bugsnag_flutter_dart_io_http_client 1.1.0 copy "bugsnag_flutter_dart_io_http_client: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
bugsnag_flutter_dart_io_http_client: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

BugSnag flutter dart io http client wrapper.

BugSnag Flutter Dart:io Http Client Wrapper #

A wrapper for Dart:io HTTP that enables automated instrumentation via the BugSnag Performance SDK and Error Monitoring SDK. This package simplifies the process of tracking and monitoring HTTP requests in your Dart applications.

Features #

  • Automated Request Instrumentation: Automatically creates network spans for HTTP requests and sends them to the BugSnag Performance dashboard.

Getting Started #

To use the BugsnagHttpClient wrapper in your Dart project, first add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  bugsnag_flutter_dart_io_http_client: ^1.0.0 # Use the latest version

Then, run pub get in your terminal to fetch the package.

Usage #

Here's a simple example of using BugSnagHttpClient:

// Import the wrapper
import 'package:bugsnag_flutter_dart_io_http_client/bugsnag_flutter_dart_io_http_client.dart' as dart_io;

// add Bugsnag Performance as a subscriber. This only needs to be done once in your apps lifecycle.

// Make a request 
final client = dart_io.BugsnagHttpClient();
HttpClientRequest request = await client.getUrl(FixtureConfig.MAZE_HOST);
await request.close();

Support #

License #

The BugSnag Flutter Performance SDK is free software released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE for details.