bonfire 3.10.1 copy "bonfire: ^3.10.1" to clipboard
bonfire: ^3.10.1 copied to clipboard

(RPG maker) Create RPG-style or similar games more simply with Flame.

3.10.1 #

  • Update Flame to v1.19.0

3.10.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Bump Flutter SDK minimum version to 3.22.0
  • Upgrade: Packages (flame v1.18.0, http v1.2.2, a_star_algorithm v0.3.2).
  • Adds new SceneActions

3.9.9 #

  • Bugfix/MatrixLayer axisInverted. #535
  • Makes it possible to set 'axisInverted' in MatrixLayer constructor.

3.9.8 #

  • Fix bug when hitbox anchor is center.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Update bool receiveDamage to void onReceiveDamage. Now to perform receive of attack use handleAttack method.

3.9.7 #

  • Update tiledjsonreader
  • Bugfix/tile rotation collision. #535
  • Adds 'currentIndex' and 'fastAnimationcurrentIndex' in SimpleDirectionAnimation.

3.9.6 #

  • Fix jump animation showing instead of run/idle animation on slanting floors
  • Fix above layer bug #532
  • Fix tile rotation bug. #531 #530

3.9.5 #

  • Fix Joystick bug when viewport is fixed resolution. #526
  • Add guard in FlyingAttackGameObject to prevent calling onDestroy after component has been destroyed.

3.9.4 #

  • Fix bug in FollowerWidget.
  • Fix bug in SimpleDirectionAnimation where fast animation direction did not change when character direction changed. Thanks tkshnwesper

3.9.3 #

  • push improvements.
  • Movement mixin improvements.
  • Other otimizations
  • Fix intermittent crash after simpleAttackRanged is called. #520. Thanks tkshnwesper

3.9.2 #

  • MiniMap improviments. Fix issue #517
  • Raname BouncingObject to ElasticCollision.
  • Fix SimpleDirectionAnimation bug when render fastAnimation.

3.9.1 #

  • BlockMovementCollision improvements.
  • Create a PinchGesture mixin to listen pinch gestures.
  • Create a UpdateCameraByPinchGesture mixin to update zoom and camera position in pinch events.

3.9.0 #

  • JoystickDirectional improvements. Now you can use Alignment.
  • JoystickAction improvements. Now you can use Alignment.
  • Adds param PlayerControllerListener? observer in Joystick. If pass this param, the joystick will controll this observer and not the Component passed in player param.
  • Adds param PlayerControllerListener? observer in Keyboard. If pass this param, the keyboard will controll this observer and not the Component passed in player param.
  • Fix type BarLifeDrawPosition. #515

Breaking Changes:

  • BonfireWidget expect List<PlayerController>? playerControllers instead of joystick. With this improvements is possible pass multi ways to control de player or any component that contains the mixin PlayerControllerListener(use MovementByJoystick to move automatic by PlayerController interactions). With this improvements it's possible create a local multiplayer.
  • Removed keyboardConfig param from BonfireWidget. Now pass Keyboard instance in playerControllers. Example using joystick and keyboard:
  return BonfireWidget(
    map: ...,
    playerControllers: [
      Joystick(directional: JoystickDirectional()),
    player: HumanPlayer(
      position: Vector2(100, 100),

3.8.7 #

  • Fix bug collision. #511
  • Renamed AutomaticRandomMovement to RandomMovement
  • RandomMovement improvements! Now works in PLatformEnemy

3.8.5 #

  • Fix bug in JumperAnimation

3.8.4 #

  • KeyboardConfig improvements. Now directionalKeys expect list of KeyboardDirectionalKeys. Fix #507
  • PlatformEnemy improvements.
  • Adds flipAnimation method in ui.Image.

3.8.3 #

  • Fix bug in the PlatformPlayer movements.
  • Adds objectsBuilder in WorldMapBySpritefusion. You can select a layer to adds objects in the tile position.
  • Now we use DamageHitbox in FlyingAttackGameObject.

3.8.2 #

  • Adds param centerAnchor in SimpleDirectionAnimation and PlatformAnimations. It's useful to correct spritesheet not centered.
  • Now only handle move left or right by joystick in SimplePlayer.

3.8.0 #

  • Adds DamageHitbox. Use it to do damage.

  • GameMap Improvements. Now you can access the layers

    Breaking Changes:

    • WorldMap expect List<Layer> instead of List<TileModel>;
    • MatrixMapGenerator.generate now expect List<MatrixLayer> layers instead og List<List<double>> matrix;
    • TileModel renamed to Tile;
    • TileModelSprite renamed to TileSprite.
  • Adds support to load map built by SpriteFusion. Use WorldMapBySpritefusion.

    Breaking Changes:

    • Renamed TiledReader to WorldMapReader.
    • Renamed TiledReader.asset to WorldMapReader.fromAsset.
    • Renamed to WorldMapReader.fromNetwork.

Breaking Changes:

  • Renamed AttackFromEnum to AttackOriginEnum.
  • Renamed ReceivesAttackFromEnum to AcceptableAttackOriginEnum.
  • Renamed die to onDie in Attackable.
  • Renamed revive to onRevive in Attackable.

3.7.1 #

3.7.0 #

  • Update Flame to 1.17.0

3.6.2 #

  • standardizes onLoad method.
  • adds size in EmptyWorldMap.
  • adds mixin FlipRender.

3.6.1 #

  • Adds moveAlongThePath method in PathFinding mixin.
  • Bugfix in Vision mixin.

3.6.0 #

  • Adds param hudComponents in BonfireWidget;
  • Adds queryHud method in BonfireGameInterface;
  • Adds addHud method in BonfireGameInterface;
  • Update Flame to 1.16.0.

3.5.0 #

  • Adds Parallax support
  • Background improvements.
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] keyboardConfig param moved to outside the Joystick. now in BonfireWidget.
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] JoystickController renamed to PlayerController.

3.4.0 #

  • Adds header param in TiledNetworkReader
  • Update Flame to '1.15.0'

3.3.0 #

  • TiledNetworkReader improvements. Adds support to embedded tileset.
  • Update Flame to 1.14.0

3.2.0 #


  • removes progress,delayToHideProgress,progressTransactionBuilder,progressTransactionDuration from BonfireWidget. Now create your own progress with base of onReady callback.
  • WorldMapByTiled now expect TiledReader instead of String. You can use TiledReader.asset or
  • Adds TiledCacheProvider in TiledNetworkReader
  • Update tiledjsonreader.

