cache_annotations 1.0.1 cache_annotations: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
This package is a type conversion generator using source_gen and inspired by Retrofit to help you manage persistent cache.
This package is a type conversion generator using source_gen and inspired by Retrofit to help you manage persistent cache.
Usage #
Add the annotations and generators to your dependencies
cache_annotations: ^1.0.0
build_runner: ^2.4.8
cache_generators: ^1.0.0
Define your cache #
import 'package:cache_annotations/annotations.dart';
import 'package:cache_generator_example/user.dart';
part 'cache.g.dart';
abstract class Cache implements BaseCache {
static final Cache _instance = _Cache();
static Cache get instance => _instance;
@CacheKey(path: 'device_id')
CacheEntry<Iterable<String>> deviceId();
@CacheKey(fromJson: User.fromJson, toJson: userToJson)
CacheEntry<User> me();
@MaxAge(Duration(seconds: 2))
@CacheKey(path: 'friends')
CacheEntry<int> friends();
@CacheKey(path: 'friends/{id}')
CacheEntry<String> friendById(
@Path('id') int userId,
@CacheKey(path: 'likes/{date}')
CacheEntry<String> likes(
@Path('date', convert: keyDateConvertor) DateTime date,
@SortBy(convert: keyDateConvertor) DateTime sortBy,
@sortBy int test,
Run the generator #
# dart
dart pub run build_runner build
# flutter
flutter pub run build_runner build
Use it #
Cache cache = Cache.instance;
await cache.deviceId().set(['dummy', 'ok']);
print(await cache.deviceId().get());
await'Someone', 26));
await cache.friendById(12).set('Joe');
print(await cache.friendById(12).get());
Additional information #
If you find a bug or want a feature, please file an issue on github Here.