cached_query 2.0.6
cached_query: ^2.0.6 copied to clipboard
A simple library for dealing with server state in dart and flutter.
2.0.0 #
- Release 2.0.0
- FIX: lints. (d3677368)
- Graduate package to a stable release. See pre-releases prior to this version for changelog entries.
2.0.0-dev.2 #
2.0.0-dev.1 #
2.0.0-dev.0 #
1.0.1 #
1.0.0 #
- Graduate package to a stable release. See pre-releases prior to this version for changelog entries.
1.0.0-dev.1 #
0.6.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FEAT: add filterFn to CachedQuery.instance.refetchQueries(). (1d452bba)
0.5.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FEAT: combine updateInfiniteQuery and updateQuery in the global CachedQuery object. (e8fd8602)
0.4.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FEAT: allow refetch config per query. QueryConfig can no longer be const.
0.3.1+4 #
- DOCS: correction to api docs and infinite query example.
0.3.1+3 #
- FIX: update rxdart.
0.3.1+1 #
- DOCS: added observer and side effect docs.
0.3.1 #
- FEAT: add creation and deletion observers.
0.3.0+1 #
- FIX: export query observer.
0.3.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- FEAT: initial commit.
- FEAT: add observer.
- BREAKING FEAT: remove isFetching from mutation, use status == QueryStatus.loading. This brings it into line with query and infinite query.
0.2.1 #
- FEAT: add query and infinite query onSuccess and onError callbacks.
- DOCS: update builder docs to include querykey.
0.2.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- DOCS: update spacing.
- BREAKING FEAT: reset infinite query data if first pages aren't equal, option to turn off.
0.1.1 #
- FEAT: add a fallback to onError.
0.1.0+2 #
- DOCS: Readmes updated to show documentation link.
0.1.0+1 #
- FIX: Infinite query doesn't fetch all pages from storage.
0.1.0 #
- Bump "cached_query" to
0.1.0 #
- FIX: Infinite query not re-fetching in order.
- FIX: try to get result each time a stream is requested.
- FIX: seeded the stream with the current state.
- DOCS: docusaurus and query page.
- DOCS: initial commit.
- DOCS: update contents.
- DOCS: add links to readme.
- DOCS: error handling.
0.0.3 #
docs: better readme layout
0.0.2 #
- fix: try to fetch anytime the stream is requested
0.0.2-dev.2 #
- fix: seeded query stream with current state.
0.0.2-dev.1 #
- Remove the unnecessary dependency on flutter
0.0.1 #
- Cached query, a simple library for dealing with server state in dart and flutter.