3.1.2 #

  • fix bug AutomaticRandomMovement. (not stop movement in collision)
  • fix bug BlockMovementCollision.(pushing other)
  • fix bug simpleAttackMeleeByDirection.(pushing enemy to inside other collision)

3.1.1 #

  • Fix flip render problem in SimpleDirectionAnimation.

3.1.0 #

  • [BREAKING CHANGE] BlockMovementCollision big improvements.
    • Update onBlockedMovement method, adds CollisionData(normal,depth,direction,intersectionPoints)
    • Adds onBlockMovementUpdateVelocity method to do override if necessary.
    • Adds setupBlockMovementCollision({bool? enabled, bool? isRigid})
  • HandleForces improvements.
  • Fix typo in params that contained intencity renaming it to intensity.
  • Fix bug playOnce and playOnceOther when call again without finish the last.
  • BarLifeComponent improvements. Now it center horizontally automatic
  • Jumper improvements.

3.0.10 #

  • Create mixin MovePerCell.
  • Create mixin CanNotSeen. Use it to turn your component not detectable from Vision mixin.
  • Update showDamage method.initVelocityUp renamed to initVelocityVertical and adds param initVelocityHorizontal.
  • Fix issue #455
  • Fix bug #474

3.0.9 #

  • adds new Pushable configurations. (pushableFrom,pushPerCellEnabled,cellSize,pushPerCellDuration,pushPerCellCurve)
  • adds method List<Vector2> getPathToPosition in mixin PathFinding

3.0.8 #

  • Fix bug unwanted push when component have BlockMovementCollision.

3.0.7 #

  • adds set mapZoomFit in BonfireCamera.
  • adds set moveOnlyMapArea in BonfireCamera.
  • adds param infinite and reverseCurve in generateValues. (ValueGeneratorComponent)
  • adds spriteOffset in UseSprite.
  • adds spriteAnimationOffset in UseSpriteAnimation.
  • adds spriteAnimationOffset in SimpleDirectionAnimation.
  • BlockMovementCollision improvements. BREAKING CHANGE: Method onBlockedMovement now return not null Direction.
  • Fix bug when setting isVisible to false.
  • Fix in polygon collision added by Tiled.

3.0.6 #

  • Adds bool paused in BonfireGameInterface.
  • SimpleDirectionAnimation.playOther improvements.
  • TileRecognizer improvements. Now consider rectCollision
  • Render priority improvements. Now consider rectCollision
  • Movements improvements.
  • Adds param movementAxis in moveTowardsTarget

3.0.5 #

  • Update a_star_algorithm

3.0.4 #

  • Fix blending pixel bug in tile with animation.

3.0.3 #

  • Now all Tile in the map have you own Paint.
  • Update tiledjsonreader to 1.3.3.
  • Tiled improvements : Now if you set the class of objectlayer to collision, all object of this layer will be collision.
  • Adds param resolution in CameraConfig.

3.0.2 #

  • BleedingPixel improvements.
  • Adds orientation param in getZoomFromMaxVisibleTile.
  • Adds methods showStroke and hideStroke in SimpleDirectionAnimation
  • Adds methods showSpriteStroke and hideSpriteStroke in mixin UseSprite
  • Adds methods showAnimationStroke and hideAnimationStroke in mixin UseSpriteAnimation
  • BREAK: BlockMovementCollision improvements. Remove lastDisplacement from onBlockedMovement method.
  • BREAK: methos seeAndMoveTo... improvements. notObserved now return a bool (true to stop move).

3.0.1 #

  • Update Flame to 1.10.0.
  • Movement improvements.
  • Fix bug when use Movement mixin and the MoveEffect.

3.0.0 #

  • Update Flame to 1.9.1.


    • BonfireWidget:

      • Remove enemies param. Use components instead.
      • Remove decoration param. Use components instead.
      • Remove gameController param. Use a GameComponent to control your game.
      • Remove unnecessary constructionModeColor param.
      • Remove unnecessary onTapDown param.
      • Remove unnecessary onTapUp param.
      • Rename constructionMode to debugMode.
    • Camera now uses the new Flame API CameraComponent

    • Collision now uses the Flame collision system:

      • To add collisions on your GameComponent, use a ShapeHitbox. See the docs for more info.
      • You can listen the collision callbacks by overriding onCollision, onCollisionEnd and onCollisionStart.
      • To block the movement of components when colliding, use the mixin BlockMovementCollision.
    • Remove extension method followComponent.

    • Remove JoystickMoveToPosition. Use MoveCameraUsingGesture with TapGesture instead.

    • Mixin MoveToPositionAlongThePath was renamed to PathFinding, and setupMoveToPositionAlongThePath to setupPathFinding.

    • Rename keyboardDirectionalType to directionalKeys in KeyboardConfig. Now it is expected a KeyboardDirectionalKeys.

    • Remove UseStateController.

    • Remove StateControllerConsumer.

    • Remove BonfireInjector. Is recomented use get_it.


    • Force2D: Now we have a simple support to forces. You can add a global forces setting in BonfireWidget using globalForces param, or an individual force in you component. For the component to handle these forces, you need to use HandleForces mixin.
      • AccelerationForce2D: Apply acceleration to velocity.
      • ResistanceForce2D: Apply resistance to movement, decreasing speed until it stops.
      • LinearForce2D: Apply linear force to velocity.
    • Jumper: New mixin to add jumping behavior (suitable for platform games).
    • PlatformPlayer: Player class to be used in platform games.
    • PlatformEnemy: Enemy class to be used in platform games.
    • Add properties in gameRef: raycastAll, raycast and timeScale.
    • Update Pushable mixin to handle forces.
    • Add GameObject. (It's a GameComponent using Sprite).
    • Add AnimatedGameObject. (It's a GameComponent using SpriteAnimation).
    • Add FollowerGameObject. (It's a GameObject using Follower mixin).
    • Add AnimatedFollowerGameObject. (It's a AnimatedGameObject using Follower mixin).
    • Add ComponentSpawner (#414).
    • Add WORLD in AttackFromEnum.
    • (Experimental) Add BouncingObject mixin.
    • Add initialMapZoomFit in CameraConfig.
    • Add getZoomFromMaxVisibleTile method.
    • Add startFollowPlayer param in CameraConfig.
    • Add moveToPosition in Movement mixin.
    • Add MoveCameraUsingGesture mixin.
    • Add isAnimationLastFrame, isPaused, pauseAnimation(), playAnimation() and animationCurrentIndex in UseSpriteAnimation mixin.
    • Add initPosition param in CameraConfig.
    • Sensor improvements.
    • UseBarLife improvements. Renamed to UseLifeBar
    • MovementByJoystick improvements: Add setupMovementByJoystick method.
    • Follower mixin improvements.
    • Vision improvements.
    • AutomaticRandomMovement improvements: add param direction to determine which direction will be the movement.
    • Add enableDiagonalInput to enable diagonal input events on KeyboardConfig and JoystickDirectional.
    • Add keepDistance to MovementExtensions.
    • Add MoveCameraUsingGesture mixin.
    • TapGesture improvements: Now you can receive GestureEvent in callbacks.
    • DragGesture improvements: Now you can receive GestureEvent in callbacks.
    • Update tiledjsonreader to 1.3.2. Now it supports maps with encoding and compression.
    • Fix issue 417. (Thanks Matt El Mouktafi)

