bluetooth_low_energy 7.0.0-dev.0 copy "bluetooth_low_energy: ^7.0.0-dev.0" to clipboard
bluetooth_low_energy: ^7.0.0-dev.0 copied to clipboard

A Flutter plugin for controlling the bluetooth low energy, supports central and peripheral roles.

7.0.0-dev.0 #

  • Add BluetoothLowEnergyManager#nameChanged event.
  • Add BluetoothLowEnergyManager#getName method.
  • Add BluetoothLowEnergyManager#setName method.
  • Remove the unnecessary peripheral argument from CentralManger#readCharacteristic method.
  • Remove the unnecessary peripheral argument from CentralManger#writeCharacteristic method.
  • Remove the unnecessary peripheral argument from CentralManger#setCharacteristicNotifyState method.
  • Remove the unnecessary peripheral argument from CentralManger#readDescriptor method.
  • Remove the unnecessary peripheral argument from CentralManger#writeDescriptor method.
  • Add includeDeviceName and includeTXPowerLevel arguments to PeripheralManager#startAdvertising method.
  • Move the central argument in PeripheralManger#notifyCharacteristic method to name argument.

6.0.1 #

6.0.0 #

6.0.0-dev.3 #

  • Implement CentralMananger#showAppSettings on iOS.
  • Implement PeripheralManager#showAppSettings on iOS.
  • Fix known issues.

6.0.0-dev.2 #

  • Add int type to UUID#fromAddress.
  • Move the type of Advertisement#manufacturerSpecificData to List<ManufacturerSpecificData>.
  • Rewrite example with MVVM.
  • Fix known issues.

6.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Add PeripheralManager#respondReadRequestWithValue.
  • Add PeripheralManager#respondReadRequestWithError.
  • Add PeripheralManager#respondWriteRequest.
  • Add PeripheralManager#respondWriteRequestWithError.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#respondCharacteristicReadRequestWithValue.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#respondCharacteristicReadRequestWithError.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#respondCharacteristicWriteRequest.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#respondCharacteristicWriteRequestWithError.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#respondDescriptorReadRequestWithValue.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#respondDescriptorReadRequestWithError.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#respondDescriptorWriteRequest.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#respondDescriptorWriteRequestWithError.

6.0.0-dev.0 #

5.0.7 #

5.0.6 #

5.0.5 #

5.0.4 #

  • iOS Fix issues caused by CoW.

5.0.3 #

  • Android Fix the wrong blutooth low energy state caused by multi permission requests at the same time.
  • Android Fix the ConcurrentModificationException when PeripheralManager#clearServices is called.

5.0.2 #

5.0.1 #

5.0.0 #

  • Now CentralManager#writeCharacteristic and PeripheralManager#writeCharacteristic will fragment the value automatically, the maximum write length is 512 bytes.
  • Add implementation of CentralManager on windows platform.
  • Add GattCharacteristicReadEventArgs and GattCharacteristicWrittenEventArgs.
  • Add PeripheralManager#characteristicRead and PeripheralManager#characteristicWritten.
  • Add PeripheralManager#readCharacteristic.
  • Remove CentralManager#getMaximumWriteLength method.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#getMaximumWriteLength method.
  • Remove ReadGattCharacteristicCommandEventArgs and WriteGattCharacteristicCommandEventArgs.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#readCharacteristicCommandReceived and PeripheralManager#writeCharacteristicCommandReceived.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#sendReadCharacteristicReply and PeripheralManager#sendWriteCharacteristicReply.
  • Move CentralManager#state to CentralManager#getState().
  • Move PeripheralStateChangedEventArgs to ConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.
  • Move CentralManager#peripheralStateChanged to CentralManager#connectionStateChanged.
  • Move GattCharacteristicValueChangedEventArgs to GattCharacteristicNotifiedEventArgs.
  • Move CentralManager#characteristicValueChanged to CentralManager#characteristicNotified.
  • Move CentralManager#notifyCharacteristic to CentralManager#setCharacteristicNotifyState.
  • Move PeripheralManager#notifyCharacteristicValueChanged to PeripheralManager#writeCharacteristic.
  • Move NotifyGattCharacteristicCommandEventArgs to GattCharacteristicNotifyStateChangedEventArgs.
  • Move PeripheralManager#notifyCharacteristicCommandReceived to PeripheralManager#characteristicNotifyStateChanged.

5.0.0-dev.3 #

  • Add logs on Linux platform.

5.0.0-dev.2 #

  • Add default_package of windows in pubspec.yaml.

