capnproto 0.2.0 copy "capnproto: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
capnproto: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard

Cap'n Proto is an extremely efficient protocol for sharing data and capabilities.


import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:capnproto/capnproto.dart';

void main(List<String> args) {
  // Read the compiled example message:
  final compiledFile = File('example/message.bin');
  final data = compiledFile.readAsBytesSync();
  final message = Message.fromBuffer(data.buffer);

  // And decode it:
  final testStruct = message.getRoot(TestStruct.from);

// For every struct in your Cap'n Proto definitions, create a class like this:
class TestStruct {
  // Create a constructor like the following:
  const TestStruct(this.segmentView, this.dataSectionLengthInWords);

  // Create a static method called `from`, which delegated to the above
  // constructor. (We use this because tear-offs don't work for named
  // constructors.)
  // ignore: prefer_constructors_over_static_methods
  static TestStruct from(
    SegmentView segmentView,
    int dataSectionLengthInWords,
  ) =>
      TestStruct(segmentView, dataSectionLengthInWords);

  final SegmentView segmentView;
  final int dataSectionLengthInWords;

  // Write a getter for each member. They delegate to getters on `segmentView`
  // (a view of the underlying buffer).
  // The offsets are generated by Cap'n Proto if you execute the following
  // command:
  // > capnp compile -ocapnp main.capnp > main-compiled.capnp
  // (Where `main.capnp` is your source file and `main-compiled.capnp` gets
  // generated.)
  // You then fill in the offsets for every getter as follows:
  // * anything for `Void`
  // * bits for `Bool`
  //   E.g., the generated line for the field `boolean` looks like:
  //   boolean @1 :Bool;  # bits[0, 1)
  //                             ^ You want this number.
  // * bytes for other primitives (i.e., numbers)
  //   E.g., the generated line for the field `int8` looks like:
  //   int8 @3 :Int8;  # bits[8, 16)
  //                          ^ You want this number, divided by eight (or
  //                            `CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte`).
  //   Hence: ``
  // * `dataSectionLengthInWords + <pointerIndex>` for nested structs and lists.
  //   E.g., the generated line for the field `float32List` looks like:
  //   float32List @13 :List(Float32);  # ptr[2]
  //                                          ^ You want this number.
  //   Hence: `segmentView.getFloat32List(dataSectionLengthInWords + 2)`
  // For inner structs and lists of structs, you also have to pass in a
  // `StructFactory`, which is used to actually instantiate those structs. This
  // is why we wrote the static function `from` above.
  void get unit => segmentView.getVoid(0);
  bool get boolean => segmentView.getBool(0);
  UnmodifiableBoolListView get booleanList =>
      segmentView.getBoolList(dataSectionLengthInWords + 0);
  int get int8 => segmentView.getInt8(8 ~/ CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte);
  int get int16 => segmentView.getInt16(16 ~/ CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte);
  int get int32 => segmentView.getInt32(32 ~/ CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte);
  int get int64 => segmentView.getInt64(64 ~/ CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte);
  int get uint8 => segmentView.getUInt8(128 ~/ CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte);
  int get uint16 => segmentView.getUInt16(144 ~/ CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte);
  UnmodifiableUint16ListView get uint16List =>
      segmentView.getUInt16List(dataSectionLengthInWords + 1);
  int get uint32 => segmentView.getUInt32(160 ~/ CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte);
  int get uint64 => segmentView.getUInt64(192 ~/ CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte);
  double get float32 =>
      segmentView.getFloat32(256 ~/ CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte);
  UnmodifiableFloat32ListView get float32List =>
      segmentView.getFloat32List(dataSectionLengthInWords + 2);
  double get float64 =>
      segmentView.getFloat64(320 ~/ CapnpConstants.bitsPerByte);
  String get text => segmentView.getText(dataSectionLengthInWords + 3);
  UnmodifiableUint8ListView get data =>
      segmentView.getData(dataSectionLengthInWords + 4);
  Foo get foo => segmentView.getStruct(dataSectionLengthInWords + 5, Foo.from);
  UnmodifiableCompositeListView<Foo> get fooList =>
      segmentView.getCompositeList(dataSectionLengthInWords + 6, Foo.from);

  // This is optional:
  String toString() =>
      'TestStruct(unit: <void>, boolean: $boolean, booleanList: $booleanList, int8: $int8, int16: $int16, int32: $int32, int64: $int64, uint8: $uint8, uint16: $uint16, uint16List: $uint16List, uint32: $uint32, uint64: $uint64, float32: $float32, float32List: $float32List, float64: $float64, text: $text, data: $data, foo: $foo, fooList: $fooList';

class Foo {
  const Foo(this.segmentView, this.dataSectionLengthInWords);

  // ignore: prefer_constructors_over_static_methods
  static Foo from(SegmentView segmentView, int dataSectionLengthInWords) =>
      Foo(segmentView, dataSectionLengthInWords);

  final SegmentView segmentView;
  final int dataSectionLengthInWords;

  int get bar => segmentView.getUInt8(0);

  String toString() => 'Foo(bar: $bar)';

// ignore_for_file: avoid_print



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Cap'n Proto is an extremely efficient protocol for sharing data and capabilities.

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basics, collection, dartx


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