[2.12.8] #

  • Update README.
  • Fix manual_map's redundant code.
  • Fix Knight's gauge remaining bug.

[2.12.7] #

[2.12.6] #

  • Adds fixed Flame version to 1.7.3
  • Update Flutter sdk range <4.0.0
  • Fix issue 413

[2.12.5] #

  • Adds playOnceOther in SimpleDirectionAnimation
  • Now the flip operation did by SimpleDirectionAnimation not flip the component.

[2.12.4] #

[2.12.3] #

2.12.3 #


  • Fix issue #379
  • Adds in ObjectCollision the method onCollisionHappened

2.12.2 #

2.12.1 #

  • Adds multi scenario example
  • Update Flame version to 1.7.1

2.12.0 #

  • Add mustCallSuper to GameComponent.update and GameComponent.onRemove
  • Update Flame to 1.6.0

2.11.11 #

2.11.10 #

  • Consider Tiled layer opacity. Fix #356
  • Little improvements performance.
  • Adds param area in TiledObjectProperties.
  • Fix multi instance of AnimatedObjectOnce in SimpleDirectionAnimation. #359

2.11.9 #

  • Improvements performance in LightingInterface.
  • Improvements to check visible collisions.
  • Improvements in RenderTransformer.
  • Update ListenerGameWidget.
  • Resolve issue #354

2.11.8 #

  • Fix bug in moveOnlyMapArea

2.11.7 #

  • Fix diagonal movement speed for enemies
  • Improvements in moveOnlyMapArea
  • Adds param setZoomLimitToFitMap in CameraConfig.

2.11.6 #

  • Update Flame to 1.5.0

2.11.5 #

  • Improve Keyboard Controls.
  • Adds support to tileset with individual image

2.11.4 #

  • Fix exception in TiledWorldBuilder.

2.11.3 #

  • Adds methods enableGestures and enableKeyboard in gameRef(BonfireGameInterface)
  • Adds mixin KeyboardEventListener.

2.11.2 #

  • BugFix[BarLifeComponent]: animate in web.

2.11.1 #

  • BugFix[BarLifeComponent]: resolve bug offset when drawPosition equals BarLifePorition.bottom.

2.11.0 #

  • Render transform improvements.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Now the SimpleDirectionAnimation do flip component that use it as necessary.
  • Adds param useCompFlip in playOnce (default false). If true the animation is flipped equal current state of component.
  • Adds param backgroundColor in BonfireWidget.
  • create BarLifeComponent.
  • Adds UseBarLife mixin.
  • method drawDefaultLifeBar now is deprecated. Pls use UseBarLife mixin.

2.10.10 #

  • Update Flame to 1.4.0.
  • Improvements in MiniMap: Adds zoom param. #325

2.10.9 #

  • Do correction suggested by issue #327. Thanks Fixid-Fuzz!
  • Camera improvements.
  • remove required animation in simpleAttackMeleeByAngle.

2.10.8 #

  • Fix bug tendency to go to the right in AutomaticRandomMovement.

[2.10.6] #

  • Improvements in AutomaticRandomMovement
  • Improvements in Follower

[2.10.4] #

  • fix bug when use DragGesture and TapGesture together.

[2.10.3] #

  • performance improvements
  • Improvements in SimpleDirectionAnimation. Now you can use diagonal animation passing only right animation: runUpRight,runDownRight,idleUpRight,idleDownRight. Resolve issue 316

[2.10.2] #

  • performance improvements in LightingComponent.

[2.10.1] #

  • fix onStop bug in Acceleration
  • Adds widget TypeWriter. It's helpful to show dialog.
  • Update TalkDialog. now using TypeWriter.

[2.10.0] #

  • Improvements in Sensor. Now you can pass T type to find especific type to contact.
  • Update tiledjsonreader.
  • Update http.
  • Fix crash in Acceleration mixin.
  • Adds onStop params in Acceleration mixin. It's called when stop for collision or when speed is equals 0 in stopWhenSpeedZero setted true.
  • Use HasPaint mixin in GameComponent.
  • Improvements on Tile.
  • Improvements Collision system.
  • Improvements Performance.
  • Improvements code by lint.

[2.9.4] #

  • Adds revive method in Attackable mixin. Now if adds life to stay above 0 it's is revive.
  • Adds onFinish in moveToPositionAlongThePath method. (MoveToPositionAlongThePath mixin)
  • Improvements in WorldMap
  • Mostly dart cleanup while looking at tiled code. Thanks jtmcdole!

[2.9.3] #

  • Adds pauseAnimation and resumeAnimation in UseSpriteAnimation mixin.
  • Adds pause and resume in SimpleDirectionAnimation
  • Improvements in MoveToPositionAlongThePath. Adds factorInflateFindArea in setupMoveToPositionAlongThePath method.
  • Improvements in DirectionAnimation.

[2.9.2] #

  • Improvements in seeAndMoveToPlayer. Adds param notCanMove sugested by issue 303
  • Improvements in positionsItselfAndKeepDistance.

[2.9.1] #

  • improvements in MoveToPositionAlongThePath. Resolve issue 299
  • improvements in followComponent. Now return true if can move. Resolve issue 301

[2.9.0] #

    • remove BonfireTiledWidget. now use BonfireWidget passing map WorldMapByTiled
    • renamed MapWorld to WorldMap
    • renamed MapGame to GameMap
  • improvements in simpleAttackMeleeByDirection and simpleAttackMelee. now it's not necessary set animation to all directions, only to right.
  • return Future<List<Offset>> in moveToPositionAlongThePath method.
  • imprvements in MoveToPositionAlongThePath mixin.

