brick_graphql 3.1.0 brick_graphql: ^3.1.0 copied to clipboard
GraphQL connector for Brick, a data persistence library. Includes annotations, adapter, model, and provider.
import 'package:brick_core/core.dart';
import 'package:brick_graphql/brick_graphql.dart';
import 'package:gql_http_link/gql_http_link.dart';
class UserQueryOperationTransformer extends GraphqlQueryOperationTransformer {
GraphqlOperation get get => GraphqlOperation(document: '''query AllUsers {
allUsers {}
const UserQueryOperationTransformer(Query? query, GraphqlModel? instance)
: super(query, instance);
/// This class and code is always generated.
/// It is included here as an illustration.
/// Graphql adapters are generated by domains that utilize the brick_graphql_generators package,
/// such as brick_offline_first_with_graphql_build
class UserAdapter extends GraphqlAdapter<User> {
final queryOperationTransformer =;
Map<String, RuntimeGraphqlDefinition> get fieldsToGraphqlRuntimeDefinition => {
'name': const RuntimeGraphqlDefinition(
association: false,
documentNodeName: 'full_name',
iterable: false,
type: String,
Future<User> fromGraphql(data, {required provider, repository}) async {
return User(
name: data['name'],
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> toGraphql(instance, {required provider, repository}) async {
return {
/// This value is always generated.
/// It is included here as an illustration.
/// Import it from `lib/app/brick.g.dart` in your application.
final dictionary = GraphqlModelDictionary({
User: UserAdapter(),
/// A model is unique to the end implementation (e.g. a Flutter app)
class User extends GraphqlModel {
final String name;
class MyRepository extends SingleProviderRepository<GraphqlModel> {
MyRepository(String baseApiUrl)
: super(
link: HttpLink(baseApiUrl),
modelDictionary: dictionary,
/// Run with a simple Apollo GraphQL Server:
const { ApolloServer } = require("apollo-server");
const typeDefs = gql`
type User {
name: String
type Query {
allUsers: [User]
const user = { name: 'Thomas' };
const resolvers = {
Query: {
allUsers: () => [user],
server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);
void main() async {
final repository = MyRepository('http://localhost:4000');
final users = await repository.get<User>();