bootstrap_typography2 2.1.1 bootstrap_typography2: ^2.1.1 copied to clipboard
Bootstrap typography, size text based on screen size, uses bootstrap values in pixels
Bootstrap Typography #
A Flutter package that make creating responsive Bootstrap like text easier. Text or SelectableText #
Please Post Questions on StackOverflow, and tag @CatTrain (user:16200950) #
Importing: #
bootstrap_typography2: ^2.1.0
Dart: #
import 'package:bootstrap_typography2/bootstrap_typography2.dart';
Example: #
Simple Examples: #
P(textData: BSTextParams("Hello World!"));
textData: BSTextParams(
weight: FontWeight.bold,
textData: BSTextParams(
textSizeSmall: 16,
textSizeLarge: 82,
textData: BSTextParams(
"Custom Breakpoints, and Sizes",
textSizeSmall: 16,
textSizeLarge: 32,
customBreakpoints: (
textType, {
required large,
required small,
}) {
if (MediaQuery.of(context).size.width > 500) {
return large;
return small;
Simple Selectable Examples: #
P(selectData: BSSelectParams("H1S"));
selectData: BSSelectParams(
weight: FontWeight.bold,
selectData: BSSelectParams(
textSizeSmall: 16,
textSizeLarge: 82,
selectData: BSSelectParams(
"Custom Breakpoints, and Sizes",
textSizeSmall: 16,
textSizeLarge: 32,
customBreakpoints: (
textType, {
required large,
required small,
}) {
if (MediaQuery.of(context).size.width > 500) {
return large;
return small;
Supports: #
Can't pass both textData:
and selectData:
Must pass one: textData:
or selectData:
Regular Text: #
- p =
P(textData: BSTextParams),
- h1 =
H1(textData: BSTextParams),
- h2 =
H2(textData: BSTextParams),
- h3 =
H3(textData: BSTextParams),
- h4 =
H4(textData: BSTextParams),
- h5 =
H5(textData: BSTextParams),
- h6 =
H6(textData: BSTextParams),
Selectable Text: #
- p selectable =
PS(selectData: BSSelectParams),
- h1 selectable =
HS1(selectData: BSSelectParams),
- h2 selectable =
HS2(selectData: BSSelectParams),
- h3 selectable =
HS3(selectData: BSSelectParams),
- h4 selectable =
HS4(selectData: BSSelectParams),
- h5 selectable =
HS5(selectData: BSSelectParams),
- h6 selectable =
HS6(selectData: BSSelectParams),
Can Set Text Parameters Using BSTextParams: #
Regular Text: #
double textSizeSmall;
double textSizeLarge;
String text;
TextAlign? textAlignment;
Color? color;
FontWeight? weight;
FontStyle? fontStyle;
TextDecoration? textDecoration;
double? height;
Paint? background;
Color? backgroundColor;
Color? decorationColor;
TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle;
double? decorationThickness;
String? fontFamily;
List<String>? fontFamilyFallback;
List<FontFeature>? fontFeatures;
String? debugLabel;
Paint? foreground;
bool inherit;
TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution;
double? letterSpacing;
Locale? locale;
TextOverflow? overflow;
String? package;
List<Shadow>? shadows;
TextBaseline? textBaseline;
double? wordSpacing;
int? maxLines;
String? semanticsLabel;
bool? softWrap;
StrutStyle? strutStyle;
TextDirection? textDirection;
TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior;
double? textScaleFactor;
TextWidthBasis? textWidthBasis;
Key? textKey;
double Function(
BuildContext context, // Build Context used to build text widget
String textType, { // p, or h1-h6
required double small, // default BSBreakPoints value unless textSizeSmall is passed
required double large, // default BSBreakPoints value unless textSizeLarge is passed
})? customBreakpoints;
Can Set Text Parameters Using BSSelectParams: #
Selectable Text: #
String text;
double textSizeSmall;
double textSizeLarge;
void Function()? onTap;
bool autofocus;
Color? cursorColor;
double? cursorHeight;
Radius? cursorRadius;
double cursorWidth;
DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior;
bool enableInteractiveSelection;
FocusNode? focusNode;
int? maxLines;
int? minLines;
void Function(TextSelection, SelectionChangedCause?)? onSelectionChanged;
ScrollPhysics? scrollPhysics;
TextSelectionControls? selectionControls;
BoxHeightStyle selectionHeightStyle;
BoxWidthStyle selectionWidthStyle;
String? semanticsLabel;
bool showCursor;
StrutStyle? strutStyle;
TextAlign? textAlign;
TextDirection? textDirection;
TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior;
double? textScaleFactor;
TextWidthBasis? textWidthBasis;
ToolbarOptions? toolbarOptions;
Key? textKey;
// styles
Color? color;
Paint? background;
Color? backgroundColor;
String? debugLabel;
TextDecoration? decoration;
Color? decorationColor;
TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle;
double? decorationThickness;
String? fontFamily;
List<String>? fontFamilyFallback;
List<FontFeature>? fontFeatures;
FontStyle? fontStyle;
FontWeight? fontWeight;
Paint? foreground;
double? height;
bool inherit;
TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution;
double? letterSpacing;
Locale? locale;
TextOverflow? overflow;
String? package;
List<Shadow>? shadows;
TextBaseline? textBaseline;
double? wordSpacing;
double Function(
BuildContext context, // Build Context used to build text widget
String textType, { // p, or h1-h6
required double small, // default BSBreakPoints value unless textSizeSmall is passed
required double large, // default BSBreakPoints value unless textSizeLarge is passed
})? customBreakpoints;
Text Sizes: #
Small falls under screen sizes that are defined bootstrap_like_breakpoints for the below, unless customBreakpoints
is passed
- '',
- 'sm'
Large falls under screen sizes that are defined bootstrap_like_breakpoints for the below, unless customBreakpoints
is passed
- 'md',
- 'lg',
- 'xl'
- 'xxl'
Sizes in px: #
- p 16px,
- h1 40px,
- h1 small 32px,
- h2 32px,
- h2 small 25px,
- h3 28px,
- h3 small 22px
- h4 24px,
- h4 small 24px,
- h5 20px,
- h5 small 16px,
- h6 16px,
- h6 small 13px