body_builder 1.0.10
body_builder: ^1.0.10 copied to clipboard
BodyBuilder is a widget that manage the loading of your data
BodyBuilder is a widget that manage the loading of your data. For each situation the widget will rebuild with a BodyState containing all the necessary information to display the right widget.

Before you begin #
BodyBuilder manage the loading of your data by 3 different ways: state, cache and data:
state is a ChangeNotifier that contains data already retrieved. The BodyBuilder will listen to it and rebuild when the state changes.
cache is a Future that will be called if the state is empty and returns a nullable value. It will be called before displaying the loading widget.
data is a Future that will be called if the state is empty. If an error occurs, the error widget will be displayed.
The paginated data is also supported (See sample app).
Simple usage #
Here is a simple example of how to use the BodyBuilder widget.
If you want to let the BodyBuilder display a loading and error widget:
providers: [
state: _state,
cache: _cacheProvider,
data: _dataProvider,
builder: (String data) => Center(child: Text(data)),
If you want to manage the loading and error widget yourself, you can use the customBuilder which provides a BodyState to display the right widget:
key: _key,
providers: [
state: _state,
cache: _cacheProvider,
data: _dataProvider,
customBuilder: (BodyState state) => Center(child: Text('data: ${} (isCache: ${state.isCache}), error: ${state.error}, loading: ${state.loading}')),
You can override the default loading and error widget by using the loadingBuilder and errorBuilder.
You can also configure all BodyBuilder by using BodyBuilder.setDefaultConfig.
How it works #

StateProvider #
A few StateProvider are available to help you in different situations.
SimpleStateProvider can be used to handle a single value. (Example: You want to retrieve a config from your server)
RelatedStateProvider is a map of SimpleStateProvider sorted with a key of your choice. (Example: You want to retrieve many users and sort them by their id)
PaginatedState allows you to retrieve a paginated list of data. (See sample app for example)
RelatedPaginatedStates is a map of PaginatedState sorted with a key of your choice. (Example: You want to sort the paginated followers of your users by their id)
) allows you to convert any ChangeNotifier to a StateProvider via map function.
final StateProvider<...> state =<YouState>().map((YouState state) => state.someValue);
Additional information #
If you find a bug or want a feature, please file an issue on github Here.