calendar_events 1.0.5 copy "calendar_events: ^1.0.5" to clipboard
calendar_events: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard

A simple plugin for flutter to play with calendar events. You can easily fetch calendar accounts and add events.

calendar_events #

A simple plugin for flutter to play with calendar events. You can easily fetch calendar accounts and add events.

Installation #

In your pubspec.yaml file within your Flutter Project:

  calendar_events: ^1.0.5

Android integration #

For adding events without launching the calendar application, you should add calendar permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALENDAR"/>

iOS integration #

In order to make this plugin work on iOS 10+, be sure to add this to your info.plist file:

<string>We need access to your calendars to provide awesome features.</string>
<string>We need access to your calendars to provide awesome features.</string>
<string>We need access to your calendars to provide awesome features.</string>

Using the plugin #

import 'package:calendar_events/calendar_events.dart';

final _calenderEventsPlugin = CalendarEvents();

/// Requesting calendar permission. This is important to add events to calendar. 
/// You should hav permission prior to do anything on calendar.
_requestPermission() async {
  if (Platform.isIOS) {
  if (!(await Permission.calendarFullAccess.isGranted)) {
    if (await Permission.calendarFullAccess
        .isGranted) {

/// You can check permission using this function.This function will return Permission enum.
/// IN Android it only return either allowed or denied
_checkPermission() async {
  CalendarPermission? permission = await _calenderEventsPlugin.checkCalendarPermission();

/// You can list the available calendar accounts. You can get the calendarId, accountName and accountType from this method.
_listAccounts() async {
  accounts = await _calenderEventsPlugin.getCalendarAccounts();

///You can use the CalendarEvent class to create an event. 
void _addEvent(CalendarAccount account) async {
  final event = CalendarEvent(
      calendarId: account.calenderId,
      title: 'Sample Event',
      location: 'Location',
      description: 'desc',
      start: Duration(hours: 1)),
      end: Duration(hours: 2)),
      EventRecurrence(frequency: EventFrequency.daily, interval: 2));

  var bool = await _calenderEventsPlugin.addEvent(event);

/// This function will request sync. This will only work in Android, In iOS it will blindly return true.
/// Or you can pass accountName and accountType to CalendarEvent, it will automatically requestSync without this function.
_requestSync(CalendarAccount account) async{
  bool = await _calenderEventsPlugin.requestSync(account);

Plugin Classes #

1. CalendarAccount

///This class contain basic details of both native platform implementation. 
///Some of the android feature is not available on iOS so forcefully separate these into two another classes.
class CalendarAccount {
  final String calenderId;
  final String accountName;
  final String accountType;
  final AndroidAccountParams? androidAccountParams;
  final IosAccountParams? iosAccountParams;

  CalendarAccount(this.calenderId, this.accountName, this.accountType,
      {this.androidAccountParams, this.iosAccountParams});
///This class contains Android only params that include the primary calender variable.
///If it is true then you can easily add events to this calender
class AndroidAccountParams {
  final bool isPrimary;
  final String displayName;
  final String ownerAccount;
  final String name;

      this.isPrimary, this.displayName, this.ownerAccount,;

class IosAccountParams {
  final String sourceId;
  final String sourceType;
  final String sourceTitle;

  IosAccountParams(this.sourceId, this.sourceType, this.sourceTitle);

2. CalendarEvent

class CalendarEvent {
  final String calendarId;
  final String title;
  final String description;
  final String location;
  final DateTime start;
  final DateTime end;
  final String? timeZone;
  final int? allDay;

  final EventRecurrence? recurrence;
  final AndroidParams? androidParams;
  final IosParams? iosParams;

3. EventFrequency

enum EventFrequency {
  /*not available on iOS: secondly, minutely, hourly, */

4. EventRecurrence

class EventRecurrence {
  /// The frequency of the recurrence rule.
  final EventFrequency? frequency;

  /// Indicates the number of occurrences until the rule ends.
  final int? occurrences;

  /// Indicates when the recurrence rule ends.
  final DateTime? endDate;

  /// Specifies how often the recurrence rule repeats over the unit of time indicated by its frequency.
  final int interval;

  /// (Android only) If you have a specific rule that cannot be matched with current parameters, you can specify a RRULE in RFC5545 format
  final String? rRule;

Upcoming #

  • Platform specific details will be added to calendar account class
  • Fetch events will be added in future releases

Support #

  • If you want to support me, please donate paypal
  • If you want to support the project feel free to make a PR


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A simple plugin for flutter to play with calendar events. You can easily fetch calendar accounts and add events.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on calendar_events