bot_interceptor 0.0.15
bot_interceptor: ^0.0.15 copied to clipboard
Fighttech Flutter Bot Interceptor
bot_interceptor #
Fighttech Flutter Image Widget
1. Features #
- ✅ Support Telegram bot
- ❌ Slack bot restful API
Example #
Dio(BaseOptions(baseUrl: baseUrl))
chatId: <chat_id: int>,
token: <token: string>,
projectId: <project_id>,
2. How to create bot Telegram and use API #
Step 1: Create new bot #
- Open telegram -> search "BotFather" and enter message: "/newbot"
Step 2: Enter bot name #
Step 3: Enter username #
- Enter username your bot. It must end in
. Like this, for example: TetrisBot or tetris_bot.
Step 4: Start bot #
- Open your bot
- Start bot
Step 5: Get all bot #
Step 6: Open bot setting and get API TOKEN #
- Select your bot and choose API TOKEN
Step 7: Add bot to group #
Step 8: Get group id #
Step 9: Test send message #
Curl #
curl --location --request GET '<API_TOKEN>/sendMessage?chat_id=<GROUP_ID>&text=helloworld'