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Accept a payment with one or multiple payment methods securely. Powered by Tap Payments.

Card-Flutter #

We at Tap Payments strive to make your payments easier than ever. We as a PCI compliant company, provide you a from the self solution to process card payments in your Flutter apps.

Getting started #

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:


  card_flutter: 1.0.0

In your library add the following import:

import 'package:card_flutter/models/models.dart';

Then execute this in flutter terminal:

cd ios
pod install
pod update

Minimum requirements #

  1. Dart version 3.0.0 +
  2. Flutter version 3.0.0 +
  3. iOS 13.0 +

Steps overview #


participant  A  as  App
participant  T  as  Tap
participant  C  as  Card iOS

A->>T:  Regsiter app.
T-->>A: Public key.
A ->> C : Add the dependency
A ->> C : Add TapCardViewWidget
C -->> A : tapCardView
A ->> C : tapCardView(sdkConfiguration,callbacks)
C -->> A: onReady()
C -->> C : Enter card data
C -->> A : onBinIdentification(data)
C -->> A : onValidInput
A ->> C : tapCardView.generateToken()
C -->> A : onSuccess(data)

Get your keys #

You can always use the example keys within our example app, but we do recommend you to head to our onboarding page. You will need to register your bundle id & package id to get your Key that you will need to activate our Card-Flutter.

Prepare input #

Documentation #

Main input documentation #

To make our sdk as dynamic as possible, we accept the input in a form of a dictionary . We will provide you with a sample full one for reference. It is always recommended, that you generate this dictionary from your server side, so in future if needed you may be able to change the format if we did an update.

Configuration Description Required Type Sample
operator This is the Key that you will get after registering you bundle id. True Map {"operator": {"publicKey": "pk_test_YhUjg9PNT8oDlKJ1aE2fMRz7"}
scope Defines the intention of using the Card-Flutter. True String String scope = "Token"
purpose Defines the intention of using the Token after generation. True String String purpose = "asd"`
transaction Needed to define transaction metadata and reference, if you are generating an authenticated token. False Map transaction = {"metadata":{"example":"value"}, "reference":"A reference to this transaciton in your system","paymentAgreement":{"id":"", "contract":{"id":"If you created a contract id with the client to save his card, pass its is here. Otherwise, we will create one for you."}}
order This is the order id that you created before or amount and currency to generate a new order. It will be linked this token. True Map order = {"id":"", "amount":1, "currency":"SAR", "description": "Authentication description"}
invoice This is the invoice id that you want to link this token to if any. False Map invoice = {"id":""}
merchant This is the Merchant id that you will get after registering you bundle id. True Map merchant = {"id":""}
customer The customer details you want to attach to this tokenization process. True Map customer = {"id":"", "name":[{"lang":"en","first":"TAP","middle":"","last":"PAYMENTS"}], "nameOnCard":"TAP PAYMENTS", "editble":true, "contact":{"email":"", "phone":{"countryCode":"+965","number":"88888888"}}}
features Some extra features that you can enable/disable based on the experience you want to provide.. False Map features = {"scanner":true, "acceptanceBadge":true, "customerCards":{"saveCard":false, "autoSaveCard":false}}
acceptance The acceptance details for the transaction. Including, which card brands and types you want to allow for the customer to tokenize/save. False Map acceptance = {"supportedSchemes":["AMERICAN_EXPRESS","VISA","MASTERCARD","OMANNET","MADA"], "supportedFundSource":["CREDIT","DEBIT"], "supportedPaymentAuthentications":["3DS"]}
fields Needed to define visibility of the optional fields in the card form. False Map fields = {"card":{"cardHolder":true}}
addons Needed to define the enabling of some addons on top of the basic card form. False Map addons = {"loader": true}
interface Needed to defines look and feel related configurations. False Map interface = {"locale": "en", "theme": "light", "edges": "curved", "direction": "dynamic", "powered": true, "colorStyle": "colored"}
post This is the webhook for your server, if you want us to update you server to server. False Map post = {"url":""}

