braze_plugin 8.1.0 copy "braze_plugin: ^8.1.0" to clipboard
braze_plugin: ^8.1.0 copied to clipboard

This is the Braze plugin for Flutter. Effective marketing automation is an essential part of successfully scaling and managing your business.

8.1.0 #


8.0.0 #

  • Updates the native Android bridge from Braze Android SDK 27.0.1 to 29.0.1.
  • Updates the native iOS bridge from Braze Swift SDK 6.6.1 to 7.2.0.
  • Modifies the behavior for Feature Flags methods.
    • BrazePlugin.getFeatureFlagByID(String id) will now return null if the feature flag does not exist.
    • BrazePlugin.subscribeToFeatureFlags(void Function(List<BrazeFeatureFlag>) onEvent)) will only trigger in the following situations:
      • When a refresh request completes with success or failure.
      • Upon initial subscription if there was previously cached data from the current session.
  • The minimum supported Android SDK version is 21.
  • Moved the compileSDKVersion for Android down to 33 to match Flutter's versioning.

7.0.0 #

  • Updates the native iOS bridge from Braze Swift SDK 6.3.0 to 6.6.1.
  • Adds BrazePlugin.logFeatureFlagImpression(String id) to log a Feature Flag impression.
  • Adds support for custom user attributes to be nested objects.
  • Adds BrazeUser.setCustomUserAttributeArrayOfStrings() to set arrays of strings as a custom attribute.
  • Adds BrazePlugin.getCachedContentCards() to get the most recent content cards from the cache.
  • Adds BrazePlugin.registerPushToken() to send a push token to Braze's servers.
    • Deprecates BrazePlugin.registerAndroidPushToken() in favor of this new method.
  • Adds an example integration of iOS push notifications as well as custom scheme deep links, universal links (iOS), and app links (Android) to the Flutter sample app.

6.0.1 #


6.0.0 #

  • Fixes an issue where BrazeContentCard.imageAspectRatio would always return 1 for whole-number int values.
    • The field imageAspectRatio is now a num type instead of a double type. No changes are required.
  • Added support for Braze Feature Flags.
    • BrazePlugin.getFeatureFlagByID(String id) - Get a single Feature Flag
    • BrazePlugin.getAllFeatureFlags() - Get all Feature Flags
    • BrazePlugin.refreshFeatureFlags() - Request a refresh of Feature Flags
    • BrazePlugin.subscribeToFeatureFlags(void Function(List<BrazeFeatureFlag>) onEvent)) - Subscribe to Feature Flag updates
    • Feature Flag property getter methods for the following types:
      • Boolean: featureFlag.getBooleanProperty(String key)
      • Number: featureFlag.getNumberProperty(String key)
      • String: featureFlag.getStringProperty(String key)
  • Updates the native iOS bridge from Braze iOS SDK 6.0.0 to 6.3.0.

5.0.0 #

  • The native Android bridge uses Braze Android SDK 25.0.0.
  • The native iOS bridge uses Braze iOS SDK 6.0.0.
    • If you wish to access remote URLs for in-app messages instead of local URLs, replace your implementation of the BrazeInAppMessageUIDelegate method inAppMessage(_:willPresent:view:) with a custom implementation of BrazeInAppMessagePresenter or a BrazeInAppMessageUI subclass. This is relevant if you are caching asset URLs outside of the Braze SDK.
    • For reference, see our sample code here.

4.1.0 #

  • Fixes an issue in 4.0.0 where the version in braze_plugin.podspec was not incremented correctly.

4.0.0 #

Starting with this release, this SDK will use Semantic Versioning.

  • Fixes the behavior in the iOS bridge introduced in version 3.0.0 when logging clicks for in-app messages and content cards. Calling logClick now only sends a click event for metrics, instead of both sending a click event as well as redirecting to the associated url field.
    • For instance, to log a content card click and redirect to a URL, you will need two commands:
    // Your own custom implementation
    • This brings the iOS behavior to match version 2.x and bring parity with Android's behavior.
  • Removes setBrazeInAppMessageCallback() and setBrazeContentCardsCallback() in favor of subscribing via streams.
  • The native Android bridge uses Braze Android SDK 24.3.0.
  • The native iOS bridge uses Braze iOS SDK 5.11.2.
  • Improves behavior when using replayCallbacksConfigKey alongside having subscriptions to in-app messages or content cards via streams.

