byteark_player_flutter 1.0.6 copy "byteark_player_flutter: ^1.0.6" to clipboard
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ByteArkPlayerFlutter is a Flutter plugin for the ByteArk Player, designed to enable seamless video playback and advanced player management within your Flutter applications.

ByteArk Player Plugin #

Pub Version

The ByteArk Player plugin is a powerful and flexible video player package designed for seamless integration into Flutter applications. This plugin provides a smooth video playback experience, supports various media formats, and is highly customizable to suit your application's requirements. Whether you're developing a media app, an educational platform, or any project requiring video playback, ByteArk Player makes it simple to get started.

Disclaimer: This is the non-commercial version of ByteArk Player. Commercial use and/or business support requires a license. Please contact to get more information about our solutions.

Android iOS
Support SDK 21+ 14.0+

The screenshot

Installation #

Use this package to integrate the ByteArk Player plugin into your project. Follow the instructions across Flutter, Android, and iOS platforms. #

Flutter Integration #

  1. Add the dependency

    1. Add the ByteArk Player plugin to your project by running this command in your terminal

      $ flutter pub add byteark_player_flutter
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    This command automatically updates your pubspec.yaml file to include the ByteArk Player package and runs the flutter pub get command.

    Alternatively, you can manually add the following line in your pubspec.yaml file under dependencies

      byteark_player: ^1.0.6 // Put the latest version of the plugin.
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    If you manually edited your pubspec.yaml file, you can run this command to fetch the new dependency

    $ flutter pub get
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  2. Import and use ByteArk Player widget

    1. Now, you can start using the ByteArk Player plugin in your Dart code by importing it at the top of your file

      import 'package:byteark_player_flutter/presentation/byteark_player.dart';
      ByteArkPlayer(playerConfig: playerConfig)
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iOS Configuration #

To integrate ByteArk Player into your Flutter iOS project using CocoaPods, follow these steps

  1. Cocoapods will install SDK directly from Github private repository using ssh key, if you haven't set an ssh key to your Github account please follow Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account document on Github website.

  2. Open Podfile

    1. Navigate to your iOS project directory and open the Podfile, Add the following code into the file.
// Set platform to iOS 14
platform :ios, '14.0'
// Specify the sources for CocoaPods to fetch the required dependencies:
source ''
source ''
source ''
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  1. Install the Pods

    1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the ios directory of your Flutter project, Run the following command to install the CocoaPods dependencies and update the repository

      pod install --repo-update
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  2. Open the Workspace

    1. After running pod install --repo-update, CocoaPods will create an Xcode workspace file (.xcworkspace), Open this workspace in Xcode
  3. Build and Run

    1. After making the above changes, build and run your project on an iOS simulator or physical device to verify the integration.

Android Configuration #

To integrate ByteArk Player into your Flutter Android project, follow these steps

  1. Modify the AndroidManifest.xml

    1. Navigate to android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and apply the following changes

      1. Add required permissions for network access, foreground services, and boot reception. Add these lines inside the <manifest>

        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"/>
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
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      2. Set a theme for android:resource using the @style/Theme.AppCompat attribute inside the <activity>, This allows you to apply a theme compatible with FlutterFragmentActivity, such as @style/Theme.AppCompat or any other AppCompat-based or MaterialComponents theme.

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      3. Add ByteArk Player Service inside the <application> to enable media browsing and service functionality

        <!-- ByteArk -->
        <service android:name="com.byteark.bytearkplayercore.handler.exoplayer.service.ByteArkPlayerService"
                   <action android:name="androidx.media3.session.MediaLibraryService"/>
                   <action android:name="" />
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      4. Add Nielsen inside the <application> to enable Nielsen service functionality

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  2. Navigate to android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/your_project_name/MainActivity.kt and update the main activity

    1. Extend FlutterFragmentActivity() to ensure proper integration

      class MainActivity: FlutterFragmentActivity()
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  3. Configure Local Properties

    1. In the android/ file, set up your GitLab private tokens for ByteArk Player and ByteArk LightHouse.

    2. Add the following lines, replacing [YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN] with the token provided by the ByteArk team

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  4. Build and Run

    1. After making the above changes, build and run your project on an Android emulator or physical device to verify the integration.

Usage #

Here's a basic example of how to use ByteArk Player widget to play a video in your Flutter app

import 'package:byteark_player_flutter/data/byteark_player_license_key.dart';
import 'package:byteark_player_flutter/domain/method_channel/byteark_player_controller.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:byteark_player_flutter/data/byteark_player_config.dart';
import 'package:byteark_player_flutter/data/byteark_player_item.dart';
import 'package:byteark_player_flutter/presentation/byteark_player.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  late ByteArkPlayerController _controller;

  void initState() {
    // Initialize the ByteArkPlayerController.
    _controller = ByteArkPlayerController();

  void dispose() {
    // Dispose of the ByteArkPlayerController to free resources.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // Step 1: Set ByteArkPlayerItem.
    var playerItem = ByteArkPlayerItem(

