cbl 0.3.0 copy "cbl: ^0.3.0" to clipboard
cbl: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard


CouchbaseLite for Dart based on the C API. A NoSQL database with change notification, full text search and replication.

Version License CI

cbl #

Warning: This project has not yet reached a stable production release.

Warning: This is not an official Couchbase product.

Features - Couchbase Lite #

  • Schemaless JSON documents
  • Binary JSON format (Fleece)
    • Reading without parsing
  • Blobs
    • A binary data value associated with a document
  • Queries
    • Supports large subset of N1QL query language
    • Machine readable representation of queries as JSON
    • Full text search
    • Indexes
    • Observable queries
  • Replication
    • Synchronize with Couchbase Server through Sync Gateway

Features - Dart API #

  • Calls Couchbase Lite C API through FFI
  • Expensive operations run in separate isolate
    • No blocking of calling isolate
  • Streams for event based APIs
  • Support for Flutter apps
  • Support for standalone Dart (for example a CLI)
  • Well documented

Installation #

This package only contains Dart code and requires binary libraries to be packaged with any app that wants to use it. For Flutter apps, you need to add cbl_flutter as a dependency to include those libraries in the build. cbl_flutter currently supports iOS, macOS and Android.

    cbl: ...
    cbl_flutter: ...

Getting started #

CouchbaseLite is the entry point to the API and needs to be initialized with a configuration of how to load the binary libraries.

import 'package:cbl/cbl.dart';
import 'package:cbl_flutter/cbl_flutter.dart';

Future<void> initCbl() async {
    await CouchbaseLite.init(libraries: flutterLibraries());

Now you can use CouchbaseLite.instance to open a database:

import 'package:cbl/cbl.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';

Future<void> openDatabase() async {
    final documentsDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();

    final db = await CouchbaseLite.instance.openDatabase(
        config: DatabaseConfiguration(directory: documentsDir.path),

    final doc = MutableDocument()..properties = {'message': 'Hello, World!'};
    final savedDoc = await db.saveDocument(doc)
pub points


verified publishercbl-dart.dev

CouchbaseLite for Dart based on the C API. A NoSQL database with change notification, full text search and replication.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


cbl_ffi, characters, collection, ffi, logging, meta, synchronized


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