3.1.0 #


3.0.1 #

  • Updates the braze_plugin.podspec file to statically link the iOS framework by default. This prevents the need to do a manual step when migrating to 3.x.x.
  • Fixes an issue introduced in version 2.2.0 where the content cards callback was not being called when receiving an empty list of content cards.

3.0.0 #

  • The native iOS bridge now uses the new Braze Swift SDK, version 5.6.4.
    • The minimum iOS deployment target is 10.0.
  • During migration, update your project with the following changes:
    • To initialize Braze, follow these integration steps to create a configuration object. Then, add this code to complete the setup:
      let braze = BrazePlugin.initBraze(configuration)
    • To continue using SDWebImage as a dependency, add this line to your project's /ios/Podfile:
      pod 'SDWebImage', :modular_headers => true
    • For guidance around other changes such as receiving in-app message and content card data, reference our sample AppDelegate.swift.
  • Adds the isControl field to BrazeContentCard.
  • Updates the parameter syntax for subscribeToInAppMessages() and subscribeToContentCards().

2.6.1 #

  • Adds support to replay the onEvent method for queued in-app messages and content cards when subscribing via streams.
    • This feature must be enabled by setting replayCallbacksConfigKey: true in customConfigs for the BrazePlugin.
  • The native Android bridge uses Braze Android SDK 23.3.0.
  • Updates the parameter type for subscribeToInAppMessages() and subscribeToContentCards() to accept a Function instead of a void.

2.6.0 #

  • Adds the ability to subscribe to data for in-app messages and content cards via streams.
    • Use the methods subscribeToInAppMessages() and subscribeToContentCards(), respectively.
  • Updates the iOS layer to use Swift. BrazePlugin.h and BrazePlugin.m are now consolidated to BrazePlugin.swift.
  • Deprecates setBrazeInAppMessageCallback() and setBrazeContentCardsCallback() in favor of subscribing via streams.

2.5.0 #

  • The native Android bridge uses Braze Android SDK 21.0.0.
  • Removes logContentCardsDisplayed(). This method was not part of the recommended Content Cards integration and can be safely removed.
  • Adds support for the SDK Authentication feature.
    • To handle authentication errors, use setBrazeSdkAuthenticationErrorCallback(), and use setSdkAuthenticationSignature() to update the signature. When calling changeUser(), be sure to pass in the sdkAuthSignature parameter.
    • Thanks @spaluchiewicz for contributing to this feature!
  • Adds setLastKnownLocation() to set the last known location for the user.

2.4.0 #


2.3.0 #

  • Custom events and purchases now support nested properties.
    • In addition to integers, floats, booleans, dates, or strings, a JSON object can be provided containing dictionaries of arrays or nested dictionaries. All properties combined can be up to 50 KB in total length.
  • Adds the ability to restrict the Android automatic integration from natively displaying in-app messages.
    • To enable this feature, add this to your braze.xml configuration:
    <string name="com_braze_flutter_automatic_integration_iam_operation">DISCARD</string>
    • The available options are DISPLAY_NOW or DISCARD. If this entry is ommitted, the default is DISPLAY_NOW.

2.2.0 #

  • The native Android bridge uses Braze Android SDK 16.0.0.
  • The native iOS bridge uses Braze iOS SDK 4.4.0.
  • Streamlines the Android integration process to not involve any manual writing of code to automatically register for sessions, in-app messages, or Content Card updates from the native SDK.
    • To migrate, remove any manual calls to registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(), subscribeToContentCardsUpdates(), and setCustomInAppMessageManagerListener().
    • To disable this feature, set the boolean com_braze_flutter_enable_automatic_integration_initializer to false in your braze.xml configuration.
  • Adds the ability to set the in-app message callback and content cards callback in the constructor of BrazePlugin.
  • Adds the option to store any in-app messages or content cards received before their callback is available and replay them once the corresponding callback is set.
    • To enable this feature, add this entry into the customConfigs map in the BrazePlugin constructor:
      replayCallbacksConfigKey : true
    • Thank you @JordyLangen for the contribution!
  • Adds BrazePlugin.addToSubscriptionGroup() and BrazePlugin.removeFromSubscriptionGroup() to manage SMS/Email Subscription Groups.
  • Fixes an issue in the iOS bridge where custom events without any properties would not be logged correctly.

