build_info 1.0.1 copy "build_info: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
build_info: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

Flutter plugin that retrieves build date and time and installation date and time.

build_info #

This plugin retrieves build date and time and installation date and time.

Getting Started #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  build_info: ^1.0.0

Usage #

Import BuildInfo.

import 'package:build_info/build_info.dart';

Call the fromPlatform method to get the information.

final buildInfoData = await BuildInfo.fromPlatform();

Platform support #

Platform Build date Install date
Android YES YES
Linux YES NO
Windows YES YES

About implementation of Android version #

The Android version of build_info works as follows.

  1. When building, android/build.gradle included in this package adds a field called BUILDINFO_TIMESTAMP to the BuildConfig class and sets the build time in milliseconds.
  2. Calling the BuildInfo.fromPlatform method from Flutter returns the value of BuildConfig.BUILDINFO_TIMESTAMP and the value of firstInstallTime obtained from PackageInfo.

If firstInstallTime cannot be obtained, the installation date and time will be null.

About implementation of iOS version #

The iOS version of build_info works as follows.

  1. Call the BuildInfo.fromPlatform method from Flutter.
  2. Use path(forResource:ofType:) to get the last modification date and time of the bundled Info.plist file and use it as the build date and time.
  3. Get the creation date and time of Document Directory as the installation date and time.
  4. Returns the value obtained in "2." and "3.".

If each date and time cannot be obtained, it will be null.

About implementation of Linux version #

The Linux version of build_info works as follows.

  1. At build time, linux/CMakeLists.txt defines the BUILD_INFO_TIMESTAMP constant and sets the build time in milliseconds.
  2. Call the BuildInfo.fromPlatform method from Flutter.
  3. The value of the BUILD_INFO_TIMESTAMP constant is set as the build date and time.

In the Linux version, the installation date and time is always null.

About implementation of macOS version #

The macOS version of build_info works as follows.

  1. Call the BuildInfo.fromPlatform method from Flutter.
  2. Use path(forResource:ofType:) to get the last modification date and time of the bundled _CodeSignature/CodeResources file and use it as the build date and time.
  3. Get the bundle creation date and time using MDItemCreateWithURL as the installation date and time.

If each date and time cannot be obtained, it will be null.

About implementation of Web version #

The Web version of build_info works as follows.

  1. Call the BuildInfo.fromPlatform method from Flutter.
  2. Request "version.json" as the build date and time using the HEAD or GET method and use the Last-Modified or Date response header value.
  3. If the date and time cannot be obtained from "version.json", use the value of document.lastModified.

If the date and time could not be obtained, it will be null.
In the Web version, the installation date and time is always null.

About implementation of Windows version #

The Windows version of build_info works as follows.

  1. Call the BuildInfo.fromPlatform method from Flutter.
  2. Get the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 structure and use the TimeDateStamp value of the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER structure as the build date and time.
  3. The earlier date and time of the creation date and time of the executable file or the creation date and time of the directory where the executable file exists is used as the installation date and time.

If each date and time cannot be obtained, it will be null.

TimeDateStamp of the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER structure used for build date and time is of DWORD type, so it will overflow after 2106/02/07 06:28:15 UTC, so if a timestamp before 2024/01/01 00:00:00 UTC is received, 0x100000000 will be added.(Date format yyyy/mm/dd)

int64_t _tmp = inh.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp;
if (_tmp < 1704067200/* 2024-01-01 00:00:00 UTC */) {
    _tmp += 0x100000000;