[2.8.1] #

  • Adds onContactExit in Sensor mixin.

[2.8.0] #

  • Update flame to 1.3.0

[2.7.8] #

  • fix Acceleration.
  • fix MouseGesture

[2.7.6] #

  • Adds mixin Acceleration.
  • Rename methods in MouseGesture
    • onHoverScreen to onMouseHoverScreen
    • onHoverEnter to onMouseHoverEnter
    • onHoverExit to onMouseHoverExit
    • onScrollScreen to onMouseScrollScreen
    • onScroll to onMouseScroll

[2.7.5] #

  • Improvements in MouseGesture.
  • Improvements in RotationEnemyExtensions.
  • Adds BonfireUtil.
  • Adds optional param firstCheckIsTrue in checkInterval method.
  • Adds param useAngle in runRandomMovement method (AutomaticRandomMovement). To use in components top-down.
  • Update top-down example.

[2.7.4] #

  • adds bool movementByJoystickEnabled in MovementByJoystick mixin. to disable mixin.
  • Improvements example game TopDown.
  • Adds useTargetPriority in AnimatedFollowerObject. (default = true)

[2.7.3] #

  • Improvements in Follower.
  • Improvements in simpleAttackRangeByAngle and simpleAttackMeleeByAngle

[2.7.2] #

  • adds playSpriteAnimationOnce in mixin UseSpriteAnimation
  • Fix destroy position in FlyingAttackObject
  • Add talkAlignment in the talk box (optional), for default is Alignment.bottomCenter. Thanks pmella16

[2.7.1] #

  • update tiledjsonreader
  • Improvements in FlyingAttackObject. Adds damage in area with base in destroySize if sets animationDestroy

[2.7.0] #

  • Improvements in handle gestures events. Fix issue #283
    • void onTapDown(int pointer, Vector2 position) to bool onTapDown(int pointer, Vector2 position) in TapGesture
    • void onStartDrag(int pointer, Vector2 position) to bool onStartDrag(int pointer, Vector2 position) in DragGesture

[2.6.6] #

  • Adds support to tileset embeded in map (Tiled).
  • update tiledjsonreader.

[2.6.5] #

  • create Vision mixin
  • improvements in seeComponent and seeComponentType. now you can pass visionAngle(default = 6,28319 (360 graus)). resolve : #273

[2.6.4] #

  • Update flame to 1.2.1.
  • Update tiledjsonreader to 1.1.2
  • Adds support to class. is new type in tiled version 1.9.0.
  • Adds support to set type above in layer. Just create custom property with name type and value above.
  • Fix bug #271.

[2.6.3] #

  • Fix: update map limits using moveOnlyMapArea after camera zoom changes. #267
  • Adds Future updateDirectional(JoystickDirectional? directional) in Joystick. #269

[2.6.2] #

  • Updated example.
  • Remove mandatory of the SimpleDirectionAnimation in SimpleAlly, SimpleEnemy, SimpleNpc and SimplePlayer

[2.6.1] #

  • removed getValueGenerator from BonfireGame. Now use generateValues from your component.
  • removed addParticle from BonfireGame. Now use addParticle from your component.
  • improvements in ValueGeneratorComponent
  • Adds effect BonfireOpacityEffect.
  • Adds support to new files of the Tiled 1.8.0 (tmj,tsj) .

[2.6.0] #

  • Update flame to 1.2.0 - CHANGELOG
  • Renamed gameRef.overlays to gameRef.overlayManager
  • Renamed GameComponent.shouldRemove to GameComponent.isRemoving
  • Remove showFPS in BonfireTiledWidget and BonfireWidget.
  • Fix Camera bug in a small map that is not the size of the screen. #261

[2.5.0] #

  • Adds MatrixMapGenerator. Class that can help you create a map using a double matrix. Doc
  • Adds TerrainBuilder. Class that can help you create a map using a double matrix with Sprite. SpriteSheetModel
  • Adds enabledDiagonalMovements param in MovementByJoystick to control if you want diagonal movements.

[2.4.4] #

  • Adds scene support. Now you can create a "cutscene" in an easy way:
    • Just call gameRef.startScene([CameraSceneAction()]).
    • To stop: gameRef.stopScene().
    • SceneActions available:
      • CameraSceneAction
      • DelaySceneAction
      • MoveComponentSceneAction
      • AwaitCallbackSceneAction

[2.4.3] #

  • Improvement in JoystickMoveToPosition. New:
    • adds enabledMoveCameraWithClick param to enable movements of the camera with click and move movements.
    • adds mouseButtonUsedToMoveCamera param to set what button of the mouse you can use to move the camera.
    • adds mouseButtonUsedToMoveToPosition param to set what button of the mouse you can use to set the position target. Default is secondary (right mouse button).
  • Extracted functions about check Tiles to the mixin TileRecognizer.

[2.4.2] #

  • Adds params focusNode, autofocus and mouseCursor in BonfireWidget and BonfireTiledWidget.
  • Improvements in Camera.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Update StateController. The method update is now void update(double dt, T component). Now you can receive what component belongs to the update method in case that your controller is used in many components.

[2.4.1] #

  • Adds removeLife method in Attackable.
  • The offset param from Tiled layers are now considered.
  • Adds type dynamicAbove in tile.
  • Adds MiniMap widget DOC.
  • Update Flame to 1.1.1.

[2.4.0] #

  • Updated Flame to version 1.1.0
  • Added addParticle(Particle particle) in gameRef.
  • Added NPC component. Enemy class now inherits from Npc class. Suggested by 4mitabh.
  • Improvements in Attackable system.
  • Added checkCanReceiveDamage method in Attackable mixin. You can override this method to implement your own filters on who should receive damage or not.
  • BREAKING CHANGE - receiveDamage method in Attackable now requires a new AttackFromEnum param.
    • Before:
      void receiveDamage(
         double damage,
         dynamic identify,
    • Now:
      void receiveDamage(
         AttackFromEnum attacker,
         double damage,
         dynamic identify,

[2.3.1] #

  • Updated example with NPCs. Thanks 4mitabh!
  • Fixed 8-Direction Animation mentioned in #234. Thanks TaylorHo!
  • Update example to Android embedding V2. Thanks 4mitabh!

[2.3.0] #

  • Fix bug in camera zoom out.
  • Add animateZoom method in Camera.
  • Add Experimental State Manager. Example here.

