built_redux_rx 0.1.2 copy "built_redux_rx: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
built_redux_rx: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard

epics for built_redux

Rx #

By adding the rx middleware to any of your built_redux stores, one can register side-effects, or epics, to run on any action. Epics provide a clean way to perform async operations in response to actions.

Example #

Create a function that listens to the action stream and makes an http request on actions with the name CounterActionsNames.fetchData

Observable httpRequestEpic(Observable<Action<dynamic>> stream,
        MiddlewareApi<Counter, CounterBuilder, CounterActions> mwApi) =>
        .where((a) => a.name == CounterActionsNames.fetchData)
        .map((a) => a as Action<String>)
          (action) => HttpRequest
var store = new Store<Counter, CounterBuilder, CounterActions>(
  new Counter(),
  new CounterActions(),
  middleware: <Middleware<TestCounter, TestCounterBuilder, TestCounterActions>>[

Dispatch the action


EpicBuilder #

EpicBuilder lets you map a given action to an epic thats action stream is one that only fires on the given action. The payload of the action stream is typed!

Write the epic, notice the generic of Action is String.

Observable httpRequestEpic(Observable<Action<String>> stream,
        MiddlewareApi<Counter, CounterBuilder, CounterActions> mwApi) =>
          (action) => HttpRequest

Write an Epic builder.

Iterable<Epic<Counter, CounterBuilder, CounterActions>> createEpicBuilder() =>
    (new EpicBuilder<Counter, CounterBuilder, CounterActions>()
          ..add(CounterActionsNames.fetchData, httpRequestEpic)

var store = new Store<Counter, CounterBuilder, CounterActions>(
  new Counter(),
  new CounterActions(),
  middleware: <Middleware<TestCounter, TestCounterBuilder, TestCounterActions>>[

Dispatch the action
