ccci_run 1.0.17 copy "ccci_run: ^1.0.17" to clipboard
ccci_run: ^1.0.17 copied to clipboard

This project sets up a basic folder structure and creates default files for a Flutter application. The structure aims to provide a clear organization for project components, making it easier to manage [...]


CCCI RUN is a tool designed to set up a basic folder structure and create default files for a Flutter application. The organized structure facilitates easier management and scalability of the application.This project sets up a basic folder structure and creates default files for a Flutter application. The structure aims to provide a clear organization for project components, making it easier to manage and scale the application.

Features #

  • Init Project: Initializes the project by creating the folder structure.
  • Create Model: Generates a model file with freezed annotation and JSON serialization.
  • Create API: Creates an API file with pre-defined methods for interacting with API endpoints.
  • Create Repository: Generates a repository file for handling data operations and API interactions.

Usage #

To use CCCI RUN, execute the following commands:

Init Project #


dart run ccci_run init

This command initializes the project by creating the necessary folder structure within the lib directory.

Create Model #


dart run ccci_run --create-model <name>

Creates a model file with the specified name under the lib/core/models directory. The generated model file includes annotations for JSON serialization.

 // This is an automatically generated model file.
  import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

  part '${name}_model.freezed.dart';
  part '${name}_model.g.dart';

  class ${_capitalize(name)}Model with _${_capitalize(name)}Model {
    const factory ${_capitalize(name)}Model({
      int? id,
      bool? isActive,
      DateTime? createdAt,
    }) = _${_capitalize(name)}Model;
    factory ${_capitalize(name)}Model.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>

Create API #


dart run ccci_run --create-api <name>

Generates an API file for interacting with the specified API. The file includes methods for making HTTP requests and handling responses.

// This is an automatically generated API file.
// Modify it to implement your API endpoints and logic.

import 'package:ccci_utility/ccci_utility.dart';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';

/// A class for interacting with the $name API.
/// This class provides methods to communicate with the $name API endpoints.
/// You can extend and modify this class to implement specific API functionalities.
class ${_capitalize(name)}Api extends BaseApi {
  /// Constructs a new instance of the ${_capitalize(name)}Api.
  /// [dioClient]: The DioClient instance for making HTTP requests.
  ${_capitalize(name)}Api(DioClient dioClient) : super(dioClient, "/core/v1.0/auth");

  /// Add your API endpoint methods and logic here.
  /// For example:
  /// ```dart
  /// Future<void> fetch${_capitalize(name)}Data() async {
  ///   try {
  ///     final response = await dioClient.get(route);
  ///     // Handle response...
  ///   } catch (error) {
  ///     AppLogger.error("\$error");
  ///     rethrow;
  ///   }
  /// }
  /// ```

Create Repository #


dart run ccci_run --create-repositories <name>

Creates a repository file for handling data operations and API interactions. This file integrates the model and API classes to facilitate data management.

    // Imports the model class for $name and the corresponding API class
    import 'package:$packageName/cores/models/$name/${name}_model.dart';
    import 'package:$packageName/cores/services/api/${name}_api.dart';

    /// A repository class for interacting with the $name API and handling data operations.
    /// This class provides methods to interact with the $name API endpoints and handle data operations.
    /// You can extend and modify this class to implement specific data handling functionalities.
    class ${_capitalize(name)}Repository extends BaseRepository{

      /// Instance of the $name API for making HTTP requests.
      final ${_capitalize(name)}Api ${name}Api;
      /// Constructs a new instance of the ${name}Repository.
      /// [${name}Api]: The ${name}Api instance for making HTTP requests.
      ${_capitalize(name)}Repository(this.${name}Api) : super(${name}Api, ${_capitalize(name)}Model.fromJson);

Folder Structure #

The following folders are created within the lib directory:

  • lib/commons: Common utility functions and classes.
  • lib/constants: Application-wide constants.
  • lib/core/models: Data models.
  • lib/core/services/api: API-related services.
  • lib/core/services/providers: Providers for state management.
  • lib/core/services/repositories: Data repositories.
  • lib/core/local_storage: Local storage utilities.
  • lib/modules: Modules for different features of the application.
pub points


unverified uploader

This project sets up a basic folder structure and creates default files for a Flutter application. The structure aims to provide a clear organization for project components, making it easier to manage and scale the application.



API reference


MIT (license)


build_runner, yaml


Packages that depend on ccci_run