card91_reset_atmpin 0.0.3
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Card91 reset atm pin library
Card91 reset atm pin plugin #
This package is used to change the ATM pin of the card associated with card91 card holders. This package directly communicates to Card91 SDK.
Features #
Package directly communicate with the SDK (secured platform) to change the ATM Pin of the card.
Getting started #
Add the widget package on your pubspec version $ flutter pub add card91_reset_atmpin
Use this package as a library #
Depend on it Run this command: With Flutter: $ flutter pub add card91_reset_atmpin
This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get): dependencies:card91_reset_atmpin: (updated version)
Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
Import it Now in your Dart code, you can use: import 'package:card91_reset_atmpin/card91_reset_atm_pin.dart';
Usage #
Open the widget by passing the required parameter to use it. Check out the below code snippet for the same. Sample code below
import 'package:card91_reset_atmpin/card91_reset_atmpin.dart';
() => Card91ResetAtmPinSuper(
cardId: "##@^#^#@^@^",
token: "@%%@Y@FYFHFH@GFHH@GH",
env: "PROD",
onDataResponse:(String response){
setState(() => print("Response from package =$response"));
Input parameter for CardViewItemWidget #
|Name |Type |Required |Description
|--- |--- |--- |
|cardId |string |true |cardId which has been received form login token service (Card91 API)
|token |string |true |Auth Token received from the Card91 APIs
|phoneNumber |string |true |Mobile number of the card holder ( format +91-88******23 )
|env |string |true |based on env base url for webview will change eg. PROD, PROD_SANDBOX
|onDataResponse |Function |true |Add a call back function to receive the error & success event
Basic call back event type #
Event Types that can be handled
"C91_RESET_PIN_SUCCESS":Called when the server-side APIs load successfully. At this time, ATM pin change is successfully done..
"C91_RESET_PIN_OTP_SCREEN_INITIALISED": Called when the server-side ATM pin changes OTP screen loads successfully.