2.1.0 #

  • Adds logContentCardsDisplayed() to manually log an impression when displaying Content Cards in a custom UI.

2.0.0 #

  • Migrates the plugin to support null safety. All non-optional function parameters have been updated to be non-nullable unless otherwise specified. Read here for more information about null safety.
    • Please reference the Dart documentation when migrating your app to null safety.
    • Apps that have not yet migrated to null safety are compatible with this version as long as they are using Dart 2.12+.
    • Thanks @IchordeDionysos for contributing!
  • Passing through null as a value for user attributes is no longer supported.
    • The only attribute that is able to be unset is email by passing in null into setEmail.
  • The methods logEvent and logPurchase now take an optional properties parameter.
  • The native Android bridge uses Braze Android SDK 14.0.0.
  • The minimum supported Dart version is 2.12.0.
  • logEventWithProperties and logPurchaseWithProperties are now deprecated in favor of logEvent and logPurchase.

1.5.0 #


1.4.0 #

  • Adds BrazePlugin.setGoogleAdvertisingId() to set the Google Advertising ID and the associated Ad-Tracking Enabled field for Android. This is a no-op on iOS.
  • Fixes an issue where the Braze Android SDK's Appboy.setLogLevel() method wasn't respected.

1.3.0 #

  • Adds support for the Braze plugin to be used with Android V2 Embedding APIs. Integrations using V1 Embedding will also continue to work.
  • Allows the Android Braze plugin to be used with multiple Flutter engines.

1.2.0 #

  • Allows the iOS Braze plugin to be used with multiple Flutter engines.

1.1.0 #


1.0.0 #

  • The native iOS bridge uses Braze iOS SDK 3.27.0. This release adds support for iOS 14 and requires XCode 12. Please read the Braze iOS SDK changelog for details.

0.10.1 #


0.10.0 #

  • Fixed an issue where setBoolCustomUserAttribute always set the attribute to true on iOS.

0.9.0 #


0.8.0 #


0.7.0 #

  • Added BrazePlugin.launchContentCards() and BrazePlugin.refreshContentCards() to natively display and refresh Content Cards.
  • Adds a Dart callback for receiving Braze Content Card data in the Flutter host app.
    • Similar to in-app messages, you will need to subscribe to Content Card updates in your native app code and pass Content Card objects to the Dart layer. Those objects will then be passed to your callback within a List<BrazeContentCard> instance.
    • To set the callback, call BrazePlugin.setBrazeContentCardsCallback() from your Flutter app with a function that takes a List<BrazeContentCard> instance.
      • The BrazeContentCard object supports a subset of fields available in the native model objects, including description, title, image, url, extras, and more.
    • On Android, you will need to register an IEventSubscriber<ContentCardsUpdatedEvent> instance and pass returned Content Card objects to the Dart layer using BrazePlugin.processContentCards(contentCards).
      • See the MainActivity.kt file of our sample app for a reference example.
    • On iOS, you will need to create an NSNotificationCenter listener for ABKContentCardsProcessedNotification events and pass returned Content Card objects to the Dart layer using BrazePlugin.processContentCards(contentCards).
      • See the AppDelegate.swift file of our sample app for a reference example.
  • Added support for logging Content Card analytics to Braze using BrazeContentCard instances. See logContentCardClicked(), logContentCardImpression(), and logContentCardDismissed() on the BrazePlugin interface.

0.6.1 #

  • Fixed an issue where the Braze Kotlin plugin file's directory structure did not match its package structure.

0.6.0 #


0.5.2 #

Important: This patch updates the Braze iOS SDK Dependency from 3.20.1 to 3.20.2, which contains important bugfixes. Integrators should upgrade to this patch version. Please see the Braze iOS SDK Changelog for more information.


0.5.1 #

Important This release has known issues displaying HTML in-app messages. Do not upgrade to this version and upgrade to 0.5.2 and above instead. If you are using this version, you are strongly encouraged to upgrade to 0.5.2 or above if you make use of HTML in-app messages.


