catalyst_cardano_serialization 0.2.0 catalyst_cardano_serialization: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
Dart package providing serialization/deserialization for common structures for Cardano blockchain.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'package:catalyst_cardano_serialization/catalyst_cardano_serialization.dart';
import 'package:cbor/cbor.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
/* cSpell:disable */
void main() {
const txBuilderConfig = TransactionBuilderConfig(
feeAlgo: LinearFee(
constant: Coin(155381),
coefficient: Coin(44),
maxTxSize: 16384,
maxValueSize: 5000,
coinsPerUtxoByte: Coin(4310),
final txMetadata = AuxiliaryData(
map: {
const CborSmallInt(1): CborString('Test'),
const CborSmallInt(2): CborBytes(hex.decode('aabbccddeeff')),
const CborSmallInt(3): const CborSmallInt(997),
const CborSmallInt(4): cbor.decode(
final utxo = TransactionUnspentOutput(
input: TransactionInput(
transactionId: TransactionHash.fromHex(
index: 0,
output: TransactionOutput(
address: ShelleyAddress.fromBech32(
amount: const Balance(coin: Coin(10162333)),
final txOutput = TransactionOutput(
address: ShelleyAddress.fromBech32(
amount: const Balance(coin: Coin(1000000)),
final txBuilder = TransactionBuilder(
config: txBuilderConfig,
inputs: [utxo],
// fee can be left empty so that it's auto calculated or can be hardcoded
// fee: const Coin(1000000),
ttl: const SlotBigNum(410021),
auxiliaryData: txMetadata,
networkId: NetworkId.testnet,
final changeAddress = ShelleyAddress.fromBech32(
final txBody = txBuilder
// fee can be set manually or left empty to be auto calculated
// .withFee(const Coin(10000000))
final unsignedTx = Transaction(
body: txBody,
isValid: true,
witnessSet: const TransactionWitnessSet(
vkeyWitnesses: {},
final witnessSet = _signTransaction(unsignedTx);
final signedTx = Transaction(
body: txBody,
isValid: true,
witnessSet: witnessSet,
auxiliaryData: txMetadata,
final txBytes = cbor.encode(signedTx.toCbor());
final txBytesHex = hex.encode(txBytes);
TransactionWitnessSet _signTransaction(Transaction transaction) {
// return a fake witness set, in real world the wallet
// would sign the transaction hash and provide this
return TransactionWitnessSet(
vkeyWitnesses: {
vkey: Ed25519PublicKey.fromBytes(
signature: Ed25519Signature.fromBytes(
/* cSpell:enable */