5.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Now CentralManager#writeCharacteristic and PeripheralManager#writeCharacteristic will fragment the value automatically, the maximum write length is 512 bytes.
  • Add UUID#fromAddress constructor.
  • Add GattCharacteristicReadEventArgs and GattCharacteristicWrittenEventArgs.
  • Add PeripheralManager#characteristicRead and PeripheralManager#characteristicWritten.
  • Add PeripheralManager#readCharacteristic.
  • Remove CentralManager#getMaximumWriteLength method.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#getMaximumWriteLength method.
  • Remove ReadGattCharacteristicCommandEventArgs and WriteGattCharacteristicCommandEventArgs.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#readCharacteristicCommandReceived and PeripheralManager#writeCharacteristicCommandReceived.
  • Remove PeripheralManager#sendReadCharacteristicReply and PeripheralManager#sendWriteCharacteristicReply.
  • Move CentralManager#state to CentralManager#getState().
  • Move PeripheralStateChangedEventArgs to ConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.
  • Move CentralManager#peripheralStateChanged to CentralManager#connectionStateChanged.
  • Move GattCharacteristicValueChangedEventArgs to GattCharacteristicNotifiedEventArgs.
  • Move CentralManager#characteristicValueChanged to CentralManager#characteristicNotified.
  • Move CentralManager#notifyCharacteristic to CentralManager#setCharacteristicNotifyState.
  • Move PeripheralManager#notifyCharacteristicValueChanged to PeripheralManager#writeCharacteristic.
  • Move NotifyGattCharacteristicCommandEventArgs to GattCharacteristicNotifyStateChangedEventArgs.
  • Move PeripheralManager#notifyCharacteristicCommandReceived to PeripheralManager#characteristicNotifyStateChanged.

4.0.0 #

  • Remove BluetoothLowEnergy class.
  • Update CentralManger to extends PlatformInterface.
  • Update PeripheralManager to extends PlatformInterface.
  • Change some PeripheralManager methods' arguments to required optional arguments.
  • Move AdvertiseData class to Advertisement class.
  • Remove BluetoothLowEnergyError class.
  • Add MyCentralManager and MyPeripheralManager abstract classes.
  • Add LogController interface to BluetoothLowEnergyManager.
  • Fix issues.

4.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Remove BluetoothLowEnergy class.
  • Update CentralManger to static class.
  • Update PeripheralManager to static class.
  • Move AdvertiseData class to Advertisement class.
  • Update example.

3.0.3 #

3.0.2 #

  • Android iOS Fix the issue that getMaximumWriteLength is wrong and coerce the value from 20 to 512.
  • Android iOS Fix the issue that the peripheral manager response is wrong.
  • Android Request MTU with 517 automatically.

3.0.1 #

  • Android Clear cache when disconnected.
  • Android Fix GATT server error aftter bluetooth reopened.
  • iOS Fix the issue that write characteristic will never complete when write without response.
  • iOS Fix the issue that write characteristic will never complete after disconnected.

3.0.0 #

  • Add PeripheralManager api.
  • Add CentralManager#readRSSI method.
  • Add CentralManager.instance api.
  • Add PeripheralManager.instance api.
  • Move CentralController to CentralManager.
  • Move CentralState to BluetoothLowEnergyState.
  • Move CentralDiscoveredEventArgs to DiscoveredEventArgs.
  • Move Advertisement class to AdvertiseData class.
  • Move setUp method from BluetoothLowEnergy class to BluetoothLowEnergyManger class.
  • Change the type of manufacturerSpecificData from Map<int, Uint8List> to ManufacturerSpecificData.
  • Fix the issue that UUID.fromString() throw FormatException with 32 bits UUID string.
  • Fix known issues.

3.0.0-dev.4 #

  • Move Advertisement class to AdvertiseData class.
  • Fix known issues.

3.0.0-dev.3 #

3.0.0-dev.2 #

  • Move setUp method from BluetoothLowEnergy class to BluetoothLowEnergyManger class.
  • Add CentralManager.instance api.
  • Add PeripheralManager.instance api.

3.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Add PeripheralManager api.
  • Add CentralManager#readRSSI method.
  • Move CentralController to CentralManager.
  • Move CentralState to BluetoothLowEnergyState.
  • Move CentralDiscoveredEventArgs to DiscoveredEventArgs.

2.2.1 #

  • Android Fix the issue that CentralController#getMaximumWriteLength may throw.

2.2.0 #

  • Add CentralController#getMaximumWriteLength method.

2.0.3 #

2.0.2 #

  • Combine iOS and macOS projects.
  • Optimize project structure.

2.0.1 #

  • Fix the issue that GATTs is cleared after peripheral disconnected on iOS and macOS.
  • Fix the issue that create UUID form peripheral's address failed on Linux.
  • Fix the issue that instance match failed on Linux.

2.0.0 #

  • Rewrite the whole project with federated plugins.
  • Support macOS and Linux.

1.1.0 #

  • Fix the crash by onMtuChanged called multi-times on Android.
  • Fix the finalizer doesn't work issue.
  • Make some break changes.

1.0.0 #

  • Upgrade to flutter 3.x.
  • Rewrite the whole project with pigeon.

0.1.0 #

  • Add implementations on iOS.
  • Combine available and state for Bluetooth.
  • Add connectable for Discovery.
  • Add maximumWriteLength for GATT.

0.0.2 #

  • Fix connect blocked when bluetooth closed.
  • Fix wrong repository url.
  • Move all example files to main.dart.

0.0.1 #

  • Add central APIs.
  • Add implementations on Android.
  • Add example.
  • Add test.