    // Step 2: Set ByteArkPlayerConfig.
    var playerConfig = ByteArkPlayerConfig(
        licenseKey: ByteArkPlayerLicenseKey(
            android: "ANDROID_LICENSE_KEY", iOS: "IOS_LICENSE_KEY"),
        playerItem: playerItem);

    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'ByteArk Player Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
        colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.deepPurple),
        useMaterial3: true,
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('ByteArk Player Demo'),
          centerTitle: true,
        body: Column(
          children: [
            // Step 3: Embed ByteArk Player widget.
              aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
              child: ByteArkPlayer(
                playerConfig: playerConfig,
                height: 300,
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Player Configuration #

ByteArkPlayerItem #

The ByteArkPlayerItem class represents a media item to be played in the ByteArk Player. It contains essential metadata and properties necessary for configuring and displaying the media content.

class ByteArkPlayerItem {
  final String? mediaId; // A unique identifier for the media item.
  final String? posterImage; // URL of the poster image for the media item.
  final String? title; // Title of the media item.
  final String? subtitle; // Subtitle or description of the media item.
  final String? url; // URL for the media content (e.g., video or audio).
  final String? shareUrl; // URL for sharing the media item.
  final ByteArkNielsenMetaData? nielsenMetaData; // Nielsen metadata associated with the media item.
  final ByteArkDrm? drm; // Digital Rights Management settings for the media item.
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Property Name Type Description
mediaId String? A unique identifier for the media item, used for tracking and referencing.
posterImage String? URL of the poster image associated with the media item, used for display in the player UI.
title String? The title of the media item, which may be displayed in the player interface.
subtitle String? A subtitle or description of the media item, providing additional context to the user.
url (required) String? URL for the media content (e.g., video or live), where the player fetches the media for playback.
shareUrl String? A URL specifically for sharing the media item, allowing users to easily share content with others.
nielsenMetaData ByteArkNielsenMetaData? Contains Nielsen metadata associated with the media item, used for analytics and tracking purposes.
drm ByteArkDrm? Contains Digital Rights Management settings for the media item, ensuring proper content protection.

ByteArkPlayerConfig #

The ByteArkPlayerConfig class is used to configure various settings and features of the ByteArk Player. Each property can be set to customize the player's behavior and appearance.

class ByteArkPlayerConfig {
  final ByteArkPlayerLicenseKey licenseKey; // The license key of the player contains both the Android and iOS keys.
  final bool? autoPlay; // Automatically start playback when the player is ready.
  final bool? backButton; // Show a back button for navigating back.
  final VoidCallback? backButtonAction; // Action to perform when the back button is pressed.
  final bool? control; // Show playback controls (play, pause, etc.) on the UI.
  final bool? muted; // Start the player in a muted state.
  final bool? pictureInPicture; // Enable Picture-in-Picture mode.
  final bool? seekButtons; // Show seek buttons for navigating the media.
  final int? seekTime; // Duration in seconds to seek forward or backward.
  final ByteArkPlayerItem? playerItem; // The media item to be played.
  final ByteArkPlayerPlaylist? playlist; // Playlist of media items to play.
  final bool? shareButton; // Show a button to share the media.
  final bool? fullScreenButton; // Show a button to toggle fullscreen mode.
  final bool? settingButton; // Show a settings button for player options.
  final bool? secureSurface; // Enable a secure surface for playback (e.g., for DRM).
  final bool? allowBackgroundPlaying; // Allow playback to continue in the background.
  final ByteArkPlaybackSetting? playbackSetting; // Custom playback settings (e.g., speed).
  final ByteArkNielsenSetting? nielsenSetting; // Nielsen tracking settings for media.
  final ByteArkLighthouseSetting? lighthouseSetting; // Lighthouse tracking settings for media.
  final ByteArkChromeCastSetting? chromeCastSetting; // Chromecast settings for streaming.
  final ByteArkAdsInsertionSetting? adsInsertionSetting; // Settings for ad insertion during playback.
  final ByteArkAdsSettings? adsSettings; // General ad settings for the player.
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Property Name Type Description
licenseKey (required) ByteArkPlayerLicenseKey The license key of the player contains both the Android and iOS keys.
autoPlay bool? Automatically starts playback when the player is ready.
backButton bool? Determines if a back button should be displayed for navigation.
backButtonAction VoidCallback? Defines the action to perform when the back button is pressed.
control bool? Indicates whether playback controls (play, pause, etc.) should be shown on the UI.
muted bool? Specifies if the player should start in a muted state.
pictureInPicture bool? Enables Picture-in-Picture mode for the player.
seekButtons bool? Controls the visibility of seek buttons for navigating through the media.
seekTime int? Sets the duration in seconds for seeking forward or backward.
playerItem (required) ByteArkPlayerItem? Specifies the media item to be played.
playlist ByteArkPlayerPlaylist? Defines a playlist of media items for playback.
shareButton bool? Determines if a share button should be displayed for sharing the media.
fullScreenButton bool? Indicates if a button for toggling fullscreen mode should be shown.
settingButton bool? Controls the visibility of a settings button for player options.
secureSurface bool? Enables a secure surface for playback, which is useful for DRM content.
allowBackgroundPlaying bool? Allows playback to continue when the app is in the background.
playbackSetting ByteArkPlaybackSetting? Contains custom playback settings (e.g., speed, quality).
nielsenSetting ByteArkNielsenSetting? Defines settings for Nielsen tracking related to media consumption.
lighthouseSetting ByteArkLighthouseSetting? Contains settings for Lighthouse tracking related to media consumption.
chromeCastSetting ByteArkChromeCastSetting? Defines settings for Chrome cast integration and functionality.
adsInsertionSetting ByteArkAdsInsertionSetting? Specifies settings for ad insertion during media playback.
adsSettings ByteArkAdsSettings? Contains general ad settings for the player.