[2.2.5] #

  • Fix crash mentioned in #225.
  • Fix crash mentioned in #227.

[2.2.4] #

  • Improvements in MovementByJoystick.
  • Improvements in how to access the gameRef from a GameComponent.
  • Improvements in ImageLayer.
  • Fix issue #224 in TalkDialog.

[2.2.2] #

  • Improvements in DirectionAnimation mixin.
  • Improvements in Movement mixin. Added onMove method, which you can override to listen to component movements.
  • Set dPadAngles default value equals false in MovementByJoystick.

[2.2.1] #

  • Fix WithSpriteAnimation.

[2.2.0] #

  • Improvements in performance.
  • Add Follower mixin.
  • Add WithAssetsLoader mixin.
  • Add WithSprite mixin.
  • Add WithSpriteAnimation mixin.
  • Fix bug in camera movement for games with zoom applied.
  • Improvements in FlyingAttackObject.
    • Renamed radAngleDirection param to angle in simpleAttackRangeByAngle;
    • Renamed animationUp to animation in simpleAttackRange and simpleAttackRangeByAngle. You should now use the default animation (to the right).

[2.1.0] #

  • Update a_star_algorithm.
  • Change Offset to Vector2 in Camera.moveToPositionAnimated.
  • Add moveToPositionAnimated in camera.
  • Add marginFromOrigin param in simpleAttackRangeByAngle.
  • Add top-down game example.
  • Fix bug in RotationPlayer.
  • Improvements in Lighting mixin:
    • Add types and LightingType.arc;
    • Add align param;
    • Add lightingEnabled param.

[2.0.0] #

We're striving to reduce the distance between Flame and Bonfire, relying more and more on Flame components under the hood now that it is stable. In this version we are following the standardization of using Vector2 for position and size and using PositionComponent as the base for Bonfire components. Also, 'FlameGame' and the Flame's Camera are now used instead of custom implementations we had before. Some small features were lost, but nothing that the Flame's team isn't capable of adding over time.

  • Update to flame 1.0.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: Use Vector2 size instead of double height and double width.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: Use Vector2 instead of Offset and Size.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: camera.animateSimpleRotation and camera.animateLoopRotation are not available anymore.
  • Improvements in ObjectCollision. Now it is possible to override onCollision and return false so the object will not collide with anything or block the passage.
  • Add new mixin Pushable.
  • Add params name and id in TiledObjectProperties.
  • Add support to use Flame Effects
  • Small improvements in SimpleDirectionAnimation
  • Improvements in Lighting
  • Extensions improvements
  • Improvements in GameColorFilter
  • Add left,right,top,bottom in GameComponent
  • Add enabledSensor in Sensor
  • SimpleDirectionAnimation now only requires idleRight and runRight. It will automatically flip horizontally to perform the idle/run left animations. You can disable this feature setting the param enabledFlipX to false (default = true). enabledFlipY is also available, but defaults to false (if you set this param to true, only idleUp and runUp are needed).
  • Bug fix in getAnimation (ImageExtension).
  • Bug fix in progress (BonfireTiledWidget).

[1.12.3] #

  • Improvements in collision objects by Tiled.

[1.12.2] #

  • Adds support to add objects with collision by Tiled. Just add the object and set you type to collision. #210
  • Improvements in worldPositionToScreen. Now considers zoom.
  • Improvements in seeAndMoveToPlayer and seeAndMoveToAttackRange. Adds notObserved and observed.

[1.12.1] #

  • improvements in sprite load of the BackgroundImageGame.
  • improvements in simpleAttackRangeByAngle.
  • rename animationTop to animationUp
  • rename animationBottom to animationDown
  • improvements in TalkDialog

[1.12.0] #

  • Adds SpriteAnimation extension: method asWidget.(You can use this to SpriteAnimation or Future
  • Adds Sprite extension: method asWidget.(You can use this to Sprite or Future
  • Adds Support to ImageLayer in map built by Tiled. issue 76
  • Adds Support to Text Object in map built by Tiled.

1.11.1 #

  • Fix problem render Map.

1.11.0 #

  • Improvements in Sensor mixin.
  • Add support to flip vertical, flip horizontal and rotate in Tiled. #182
  • Update flame to 1.0.0-releasecandidate.17
    • BRAKING CHANGE: Replace TextPaintConfig to TextStyle

1.10.0 #

  • Fix #203 - Web build with late initialisation on animations
  • Create interfaces to facility access methods of the ColorFilter and Lighting.
  • Add replaceAnimation method in DirectionAnimation. now you can use this method in SimplePlayer or Enemy to replace SimpleDirectionAnimation.
  • Now gameRef is BonfireGameInterface.
  • Improvements in SimpleDirectionAnimation.
    • rename gameRef.changeJoystickTarget to gameRef.addJoystickObserver
    • remove gameRef.addComponent. now use gameRef.add or gameRef.addAll

1.9.10 #

  • Fix problem render big tilesets #200.

1.9.9 #

  • Add dismissible param in to avoid the dialogue being dismissed when the back button is pressed or esc key is pressed on desktop.
  • Add animateLoopRotation method in camera.
  • Rename animateRotate to animateSimpleRotation.
  • Improvements in rotation effect.

1.9.8 #

  • Fix rounding of movement in MoveToPositionAlongThePath.
  • Fix loaded map by url.

1.9.7 #

  • Improvements in : add onClose.
  • Add rotation functionality to the camera. Set angle on CameraConfig or animateRotate to rotate the camera view

1.9.6 #

  • Fix bug "getting stuck" in MoveToPositionAlongThePath
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] Change param logicalKeyboardKeyToNext in TalkDialog to logicalKeyboardKeysToNext, now multiple keys are accepted to advance in the dialogue
  • Add option wasdAndArrows to KeyboardDirectionalType allowing both arrows and wasd keys to control the joystick
  • Improvements in diagonal movements in MoveToPositionAlongThePath

1.9.5 #

  • Update params name of simpleAttackMelee in Enemy.
  • Improvements in MoveToPositionAlongThePath

1.9.4 #

  • Small improvements in map loading.
  • Adds angle param in GameComponent to rotate component render.

1.9.3 #

  • Update flame to 1.0.0-releasecandidate.16

1.9.2 #

  • Fix onGameResize. It works again when the window size is changed

1.9.1 #

  • Correction of loading visible collisions on the map.
  • Adds a simple example.

