cart_stepper 2.0.0 copy "cart_stepper: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
cart_stepper: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard


A flutter numeric stepper input.

number_stepper #

A fully customizable Flutter Widget to get count. It can be applicable in e-commerce apps for getting cart count.

This package is Forked from AYNStepperView


Arguments #

  • count: int/double, the number to show
  • stepper: int/double, the number to increasing or decreasing
  • size: double, widget size
  • axis: Axis, layout direction
  • numberSize: double, number spacer, default 2
  • didChangeCount: Function, @required to set the release counter
  • activeForegroundColor: Color, text color when counter > 0
  • activeBackgroundColor: Color, background color when counter > 0
  • deActiveForegroundColor: Color, text color when counter == 0
  • deActiveBackgroundColor: Color, background color when counter == 0
  • elevation: double, display a shadow around this widget
  • shape: BoxShape,
  • radius: Radius, the borderRadius of this widget, default caculating a roundedRectAngle
  • shadowColor: Color

Using #

Create a widget to load and edit an image:

Widget _buildStepper() {
  return CartStepperInt(
               count: _counter,
               size: 30,
               activeForegroundColor: Colors.purple,
               didChangeCount: (count) {
               setState(() {
                _counter = count;

## [OnlineDemo](