Player APIs #

The SDK provided methods and variables that can access from ByteArkPlayer instance to control playback behavior or get information from media content.

ByteArkPlayerController #

The ByteArkPlayerController class provides an interface for controlling media playback in the ByteArk Player, This class interacts with the underlying platform-specific implementation to perform media control operations.

Function Name Description
play() Starts or resumes media playback.
pause() Pauses the current media playback.
togglePlayback() Toggles between playing and pausing the media.
seekForward() Seeks the media forward by a preset interval.
seekBackward() Seeks the media backward by a preset interval.
seekTo(int position) Seeks to a specific position in the media (in seconds).[position] is the target position in the media.
switchMediaSource(ByteArkPlayerConfig config) Switches the current media source to a new one.[config] contains the configuration for the new media source.
toggleFullScreen() Toggles between fullscreen and normal display modes.
dispose() Releases resources used by the player and performs cleanup.
currentPosition() Retrieves the current playback position in seconds.
getCurrentAudio() Gets the current audio track.
getAudios() Gets the list of available audio tracks.
setAudio(ByteArkPlayerMediaTrack track) Sets the current audio track.
getCurrentSubtitle() Gets the current subtitle.
getSubtitles() Gets the list of available subtitles.
setSubtitle(ByteArkPlayerMediaTrack track) Sets the subtitle.
getCurrentResolution() Gets the current resolution.
getResolutions() Gets the list of available resolutions.
setResolution(ByteArkPlayerMediaTrack track) Sets the video resolution.
getAvailablePlaybackSpeeds() Gets the available playback speeds.
getCurrentPlaybackSpeed() Gets the current playback speed.
setPlaybackSpeed(double speed) Sets the playback speed.
getCurrentTime() Gets the current time.
getDuration() Gets the duration of content.

Example usage #

  late ByteArkPlayerController _byteArkPlayerController;
  void initState() {
    // Step 1: Create ByteArkPlayerController instance
    _byteArkPlayerController = ByteArkPlayerController();

    // Step 2: Using each method by calling byteArkPlayerController.methodName
       onPressed: () {

  void dispose() {
    // Step 3: Only dispose the controller if you're sure you won't need it anymore
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ByteArkPlayerEventChannel #

This section sets up an event listener to handle various events emitted by the ByteArk Player. The listener subscribes to a stream ( and reacts to different events, which correspond to changes in the player's state, such as playback actions, fullscreen changes, or errors. Each event is identified by an enum value from ByteArkPlayerEventTypes

Event Description
playerReady Triggered when the player is ready for interaction.
playerLoadingMetadata Triggered when the player starts loading media metadata.
playbackFirstPlay Triggered when the media starts playing for the first time.
playbackPlay Triggered when the media playback resumes.
playbackPause Triggered when the media playback is paused.
playbackSeeking Triggered when seeking in the media begins.
playbackSeeked Triggered when the seek operation completes.
playbackEnded Triggered when the media playback reaches the end.
playbackTimeupdate Triggered at regular intervals to update the current playback time.
playbackBuffering Triggered when the media enters a buffering state.
playbackBuffered Triggered when buffering completes.
playbackError Triggered when a playback error occurs.
playerEnterFullscreen Triggered when the player enters fullscreen mode.
playerExitFullscreen Triggered when the player exits fullscreen mode.
playerEnterPictureInPictureMode Triggered when the player enters Picture-in-Picture mode.
playerExitPictureInPictureMode Triggered when the player exits Picture-in-Picture mode.
playbackResolutionChanged Triggered when the playback resolution changes.

Example usage #

// Step 1: Create StreamSubscription instance
StreamSubscription<dynamic>? _subscription;

    // Step 2: Start listening to events from the native side, BytearkPlayerEventTypes.eventName
    _subscription = {
      switch (event) {
        case BytearkPlayerEventTypes.playerReady:
          print('Received event: playerReady');
          print('Received unknown event: $event');
    }, onError: (error) {
      print('Error: $error');
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ByteArkPlayerFlutter is a Flutter plugin for the ByteArk Player, designed to enable seamless video playback and advanced player management within your Flutter applications.



API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on byteark_player_flutter