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Supabase annotations and model/adapter to remove the Flutter restriction on build packages

brick_supabase workflow

REST Provider #

Connecting Brick with a RESTful API.

Supported Query Configuration #

providerArgs: #

  • 'request' (SupabaseRequest) Specifies configurable information about the request like HTTP method or top level key

where: #

SupabaseProvider does not support any Query#where arguments. These should be configured on a model-by-model base by the SupabaseSerializable#endpoint argument.

Models #

@SupabaseSerializable(requestTransformer:) #

💡 requestTransformer was added in Brick 3. For upgrading to Brick v3 from v2, please see the migration guide.

Every REST API is built differently, and with a fair amount of technical debt. Brick provides flexibility for inconsistent endpoints within any system. Endpoints can also change based on the query. The model adapter will query endpoint for upsert or get or delete.

Since Dart requires annotations to be constants, dynamic functions cannot be used. This is a headache. Instead, the a constantized constructor tearoff can be used. The transformers permit dynamically defining the request (method, top level key, url, etc.) at runtime based on query params or if a Dart instance is available (upsert and delete only)

class UserRequestTransformer extends SupabaseRequestTransformer {
  final get = const SupabaseRequest(url: '/users');
  const UserRequestTransformer(Query? query, SupabaseModel? instance) : super(query, instance);

  supabaseConfig: SupabaseSerializable(
class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}
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Different provider calls will use different transformer fields:

class UserRequestTransformer extends SupabaseRequestTransformer {
  final get = const SupabaseRequest(url: '/users');
  final delete = SupabaseRequest(url: '/users/${}');

  const UserRequestTransformer(Query? query, Model? instance) : super(query, instance);

  supabaseConfig: SupabaseSerializable(
class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}
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⚠️ If an SupabaseRequestTransform's method field (get, upsert, delete) is null or it's url is null, the request is skipped by the provider.

With Query#providerArgs

class UserRequestTransformer extends SupabaseRequestTransformer {
  SupabaseRequest? get get {
    if (query?.providerArgs.isNotEmpty && query.providerArgs['limit'] != null) {
      return SupabaseRequest(url: "/users?limit=${query.providerArgs['limit']}");
    const SupabaseRequest(url: '/users');

  final delete = SupabaseRequest(url: '/users/${}');

  const UserRequestTransformer(Query? query, SupabaseModel? instance) : super(query, instance);

  supabaseConfig: SupabaseSerializable(
class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}
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With Query#where

class UserRequestTransformer extends SupabaseRequestTransformer {
  SupabaseRequest? get get {
    if (query?.where != null) {
      final id = Where.firstByField('id', query.where)?.value;
      if (id != null) return SupabaseRequest(url: "/users/$id");
    const SupabaseRequest(url: '/users');

  final delete = SupabaseRequest(url: '/users/${}');

  const UserRequestTransformer(Query? query, SupabaseModel? instance) : super(query, instance);

  supabaseConfig: SupabaseSerializable(
class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}
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💡 For ease of illustration, the code is provided as if the transformer and model logic live in the same file. It's strongly recommended to include the request transformer logic in its own, colocated file (such as user.model.request.dart).

@SupabaseRequest(topLevelKey:) #

Data will most often be nested beneath a top-level key in a JSON response. The key is determined by the following priority:

  1. A topLevelKey in Query#providerArgs['request'] with a non-empty value
  2. topLevelKey if defined in a SupabaseRequest
  3. The first discovered key. As a map is effectively an unordered list, relying on this fall through is not recommended.
class UserRequestTransformer extends SupabaseRequestTransformer {
  final get = const SupabaseRequest(url: '/users', topLevelKey: 'users');
  final upsert = const SupabaseRequest(url: '/users', topLevelKey: 'user');
  const UserRequestTransformer(Query? query, SupabaseModel? instance) : super(query, instance);

class User extends OfflineFirstModel {}
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⚠️ If the response from REST is not a map, the full response is returned instead.

@SupabaseSerializable(fieldRename:) #

Brick reduces the need to map REST keys to model field names by assuming a standard naming convention. For example:

SupabaseSerializable(fieldRename: FieldRename.snake_case)
// on from supabase (get)
 "last_name" => final String lastName
// on to supabase (upsert)
final String lastName => "last_name"
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Fields #

@Supabase(enumAsString:) #

Brick by default assumes enums from a REST API will be delivered as integers matching the index in the Flutter app. However, if your API delivers strings instead, the field can be easily annotated without writing a custom generator.

Given the API:

{ "user": { "hats": ["bowler", "birthday"] } }
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Simply convert hats into a Dart enum:

enum Hat { baseball, bowler, birthday }


@Supabase(enumAsString: true)
final List<Hat> hats;
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@Supabase(name:) #

REST keys can be renamed per field. This will override the default set by SupabaseSerializable#fieldRename.

  name: "full_name"  // "full_name" is used in from and to requests to REST instead of "last_name"
final String lastName;
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@Supabase(ignoreFrom:) and @Supabase(ignoreTo:) #

When true, the field will be ignored by the (de)serializing function in the adapter.

GZipping Requests #

All requests to the API endpoint can be compressed with Dart's standard GZip library. All requests will (over)write the Content-Encoding header to {'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'}.

import 'package:brick_supabase/gzip_http_client.dart';

final supabaseProvider = SupabaseProvider(client: GZipHttpClient(level: 9));
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⚠️ Your API must be able to accept and decode GZipped requests.

Unsupported Field Types #

The following are not serialized to REST. However, unsupported types can still be accessed in the model as non-final fields.

  • Nested List<> e.g. <List<List<int>>>
  • Many-to-many associations


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Supabase annotations and model/adapter to remove the Flutter restriction on build packages


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