1.9.0 #

  • Update flame to 1.0.0-releasecandidate.15
  • Adds methods changeJoystickTarget in BonfireGame to make it easy to switch the default joystick events watcher.
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] Component remove() method was replaced by removeFromParent(). Use it to remove a component from the game.
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] Improvements in Keyboard events. Removed params keyboardEnable and keyboardDirectionalType in Joystick. Set these attributes through keyboardConfig.
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] gameRef.components changed to gameRef.children.

1.8.1 #

  • Adds Focus in CustomGameWidget to remove "system ding" in MACOS.
  • Updates moveToTarget method in Camera to receive null;
  • Add optional list of objects to moveToPositionAlongThePath for ignoring visible collisions

1.8.0 #

  • Bugfix/quadtree id for removal #178
  • Adds keyboardDirectionalType param in Joystick to enable WASD.

1.7.0 #

  • adds FollowerWidget. With this you can add a widget what follows a component in the game.
  • update a_star_algorithm. now enables diagonal movements.

1.6.1 #

  • fixed the flame version to 1.0.0-releasecandidate.13 while we fixed the flame update crash change.

1.6.0 #

  • adds getScreenPosition method in GameComponent.
  • adds enableDiagonal param in simpleAttackRange.
  • adds visibleComponentsByType and componentsByType in BonfireGame.
  • adds onTapDown and onTapUp in BonfireTiledWidget and BonfireWidget.

1.5.11 #

  • Improvements performance.

1.5.9 #

  • remove method isVisibleInCamera() in GameComponent. Now use the isVisible param to check if this component is visible in camera.

1.5.6 #

  • improvements performance in big maps

1.5.4 #

  • increases map rendering space

1.5.3 #

  • improvements in order of the update of Camera
  • add QuadTree data struct to search of the visible Tiles.
  • update ordered_set

1.5.2 #

  • improvements in Camera
  • improvements in AnimatedObjectOnce

1.5.1 #

  • improvements in CameraConfig -> moveOnlyMapArea
  • improvements in Lighting

1.5.0 #

  • adds "Smooth" effect in camera. To enable:
        cameraConfig: CameraConfig(
            smoothCameraEnable: true,

1.4.14 #

  • fix bug in TapGesture

1.4.13 #

  • fix error Tile of above type.

1.4.12 #

  • fix crash when remove Tile
  • optimizes map loading
  • improve player joystick movement #157

1.4.11 #

  • improvements in MapWorld
  • enables remove tiles of map.
  • fix position translation on diagonal movement of FlyingAttackObject #155

1.4.10 #

  • improvements performance

1.4.9 #

  • new Improvements in process Tile in TiledMap.
  • Add shake method in Camera.

1.4.8 #

  • Improvements in process Tile in TiledMap.

1.4.6 #

  • Improvements in TiledMap.

1.4.5 #

  • [BREAKING CHANGE] Refactor TalkDialog core to allow RichText animations: Now every Say requires a text param which takes a List<TextSpan> instead of a String.
  • Add param speed to TalkDialog.
  • Improvements in cache system to load map.

1.4.4 #

  • add param tileSizeToUpdate to configure interval of the update map.

1.4.2 #

  • fix tileSize in MapWorld.

1.4.0 #

  • Improvements in Camera
  • Improvements in MapWorld to support large maps.
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] change List<Tile> to List<TileModel> to create manual maps see example.

1.3.7 #

  • remove microTask to update chache in BonfireGame

1.3.6 #

  • Improvements in LightingComponent
  • Improvements in TalkDialog. #136
  • update a_star_algorithm

1.3.5 #

  • remove Unnecessary print in TiledWorldMap
  • Add param opacity in GameComponent to control opacity.

1.3.4 #

  • Improvements in TiledWorldMap

1.3.3 #

  • Update tiledjsonreader
  • Adds support to folders(group) in Tiled

1.3.2 #

  • Improvements in extensions organization.
  • Update Flame to 1.0.0-releasecandidate.13 version.
  • Replace HasGameRef for the own BonfireHasGameRef.

1.3.1 #

  • little improvement in drawDefaultLifeBar.
  • create mixin AutomaticRandomMovement
  • add onReady in BonfireTiledWidget and BonfireWidget
  • add getComponentDirectionFromMe in GameComponentExtensions
  • add checkInterval in GameComponent

1.3.0 #

  • new extensions to GameComponent.
  • new extensions to Movement.
  • new extensions to Attackable.
  • Makes Bonfire more modular. Every kind of behavior has become a mixin.

1.2.2 #

  • improvements in constructionMode
  • improvements in drawDefaultLifeBar
  • performance improvements

1.2.1 #

  • improvements in TiledWorldMap
  • add property backgroundColor in TalkDialog.
  • performance improvements in TiledWorldMap

1.2.0 #

  • add MouseGesture mixin to listen mouse gestures see documentation
  • add method worldPositionToScreen in BonfireGame.
  • add method screenPositionToWorld in BonfireGame.
  • add method isVisibleInCamera in BonfireGame.

1.1.7 #

  • Improvements in TextInterfaceComponent
  • Improvements in GameComponent
  • Improvements in SimpleDirectionAnimation

1.1.6 #

  • update tiledjsonreader
  • update flame
  • Improvements in SimpleDirectionAnimation
  • Improvements in generateRectWithBleedingPixel

1.1.5 #

  • blocks paths off screen in MoveToPositionAlongThePath
  • create function overlap to Image.

1.1.4 #

  • new improvements in MoveToPositionAlongThePath

1.1.2 #

  • Update tiledjsonreader
  • Improvements in MoveToPositionAlongThePath
  • Fix bug of the issue #115

1.1.1 #

  • Fix bug TalkDialog.
  • Fix bug Animations in SimplePlayer and SimpleEnemy.

1.1.0 #

  • Update Flame to 1.0.0-releasecandidate.11 version.
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] improvements in objectsBuilder and registerObject to register objects in TiledWorldMap.
        forceTileSize: Size(32, 32),
        objectsBuilder: {
          'goblin': (ObjectProperties properties) => Goblin(properties.position),
          'torch': (ObjectProperties properties) => Torch(properties.position),
          'barrel': (ObjectProperties properties) => BarrelDraggable(properties.position),
          'spike': (ObjectProperties properties) => Spikes(properties.position),
          'column': (ObjectProperties properties) => ColumnDecoration(properties.position),
          'chest': (ObjectProperties properties) => Chest(properties.position),
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] change TextConfig to TextPaintConfig
  • adds method tilePropertiesBelow() and tilePropertiesListBelow() in GameComponent to access proprieties of the tile set in Tiled.
  • adds method void onCollision(GameComponent component, bool active) in ObjectCollision. Now you can override this method to listen what Component enter in collision.
  • improvements in BonfireGame
  • improvements in TalkDialog.