0.5.0 #

Important This release has known issues displaying HTML in-app messages. Do not upgrade to this version and upgrade to 0.5.2 and above instead. If you are using this version, you are strongly encouraged to upgrade to 0.5.2 or above if you make use of HTML in-app messages.

  • The native iOS bridge uses Braze iOS SDK 3.20.0.
  • Important: Braze iOS SDK 3.20.0 contains updated push token registration methods. We recommend upgrading to these methods as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition as devices upgrade to iOS 13. In application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:, replace
[[Appboy sharedInstance] registerPushToken:
                [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", deviceToken]];


[[Appboy sharedInstance] registerDeviceToken:deviceToken]];
  • registerPushToken() was renamed to registerAndroidPushToken() and is now a no-op on iOS. On iOS, push tokens must now be registered through native methods.

0.4.0 #

  • Added the following new field to BrazeInAppMessage: zippedAssetsUrl.
    • Note that a known issue in the iOS plugin prevents HTML in-app messages from working reliably with the Dart in-app message callback. Android is not affected.

0.3.0 #

  • The native iOS bridge uses Braze iOS SDK 3.15.0.
  • The native Android bridge uses Braze Android SDK 3.5.0.
  • Support for the Android configuration parameter com_appboy_inapp_show_inapp_messages_automatically has been removed.
    • To control whether an in-app message object should be displayed natively or not, create and register an instance of IInAppMessageManagerListener in your native Android code and implement decisioning in the beforeInAppMessageDisplayed method. See MainActivity in our sample app for an example.
  • On Android, in-app message objects are no longer sent automatically to the Dart in-app message callback after calling BrazePlugin.setBrazeInAppMessageCallback() in your Dart code.
    • Similar to iOS, you will need to implement a delegate interface in your native app code and pass in-app message objects to the Dart layer for passing to the callback.
    • On Android, the delegate interface is IInAppMessageManagerListener and the method for passing objects to Dart is BrazePlugin.processInAppMessage(inAppMessage).
    • See the sample IInAppMessageManagerListener implementation in the MainActivity.kt file of our sample app for an example.
    • This approach gives the integrator more flexibility in deciding when a message should be displayed natively, discarded, or passed into the Dart layer.
  • Added support for logging in-app message analytics to Braze using BrazeInAppMessage instances. See logInAppMessageClicked, logInAppMessageImpression, and logInAppMessageButtonClicked on the BrazePlugin interface.

0.2.1 #

  • Added the following new fields to BrazeInAppMessage: imageUrl, useWebView, duration, clickAction, dismissType, messageType
  • Added the following new fields to BrazeButton: useWebView, clickAction.

0.2.0 #

  • Adds addAlias() to the public API interface.
  • Adds requestLocationInitialization() to the public API interface.
  • Adds getInstallTrackingId() to the public API interface.
  • Adds support for disabling native in-app message display on Android.
    • To disable automatic in-app message display, create a boolean element named com_appboy_inapp_show_inapp_messages_automatically in your Android app's appboy.xml and set it to false.
    • Note: Disabling automatic in-app message display was already possible for iOS. For instructions, see
  • Adds a Dart callback for receiving Braze in-app message data in the Flutter host app.
    • Analytics are not currently supported on messages displayed through the callback.
    • To set the callback, call BrazePlugin.setBrazeInAppMessageCallback() from your Flutter app with a function that takes a BrazeInAppMessage instance.
      • The BrazeInAppMessage object supports a subset of fields available in the native model objects, including uri, message, header, buttons, and extras.
    • The callback should begin to function on Android immediately after being set.
    • On iOS, you will additionally need to implement the ABKInAppMessageControllerDelegate delegate as described in our public documentation. Your beforeInAppMessageDisplayed delegate implementation must call BrazePlugin.process(inAppMessage). For an example, see AppDelegate.swift in our example app.

0.1.1 #

  • Formatted braze_plugin.dart.

0.1.0 #

  • Removes the unused dart:async import in braze_plugin.dart.
  • Makes _callStringMethod private in braze_plugin.dart.
  • Adds basic dartdoc to the public API interface.

0.0.2 #

  • Updates the version of Kotlin used by the Android plugin from 1.2.71 to 1.3.11.

0.0.1 #

pub points



This is the Braze plugin for Flutter. Effective marketing automation is an essential part of successfully scaling and managing your business.

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