cbl 0.5.0 copy "cbl: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
cbl: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard


CouchbaseLite for Dart based on the C API. A NoSQL database with change notification, full text search and replication.

0.5.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • TEST: add tests for Replicator.
  • REFACTOR: use extensions for enum conversion.
  • FIX: use correct size for FleeceErrorCode.
  • FIX: fix hashCodes of multiple classes.
  • FIX: properly handle cancelation of NativeCallback streams.
  • FIX: fix Replicator config options pullFilter and documentIDs.
  • FEAT: add Resource abstraction.
  • BREAKING FEAT: add Database.performMaintenance.
  • BREAKING FEAT: represent uncompiled queries as QueryDefinition.
  • BREAKING FEAT: Replicator API change.

0.4.1+1 #

  • REFACTOR: replace Void with opaque structs.
  • FIX: fix Replicator conflict resolver callback.

0.4.1 #

  • FEAT: highlight error position in query parsing exception.
  • CHORE: publish packages.

0.4.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • REFACTOR: migrate to new native callback API.
  • BREAKING FEAT: improve CouchbaseLite and Database APIs.

0.3.0+1 #

  • STYLE: fix formatting.
  • DOCS: add example.

0.3.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • FIX: actually store callback in set logCallback.
  • FEAT: add Document.revisionId.
  • FEAT: make SessionAuthenticator.cookieName nullable.
  • DOCS: add docs to a few properties.
  • DOCS: fix wording.
  • BREAKING FEAT: new Stream API for logging.

0.2.1 #

  • FEAT: include database name in worker id.
  • DOCS: add list of features to README.

0.2.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • DOCS: fix spelling.
  • BREAKING FIX: fix name of LogLevelExt.toLoggingLevel.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release.
pub points


verified publishercbl-dart.dev

CouchbaseLite for Dart based on the C API. A NoSQL database with change notification, full text search and replication.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


cbl_ffi, characters, collection, ffi, logging, meta, synchronized


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