Documentation per variable #

  • operator:
    • Responsible for passing the data that defines you as a merchant within Tap system.
  • operator.publicKey:
    • A string, which you get after registering the app bundle id within the Tap system. It is required to correctly identify you as a merchant.
    • You will receive a sandbox and a production key. Use, the one that matches your environment at the moment of usage.
  • scope:
    • Defines the intention of the token you are generating.
    • When the token is used afterwards, the usage will be checked against the original purpose to make sure they are a match.
    • Possible values:
      • Token : This means you will get a Tap token to use afterwards.
      • AuthenticatedToken This means you will get an authenticated Tap token to use in our charge api right away.
      • SaveToken This means you will get a token to use multiple times with authentication each time.
      • SaveAuthenticatedToken This means you will get an authenticated token to use in multiple times right away.
  • purpose:
    • Defines the intention of using the Token after generation.
    • Possible values:
      • PAYMENT_TRANSACTION Using the token for a single charge.
      • RECURRING_TRANSACTION Using the token for multiple recurring charges.
      • INSTALLMENT_TRANSACTION Using the token for a charge that is a part of an installement plan.
      • ADD_CARD Using the token for a save a card for a customer.
      • CARDHOLDER_VERIFICATION Using the token for to verify the ownership of the card.
  • transaction:
    • Provides essential information about this transaction.
  • transaction.reference:
    • Pass this value if you want to link this transaction to the a one you have within your system.
  • transaction.metadata:
    • It is a key-value based parameter. You can pass it to attach any miscellaneous data with this transaction for your own convenience.
    • The id the payment agreement you created using our Apis.
    • This is an agreement between you and your client to allow saving his card for further payments.
    • If not passed, it will be created on the fly.
    • The id the contract you created using our Apis.
    • This is a contract between you and your client to allow saving his card for further payments.
    • If not passed, it will be created on the fly.
  • order:
    • The details about the order that you will be using the token you are generating within.
    • The id of the order if you already created it using our apis.
  • order.currency:
    • The intended currency you will perform the order linked to this token afterwards.
  • order.amount:
    • The intended amount you will perform the order linked to this token afterwards.
  • order.description:
    • Optional string to put some clarifications about the order if needed.
    • Optional string to pass an invoice id, that you want to link to this token afterwards.
    • Optional string to pass to define a sub entity registered under your key in Tap. It is the Merchant id that you get from our onboarding team.
    • If you have previously have created a customer using our apis and you want to link this token to him. please pass his id.
    • It is a list of localized names. each name will have:
      • lang : the 2 iso code for the locale of this name for example en
      • first : The first name.
      • middle: The middle name.
      • last : The last name.
  • customer.nameOnCard:
    • If you want to prefill the card holder's name field.
  • customer.editable:
    • A boolean that controls whether the customer can edit the card holder's name field or not.
    • An email string for the customer we are creating. At least the email or the phone is required.
    • The customer's phone:
      • countryCode
      • number
  • features:
    • Some extra features/functionalities that can be configured as per your needs.
  • features.scanner:
    • A boolean to indicate whether or not you want to display the scan card icon.
    • Make sure you have access to camera usage, before enabling the scanner function.
  • features.acceptanceBadge:
    • A boolean to indicate wether or not you want to display the list of supported card brands that appear beneath the card form itself.
  • features.customerCards.saveCard:
    • A boolean to indicate wether or not you want to display the save card option to the customer.
    • Must be used with a combination of these scopes:
      • SaveToken
      • SaveAuthenticatedToken
  • features.customerCards.autoSave:
    • A boolean to indicate wether or not you want the save card switch to be on by default.
  • acceptance:
    • List of configurations that control the payment itself.
  • acceptance.supportedSchemes:
    • A list to control which card schemes the customer can pay with. For example:
      • VISA
      • MADA
      • OMANNET
  • acceptance.supportedFundSource:
    • A list to control which card types are allowed by your customer. For example:
      • DEBIT
      • CREDIT
  • acceptance.supportedPaymentAuthentications:
    • A list of what authentication techniques you want to enforce and apple. For example:
      • 3DS
  • fields.card.cardHolder:
    • A boolean to indicate wether or not you want to show/collect the card holder name.
  • addons.loader:
    • A boolean to indicate wether or not you want to show a loading view on top of the card form while it is performing api requests.
  • interface.locale:
    • The language of the card form. Accepted values as of now are:
      • en
      • ar
  • interface.theme:
    • The display style of the card form. Accepted values as of now are:
      • light
      • dark
      • dynamic // follow the device's display style
  • interface.edges:
    • How do you want the edges of the card form to. Accepted values as of now are:
      • curved
      • flat
  • interface.cardDirection:
    • The layout of the fields (card logo, number, date & CVV) within the card element itself. Accepted values as of now are:
      • ltr // fields will inflate from left to right
      • rtl // fields will inflate from right to left
      • dynamic // fields will inflate in the locale's direction
  • interface.powered:
    • A boolean to indicate wether or not you want to show powered by tap.
    • Note, that you have to have the permission to hide it from the integration team. Otherwise, you will get an error if you pass it as false.
  • interface.colorStyle:
    • How do you want the icons rendered inside the card form to. Accepted values as of now are:
      • colored
      • monochrome

Initialisation of the widget #

You will pass the configurations & the callbacks while declaring your widget in your widgets' hierarchy.

