camera_android_camerax 0.6.4+1 copy "camera_android_camerax: ^0.6.4+1" to clipboard
camera_android_camerax: ^0.6.4+1 copied to clipboard

Android implementation of the camera plugin using the CameraX library.

0.6.4+1 #

  • Adds empty implementation for prepareForVideoRecording since this optimization is not used on Android.

0.6.4 #

  • Prevents usage of unsupported concurrent UseCases based on the capabiliites of the camera device.

0.6.3 #

  • Shortens default interval that internal Java InstanceManager uses to release garbage collected weak references to native objects.
  • Dynamically shortens interval that internal Java InstanceManager uses to release garbage collected weak references to native objects when an ImageAnalysis.Analyzer is set/removed to account for increased memory usage of analyzing images that may cause a crash.

0.6.2 #

  • Adds support to control video FPS and bitrate. See CameraController.withSettings.

0.6.1+1 #

  • Moves integration_test dependency to dev_dependencies.

0.6.1 #

  • Modifies resolution selection logic to use an AspectRatioStrategy for all aspect ratios supported by CameraX.
  • Adds ResolutionFilter to resolution selection logic to prioritize resolutions that match the defined ResolutionPresets.

0.6.0+1 #

  • Updates to encourage developers to opt into this implementation of the camera plugin.

0.6.0 #

  • Implements setFocusMode, which makes this plugin reach feature parity with camera_android.
  • Fixes setExposureCompensationIndex return value to use index returned by CameraX.

0.5.0+36 #

  • Implements setExposureMode.

0.5.0+35 #

  • Modifies CameraInitializedEvent that is sent when the camera is initialized to indicate that the initial focus and exposure modes are auto and that developers may set focus and exposure points.

0.5.0+34 #

  • Implements setFocusPoint, setExposurePoint, and setExposureOffset.

0.5.0+33 #

  • Fixes typo in
  • Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.13/Dart 3.1.

0.5.0+32 #

  • Removes all remaining unawaited calls to fix potential race conditions and updates the camera state when video capture starts.

0.5.0+31 #

  • Wraps CameraX classes needed to set capture request options, which is needed to implement setting the exposure mode.

0.5.0+30 #

  • Adds documentation to clarify how the plugin uses resolution presets as target resolutions for CameraX.

0.5.0+29 #

0.5.0+28 #

  • Wraps CameraX classes needed to implement setting focus and exposure points and exposure offset.
  • Updates compileSdk version to 34.

0.5.0+27 #

  • Removes or updates any references to an ActivityPluginBinding when the plugin is detached or attached/re-attached, respectively, to an Activity.

0.5.0+26 #

  • Fixes new lint warnings.

0.5.0+25 #

  • Implements lockCaptureOrientation and unlockCaptureOrientation.

0.5.0+24 #

  • Updates example app to use non-deprecated video_player method.

0.5.0+23 #

  • Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.10/Dart 3.0.
  • Adds CameraXProxy class to test JavaObject creation and their method calls in the plugin.

0.5.0+22 #

  • Fixes _getResolutionSelectorFromPreset null pointer error.

0.5.0+21 #

  • Changes fallback resolution strategies for camera use cases to look for a higher resolution if neither the desired resolution nor any lower resolutions are available.

0.5.0+20 #

  • Implements setZoomLevel.

0.5.0+19 #

  • Implements torch flash mode.

0.5.0+18 #

  • Implements startVideoCapturing.

0.5.0+17 #

  • Implements resolution configuration for all camera use cases.

0.5.0+16 #

  • Adds pub topics to package metadata.
  • Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.7/Dart 2.19.

0.5.0+15 #

  • Explicitly removes READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission that may otherwise be implied from WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

0.5.0+14 #

  • Wraps classes needed to implement resolution configuration for video recording.

0.5.0+13 #

  • Migrates styleFrom usage in examples off of deprecated primary and onPrimary parameters.

0.5.0+12 #

  • Wraps classes needed to implement resolution configuration for image capture, image analysis, and preview.
  • Removes usages of deprecated APIs for resolution configuration.
  • Bumps CameraX version to 1.3.0-beta01.

0.5.0+11 #

  • Fixes issue with image data not being emitted after relistening to stream returned by onStreamedFrameAvailable.

0.5.0+10 #

  • Implements off, auto, and always flash mode configurations for image capture.

0.5.0+9 #

  • Marks all Dart-wrapped Android native classes as @immutable.
  • Updates to note requirements of Dart-wrapped Android native classes.

0.5.0+8 #

  • Fixes unawaited_futures violations.

0.5.0+7 #

  • Updates Guava version to 32.0.1.

0.5.0+6 #

  • Updates Guava version to 32.0.0.

0.5.0+5 #

  • Updates to fully cover unimplemented functionality.

0.5.0+4 #

  • Removes obsolete null checks on non-nullable values.

0.5.0+3 #

  • Fixes Java lints.

0.5.0+2 #

  • Adds a dependency on kotlin-bom to align versions of Kotlin transitive dependencies.
  • Removes note in regarding duplicate Kotlin classes issue.

0.5.0+1 #

  • Update to include known duplicate Kotlin classes issue.

0.5.0 #

  • Initial release of this camera implementation that supports:

    • Image capture
    • Video recording
    • Displaying a live camera preview
    • Image streaming

    See for more details on the limitations of this implementation.




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Android implementation of the camera plugin using the CameraX library.

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async, camera_platform_interface, flutter, meta, stream_transform


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