cached_query_flutter 0.6.0+1 cached_query_flutter: ^0.6.0+1 copied to clipboard
Assortment of builders and addons for use with Cached Query in flutter.
Cached Query Flutter
Visit the documentation for more information.
A set of useful widgets and additions to Cached Query for use with flutter. For more information on how the caching works visit Cached Query.
Features #
- Refetch queries when connection is re-established.
- Refetch queries when the app comes back into the foreground.
- Builders for Query's, InfiniteQuery's and Mutations.
Getting started #
Configure the CachedQuery with configFlutter
instead of config
config: QueryConfigFlutter(
refetchOnConnection: true,
refetchOnResume: true,
storage: await CachedStorage.ensureInitialized(),
The refetchOnResume option re-fetches any query or infinite query that has listeners when the app resumes.
The refetchOnConnection option uses the connectivity package to detect when the device connection status changes, it then pings to confirm the connection. If the device has connection after the check, all current queries are re-fetched.
Each of these options can be configured globally or in the query using QueryConfigFlutter
as the config option.
Usage #
There are three builders that come with this package. Each of them is essentially a stream builder configured specifically for Cached Query.
QueryBuilder #
Query builder rebuilds the builder whenever the state of the query changes.
query: service.getJoke(),
builder: (context, state) {
if (state.status == QueryStatus.loading) {
return const CircularProgressIndicator(
valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color>(Colors.white),
return Text( ?? "");
InfiniteQueryBuilder #
Infinite query builder calls the builder function whenever the state of the infinite query changes. In addition to the
current state and build context, InfiniteQueryBuilder also passes the InfiniteQuery object as well. This means you can
call getNextPage
from within the builder function.
InfiniteQueryBuilder<List<PostModel>, int>(
query: query,
builder: (context, state, query) {
return Widget();
Full example of using a custom scroll view with the infinite query to create an infinite list can be found here.
MutationBuilder #
Much the same as the query builder. It will call the builder function when the mutation state changes.
MutationBuilder<PostModel, PostModel>(
mutation: _postService.createPost(),
builder: (context, state, mutate) {
// Can use the mutate() function directly in the builder.
With the bloc pattern #
Cached query compliments the bloc pattern well. Manually caching server state in a bloc can get messy. This is why Cached Query can work so well with blocs. By allowing Cached Query to handle the server state in the domain layer the blocs should become cleaner.
The following examples are using the flutter_bloc package but the ideas should be transferable to any other state management library.
Full example with flutter_bloc here.
Using the query directly in the UI. #
One option to use cached query and flutter bloc together is to just hold in Query as a field on the state of the bloc. The benefit of this is that you can still use all the query builders in the ui and Cached Query will accurately know which queries are currently in use.
Streaming from the domain layer #
Another option is to create the query at the repository level then have bloc listen to changes in the query stream. The benefit to the below is that it is much easier to drop into existing apps as you only need to make small changes to the domain layer and the bloc layer, the ui can be left alone.
Here is the query:
Query<JokeModel?> getJoke() {
return Query<JokeModel>(
key: 'joke',
queryFn: () async => JokeModel.fromJson(await _service.getJoke()),
We can use flutter_bloc's Emmiter.forEach
handle subscriptions to the query and emit a bloc state change when ever the
state of the query changes.
FutureOr<void> _onJokeFetched(
JokeFetched event,
Emitter<JokeState> emit,
) {
return emit.forEach<QueryState<JokeModel?>>(
onData: (query) => state.copyWith(
status: query.status == QueryStatus.loading
? JokeStatus.loading
: JokeStatus.success,
The bloc will automatically unsubscribe from the query when it is removed from the widget tree, then the query can start its clean up process. For this reason it is recommended to scope blocs with queries to smaller features of your app. This way cached query knows which queries are currently in use or not.
It is also a good idea to use the restartable()
event transformer from bloc_concurrency.
on<JokeFetched>(_onJokeFetched, transformer: restartable());
The restartable
transformer only allows one of the JokeFetched events to be active at once. This means if JokeFetched
was called again it would cancel the current query stream and start a new one preventing an ever-increasing number of
Additional information #
This package is an addon for Cached Query. For persistent storage take a look at [Cached Storage].