book_scraper 0.0.5
book_scraper: ^0.0.5 copied to clipboard
Tools for scraping popular book sites using bs4
Tools for scraping popular book sites using bs4.
Features #
- Helper to scrape book sites.
- Helper to parse scraped book data.
- Helper to safely parse scraped book results.
Getting started #
Usage #
class AudioBookBayApi extends BaseBookApi {
String get baseUrl => 'https://some_book_website';
/// Returns a List of books based on a search request.
Future<SearchResponse<T>> find(String query) async {
try {
final searchTermQuery = '?s=${Uri.encodeComponent(query.trim())}';
final url = '$baseUrl/$searchTermQuery';
final soup = await cookSoup(url);
// Retreive elements from scraped result
final resultContainer = soup.find(
class_: 'some div claas definition',
final books = resultContainer?.findAll('article');
final conversionBookRequest = ConversionRequest<T, Bs4Element>(
List<Bs4Element>.from(books ?? []),
return compute(
convertListToModelWithErrorCount<T, Bs4Element>,
).then((result) {
return {
'total': result.results.length,
'books': result.results,
} catch (e) {
throw Exception('Error finding books');
T _getBookfromScrapedHtml(Bs4Element soupElement) {
String getTitle() {
return soupElement
class_: 'mb15 mt0 font110 mobfont100 fontnormal lineheight20',
.trim() ??
String getDetailsUrl() {
return soupElement.a?.attributes['href'] ?? '';
String getCoverUrl() {
return soupElement.a?.children.first.attributes['src'] ?? '';
String getCategory() {
return soupElement
class_: 'cat_link_meta',
?.text ??
final title = getTitle();
final detailsUrl = getDetailsUrl();
final category = getCategory();
final coverUrl = getCoverUrl();
return T(
title: title,
category: category,
coverUrl: coverUrl,
detailsUrl: detailsUrl,