05T06:58:45.318Z",
      "countValue": 0,
      "isSave": true,
      "isPined": true,
      "isPinedById": "string",
      "lastPinedTime": "2023-10-05T06:58:45.318Z"
  "users": [
      "id": "string",
      "avatar": "string",
      "roles": [
      "username": "string",
      "nickName": "string",
      "displayName": "string",
      "defautlStatus": 0,
      "isOnline": true
  "total": 0


if you don't have server saved files(audio, image, gift, video) you can using this server for that

const formData = new FormData(form);

const result = await ChatUser.upload("url_server_upload", formData);

Usage #

Connect and receive

import { ChatSocket } from "chat-app-demo-abc";

const ChatScreen = () => {
  const chat = new ChatSocket("url_socket", token);

  useEffect(() => {
    chat.receiveMessage((message) => {

    return () => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, []);
  const sendMessage = () => {
    const param = {
      message: "text test",
      attachments: [],
      forwardFromRoomId: "",
      mentionIds: [],
      type: 0,
      quoteMessageId: "",
      forwardMessageId: "",
    chat.sendMessage(param, id);


const api = InitChatAuth({
  authUrl: "",
  token: "",
const handelLogin = useCallback(async () => {
  const result = await api.Login({
    passWord: "paasword",
    userName: "username",
}, [api]);


unverified uploader

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unknown (license)


dio, fast_rsa, flutter, freezed_annotation, json_annotation, socket_io_client


Packages that depend on chat_app_abc_demo