cached_query 0.3.0+1
cached_query: ^0.3.0+1 copied to clipboard
A simple library for dealing with server state in dart and flutter.
import 'package:cached_query/cached_query.dart';
// Full project example here:
void main() async {
// Optionally initialise cached query with a config
config: const QueryConfig(
cacheDuration: Duration(minutes: 5),
final filmTitle = getFilmTitle();
// listen to state updates {
print("Stream: ${}");
// Or just await the result
print(await filmTitle.result);
// Calling again gets the same query instance and data from cache
final sameQuery = getFilmTitle();
// Can force a refetch and await the result
// ignore: unused_local_variable
final refetchResult = await sameQuery.refetch();
Query<String> getFilmTitle() {
return Query<String>(
key: 'title',
// Override the global config here
config: const QueryConfig(
cacheDuration: Duration(seconds: 4),
queryFn: () => Future.delayed(
const Duration(milliseconds: 400),
() => "Star Wars",