1.0.3 #

  • Adds type above in tiled to render above components
  • update tiledjsonreader
  • improvements in Camera
  • Adds param objectsBuilder in TiledWorldMap
  • others improvements

1.0.2 #

  • Downgrade flame version to 1.0.0-rc9

1.0.1 #

  • Fix SimpleDirectionAnimation

1.0.0 #

1.0.0-rc8 #

  • Improvements in SimpleDirectionAnimation
  • Improvements in Collision
  • Update http

1.0.0-rc7 #

  • fix bug animation to up in SimpleEnemy

1.0.0-rc6 #

  • remove comments in FlyingAttackAngleObject (bug)
  • improvements in Camera.

1.0.0-rc5 #

  • Rename params in simpleAttackMelee
  • new improvements to use TapGesture and DragGesture together.
  • improvements in Joystick(KEYBOARD) to adds diagonal movement with directional.
  • improvements in moveToPosition of the Player.

1.0.0-rc4 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: add Shapes(circle,rectangle,polygon) to use collisions.
  • fix to use TapGesture and DragGesture together.
  • Improvements in mixin Sensor.
  • Improvements in TalkDialog.

1.0.0-rc3 #

  • Improvement in simpleAttackMelee
  • Improvement in InterfaceComponent when selectable enable

1.0.0-rc2 #

  • Improvement in layer priority.
  • Improvement in Camera when moveOnlyMapArea enable.
  • Fix bug animation.playOnce in Player and Enemy
  • Fix bug addAction in Joystick
  • Fix bug seePlayer in GameDecoration

1.0.0-rc1 #

  • Fix bug in cameraMoveOnlyMapArea
  • Add CameraConfig in BonfireTiledWidget and BonfireWidget

1.0.0-rc0 #

  • Update Flame to 1.0.0-rc9
  • Add null-safety
  • Add support to use overlays of the Flame.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: All params Sprite in components become Future<Sprite>.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: All params Animation in components become Future<SpriteAnimation>.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: To configure Lighting use setupLighting(LightingConfig()).
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the Position class. Now use Vector2.
  • WARN (Render priority): The only components that have fixed rendering priority are: MapGame and BackgroundColorGame. All others render with priority according to the component's position on the Y axis.
  • Update support tiled to 1.5.0.
  • Rename enum values in Direction.
  • Rename values in SimpleDirectionAnimation.
  • Improvements in InterfaceComponent. Now can be selectable.
  • Others improvements.

0.9.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Collision system. Remove param collision from Enemy, Player and GameDecoration. If you need add collision in your component use the mixin 'Collision' and settings your properties using 'setupCollision()' method.

0.8.6 #

  • update dependencies an README.

0.8.5 #

  • update Flame to 0.29.3.

0.8.4 #

  • update Flame to 0.29.2.
  • add joystick TouchToPosition.

0.8.3 #

  • improvements in BonfireTiledWidget.

0.8.2 #

  • Fix camera zoom-out.

0.8.1 #

  • Fix issue #79.
  • Improvements in mixin Attackable. It is now possible to determine from whom you can take damage (player, enemy, all) using receivesAttackFrom.
  • Improvements in mixin ObjectCollision. It is now possible to enable and disable collision with the player and enemies using collisionWithEnemy and collisionWithPlayer.

0.8.0 #

  • Fix issue #79.
  • Fix Handle gestures to take into account the camera zoom.
  • Adds basic implementation suggested in issue #64. Moving the player based on touch. To do this, use TouchToPosition() in Joystick.

0.7.7 #

  • add resize in InterfaceComponent
  • add param components in BonfireTiledWidget and BonfireWidget
  • disable isAntiAlias in render tile in map.
  • update flame to 0.28.0

0.7.6 #

  • add maxDownSize in TextDamageComponent
  • update CHANGELOG

0.7.5 #

  • Fix collision in GameDecoration.
  • Update Flame to 0.27.0

0.7.4 #

  • makes Sprite public in GameDecoration
  • update id to dynamic in receiveDamage and JoystickAction.

0.7.3 #

  • hotfix: notify finish in AnimatedObjectOnce.
  • update id to dynamic in receiveDamage and JoystickAction.

0.7.2 #

  • hotfix render last frame in AnimatedObjectOnce.

0.7.1 #

  • makes lighting accessible through the gameRef.
  • create FollowerObject.

0.7.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: improvement in animations to SimplePlayer and SimpleEnemy. Now use SimpleDirectionAnimation to manipulate animations.
  • add GameColorFilter. It is now possible to add color filter in the game.
  • Possible to load maps made by Tiled from url. Just pass the link as path.

0.6.27 #

  • little performance improvement;
  • remove mandatory joystick in widget;
  • remove param gameComponent in LightingConfig;

0.6.26 #

  • improvements image cache in map load by Tiled;

0.6.25 #

  • fix tileTypeBelow() and add tileTypesBelow();

0.6.24 #

  • add method tileTypeBelow() in GameComponent to get type tile;
  • improvements in gestures mixin;

0.6.23 #

  • improvement in map.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: remove param isSensor from GameDecoration an create mixin Sensor.
  • update example (Potion,Spikes).

0.6.22 #

  • fix update Camera.

0.6.21 #

  • improvement in camera system.
  • update flame.

0.6.20 #

  • Add mixin Attackable.

0.6.19 #

  • Fix issue #55
  • Update Flame to 0.25.0

0.6.18 #

  • BREAKING CHANGES: change forceTileSize type double to Size.
  • Add support to offsetX and offsetY in TileMap layers.

0.6.17 #

  • hotfix Tiled - Support multiTileset.

0.6.16 #

  • improvement in JoystickActions
  • improvement in seeAndMoveToPlayer (Enemy)

0.6.15 #

  • improvement in seeEnemy and seePlayer
  • BREAKING CHANGES: rename prams visionCells to radiusVision in seeEnemy and seePlayer

0.6.14 #

  • hotfix extension simpleAttackMeleeByDirection and simpleAttackMelee

0.6.13 #

  • improvements in TiledWorldMap.
  • BREAKING CHANGES: rename prams with animation to anim in SimpleEnemy.
  • BREAKING CHANGES: rename mixin WithLighting to Lighting.
  • BREAKING CHANGES: rename param tiledMap to map in BonfireTiledWidget.
  • add animIdleTopLeft, animIdleBottomLeft, animIdleTopRight, animIdleBottomRight in SimplePlayer and SimpleEnemy.
  • add transitionBuilder in BonfireTiledWidget if desired to add a custom display animation
  • add durationShowAnimation in BonfireTiledWidget

0.6.12 #

  • add diagonal in Direction(enum).

