cbl 1.0.0-beta.1 copy "cbl: ^1.0.0-beta.1" to clipboard
cbl: ^1.0.0-beta.1 copied to clipboard


CouchbaseLite for Dart based on the C API. A NoSQL database with change notification, full text search and replication.

Version License CI

⚠️ This is a beta prerelease of v1.0.0.

Features - Couchbase Lite #

  • Schemaless JSON documents
  • Blobs
    • A binary data value associated with a document
  • Queries
    • Supports large subset of N1QL query language
    • QueryBuilder to build queries trough a typed API
    • Full text search
    • Indexes
    • Observable queries
  • Replication
    • Synchronize with Couchbase Server through Sync Gateway

Features - Dart API #

  • Synchronous and asynchronous API (WIP)
  • Streams for event based APIs
  • Support for Flutter apps
  • Support for standalone Dart (for example a CLI)
  • Well documented

Supported Platforms #

Platform Minimum version
iOS 11
macOS 10.13
Android 22

Installation #

This package only contains Dart code and requires binary libraries to be packaged with any app that wants to use it. For Flutter apps, you need to add cbl_flutter as a dependency to include those libraries in the build. cbl_flutter currently supports iOS, macOS and Android.

    cbl: ...
    cbl_flutter: ...

Getting started #

Make sure you have set the required minimum target version in the build systems of the platforms you support.

Before you access any part of the library, CouchbaseLite needs to be initialized with a configuration of how to load the binary libraries.

import 'package:cbl/cbl.dart';
import 'package:cbl_flutter/cbl_flutter.dart';

void initCbl() {
  CouchbaseLite.init(libraries: flutterLibraries());

Now you can use Database() to open a database:

import 'package:cbl/cbl.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';

Future<void> useDatabase() async {
  final documentsDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();

  final db = Database(
      DatabaseConfiguration(directory: documentsDir.path),

  final doc = MutableDocument({
    'type': 'message',
    'body': 'Heyo',
    'from': 'Alice',


  await db.close();

Sync vs Async API #

🚧 The async API is not yet available and work is tracked in #109.

This package provides a synchronous and an asynchronous API.

The sync API is simpler to use and has less overhead than the async API. The async API requires two isolates to communicate with each other and async APIs have a slight overhead in general.

A caveat of the sync API is that it is blocking the calling isolate. UI apps, such as Flutter apps, must not block the main UI thread to avoid jank or unresponsiveness. To offload work from one isolate, other isolates can be spawned, which execute concurrently. This is what the async API does. Each time a database is opened, it creates a worker isolate, where all of the work of that database is performed. The async API is convenient, because it transparently handles all the communication between the two isolates.

When optimizing tasks that make many calls to the API, it might be advantageous to avoid the overhead of the async API and handle offloading the work onto another isolate manually.

The sync API is exported from package:cbl/cbl.dart and the async API from package:cbl/async.dart.

Contributing #

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Read CONTRIBUTING to get started developing.

Disclaimer #

⚠️ This is not an official Couchbase product.

pub points


verified publishercbl-dart.dev

CouchbaseLite for Dart based on the C API. A NoSQL database with change notification, full text search and replication.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


cbl_ffi, characters, collection, ffi, meta, synchronized


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