              sdkConfiguration: const {
                "features": {
                  "customerCards": {"saveCard": true, "autoSaveCard": true},
                  "scanner": true,
                  "acceptanceBadge": true,
                  "nfc": false
                "redirect": {"url": ""},
                "post": {"url": ""},
                "customer": {
                  "id": "",
                  "name": [
                      "first": "TAP",
                      "middle": "",
                      "lang": "en",
                      "last": "PAYMENTS"
                  "editable": true,
                  "contact": {
                    "email": "",
                    "phone": {"countryCode": "+965", "number": "88888888"}
                  "nameOnCard": "TAP PAYMENTS"
                "fields": {
                  "card": {"cardHolder": true, "cvv": true}
                "merchant": {"id": ""},
                "interface": {
                  "powered": true,
                  "colorStyle": "monochrome",
                  "theme": "light",
                  "locale": "en",
                  "edges": "curved",
                  "cardDirection": "dynamic"
                "purpose": "PAYMENT_TRANSACTION",
                "operator": {"publicKey": "pk_test_YhUjg9PNT8oDlKJ1aE2fMRz7"},
                "scope": "SaveToken",
                "addons": {"loader": true},
                "order": {
                  "description": "Authentication description",
                  "currency": "KWD",
                  "amount": 1,
                  "id": ""
                "transaction": {
                  "metadata": {"example": "value"},
                  "reference": "tck_LVJL1I4XCwsgIYmilBINsAKYI",
                  "paymentAgreement": {
                    "id": "",
                    "contract": {"id": ""}
                "invoice": {"id": ""},
                "acceptance": {
                  "supportedPaymentAuthentications": ["3DS"],
                  "supportedFundSource": ["CREDIT", "DEBIT"],
                  "supportedSchemes": [
              onReady: () {
                debugPrint(">ON READY FIRED FROM CALLBACK");
              onFocus: () {
                setState(() {
                  generateToken = false;
                debugPrint(">ON FOCUS FIRED FROM CALLBACK");
              onSuccess: (String? success) {
                debugPrint(">ON SUCCESS FIRED FROM CALLBACK >>>>>> $success");
                setState(() {
                  mCardSDKResponse = success.toString();
              onValidInput: (String? validInput) {
                    ">ON VALID INPUT FIRED FROM CALLBACK >>>>>> $validInput");
                setState(() {
                  mCardSDKResponse = validInput.toString();
              onHeightChange: (String? heightChange) {
                    ">ON HEIGHT CHANGE FIRED FROM CALLBACK >>>>>> $heightChange");
              onBindIdentification: (String? bindIdentification) {
                    ">ON BIND IDENTIFICATION FIRED FROM CALLBACK >>>>>> $bindIdentification");
              onError: (String? error) {
                debugPrint(">ON ERROR FIRED FROM CALLBACK >>>>>> $error");
              generateToken: generateToken,

Callbacks #

In the above example, we have shown how many callbacks you can pass to the widget. Let us have a brief about each

/// Will be fired whenever the card is rendered and loaded
void onReady(){}
/// Will be fired once the user focuses any of the card fields
void onFocus(){}
/// Will be fired once we detect the brand and related issuer data for the entered card data
    /** - Parameter data: will include the data in JSON format. example :
        "bin": "424242",
        "bank": "",
        "card_brand": "VISA",
        "card_type": "CREDIT",
        "card_category": "",
        "card_scheme": "VISA",
        "country": "GB",
        "address_required": false,
        "api_version": "V2",
        "issuer_id": "bnk_TS02A5720231337s3YN0809429",
        "brand": "VISA"
     }*     */
String onBinIdentification(){}
 /// Will be fired whenever the validity of the card data changes.
    /// - Parameter bool: Will be true if the card data is valid and false otherwise.
String onValidInputFunction(){}
        Will be fired whenever the card sdk finishes successfully the task assigned to it. Whether `TapToken` or `AuthenticatedToken`
     - Parameter data: will include the data in JSON format. For `TapToken`:
         "id": "tok_MrL97231045SOom8cF8G939",
         "created": 1694169907939,
         "object": "token",
         "live_mode": false,
         "type": "CARD",
         "source": "CARD-ENCRYPTED",
         "used": false,
         "card": {
             "id": "card_d9Vj7231045akVT80B8n944",
             "object": "card",
             "address": {},
             "funding": "CREDIT",
             "fingerprint": "gRkNTnMrJPtVYkFDVU485Gc%2FQtEo%2BsV44sfBLiSPM1w%3D",
             "brand": "VISA",
             "scheme": "VISA",
             "category": "",
             "exp_month": 4,
             "exp_year": 24,
             "last_four": "4242",
             "first_six": "424242",
             "name": "AHMED",
             "issuer": {
                "bank": "",
                "country": "GB",
                "id": "bnk_TS07A0720231345Qx1e0809820"
         "url": ""
String onSuccess(){}   
/// Will be fired whenever there is an error related to the card connectivity or apis
    /// - Parameter data: includes a JSON format for the error description and error
String onError(){}

Tokenize the card #

generateToken state variable

On demand, whenever you want to the card sdk to generate a token, you will need to pass generateToken: true in the widget declaration. Best practice is to have it as a stateful variable. The example is indicated above.



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Accept a payment with one or multiple payment methods securely. Powered by Tap Payments.

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