0.6.11 #

  • hotfix addFastAnimation.

0.6.10 #

  • hotfix addFastAnimation.

0.6.9 #

  • update extensions.
  • add animation in diagonal in SimpleEnemy and SimplePlayer.
  • add extensions getAnimation and getSprite in Image (dart:ui).

0.6.8 #

  • improvements show FPS
  • update example
  • update extensions enemy.
  • update Flame.

0.6.7 #

  • hotfix seeAndMoveToAttackRange.

0.6.6 #

  • Add zoom in moveToPlayerAnimated and moveToPositionAnimated.
  • improvements in seeAndMoveToAttackRange.
  • add animation show map when load TiledMap.

0.6.5 #

  • Optimizations when loading maps built with Tiled

0.6.4 #

  • add Zoom camera by rezendegc.
  • improvements TiledObjects.
  • improvements Joystick.

0.6.3 #

  • hotfix Tiled with tile null in TileSet.

0.6.2 #

  • hotfix render.

0.6.1 #

  • add Tiled json support (BonfireTiledWidget)
  • BREAKING CHANGES: gestures improvements (now use mixin TapGesture or DragGesture)
  • BREAKING CHANGES: align collision
  • add support drag gestures
  • add support multiCollision to Decoration and Tile.
  • add support Tile animated.

0.5.1 #

  • hotfix in FlyingAttackObject
  • adds sensor functionality to GameDecoration

0.5.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGES: remove 'positionInWorld', everything uses 'position' now.
  • improvements in Camera system by rezendegc
  • improvements in JoystickDirectional

0.4.2 #

  • improvements in TextDamage
  • performance improvements

0.4.1 #

  • add lightingConfig in extensions

0.4.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGES in joystick and player in 'void joystickAction(JoystickActionEvent event)'
  • adds support for direction in actions of the joystick
  • adds support for basic lighting
  • update Flame to 0.21.0
  • performance improvements

0.3.3 #

  • Improvements in FlyingAttackAngleObject.
  • Fix bug issue #22.

0.3.2 #

  • Fix bug extension enemy.

0.3.1 #

  • Update Flame.
  • Add identify in attacks.


  • Improvements render components
  • the Player was dismembered in Player(base) ,SimplePlayer(similar old Player) and RotationPlayer
  • the Enemy was dismembered in Enemy(base) ,SimpleEnemy(similar old Player) and RotationEnemy
  • created FlyingAttackAngleObject
  • add 'rotateRadAngle' in AnimatedObjectOnce

0.2.12 #

  • Improvements on the JoystickKeyBoard.

0.2.11 #

  • Improvements change size map

0.2.10 #

  • Fix bug player;

0.2.9 #

  • Fix bug player update

0.2.8 #

  • change of speed parameter to points / seconds.

0.2.7 #

  • improvements pointer detector.

0.2.6 #

  • improvements bleeding pixel.
  • add support web in example

0.2.5 #

  • Flutter Web test.

0.2.4 #

  • add bleeding pixel in GameDecoration.sprite and GameDecoration.animation.

0.2.3 #

  • Fix bug Joystick fixed

0.2.2 #

  • Improvements Joystick
    • better sensitivity
    • possibility of obtaining intensity
    • possibility of obtaining angle
  • Improvements player movement windows
  • Improvements enemy movement
  • Add TextInterfaceComponent
  • Add bleeding pixel in decorations

0.2.0 #

  • Improvements in GameInterface (now it’s easier to add elements with 'InterfaceComponent')
  • Improvements in Joystick
  • Update readme

0.1.11 #

  • add customize collisionAreaColor and constructionModeColor
  • Improvements player

0.1.10 #

  • add constructor Tile.fromSprite
  • add constructor GameDecoration.sprite
  • add constructor GameDecoration.animation

0.1.9 #

  • remove scaffold in BonfireWidget

0.1.8 #

  • update flame to 0.19.1.
  • add bleeding pixel in map.
  • modify parameter sprite in decoration.

0.1.7 #

  • add margin in seeAndMoveToPlayer(Extension enemy).

0.1.6 #

  • Improvements in enemy.

0.1.5 #

  • Improvements in enemy movements.
  • Improvements in map resize.

0.1.4 #

  • Update Flame.
  • Improvements in BonfireWidget.
  • Add onTapDown, onTapUp, onTapMove, onTapCancel in components isTouchable = true

0.1.3 #

  • Improvements in player and enemy extensions.
  • Add GameController.

0.1.2 #

  • Improvements in player and enemy extensions.
  • Add ShowAreaCollision.

0.1.1 #

  • Improvements in gestures.
  • Improvements in joystick.
  • Decorations can now be touched.

0.1.0 #

0.0.16 #

  • Update extensions enemy and player

0.0.15 #

  • Add callback destroyedObject in FlyingAttackObject
  • Add TalkDialog to create your conversation.

0.0.14 #

  • Improvements collision
  • Improvements collision decoration

0.0.13 #

  • Fix bug collision decoration

0.0.12 #

  • Update Readme
  • Improvements in draw grid

0.0.11 #

  • Add draw grid tiles in constructionMode.
  • Improvements in FlyingAttackObject

0.0.10 #

  • Add constructionMode. (HotReload update game too)

0.0.9 #

  • Map size improvements

0.0.8 #

  • Collision system improvements
  • Add 'drawPositionCollision(Canvas canvas)'

0.0.7 #

  • Add MapExplorer when not set Player
  • Add BackgroundGame

0.0.6 #

  • Fix bug FlyingAttackObject.

0.0.5 #

  • Add camera movements.
  • Fix delay between map and components.
  • Update readme.

0.0.4 #

  • Organization improvements.
  • Update readme.

0.0.3 #

  • Add AnimatedFollowerObject and 'seeEnemy' in player.
  • Update readme.

0.0.2 #

  • Update readme.

0.0.1 #

  • Starts project with basic mechanics.
pub points



(RPG maker) Create RPG-style or similar games more simply with Flame.

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a_star_algorithm, flame, flutter, http, tiledjsonreader


Packages that depend on bonfire