bluesky_text 0.5.6 copy "bluesky_text: ^0.5.6" to clipboard
bluesky_text: ^0.5.6 copied to clipboard

Provides the easiest and most powerful way to analyze the text on Bluesky Social.

Release Note #

v0.5.6 #

  • Improved entity extraction for unformatted markdown. For example, [test]( extracts entities so that test can be highlighted. Facets of this entity cannot be generated with .toFacets until .format is executed.
    • Also added EntityType.markdownLink. If you want to exclude entities in the markdown without being .format, you can filter by this fixed value.

v0.5.5 #

  • Added service parameter on .toFacets method. (#882)

v0.5.4 #

  • Fixed that .format doesn't merge if the URL Path of the detected link is only / when .format is executed. (#876)
  • Fixed markdown URLs to allow only http|https. (#877)

v0.5.3 #

  • Supported markdown style links. You can set any links to any text such as [test]( Be sure to execute .format() to make the link in markdown format recognized as a facet. (#629)

v0.5.2 #

  • Fixed safer processing when shortening links.

v0.5.1 #

  • Improved link detection algorithm.

v0.5.0 #

  • Improved algorithm for detecting links.
  • Removed deprecated properties.
    • .hasHandle
    • .hasNotHandle
    • .hasLink
    • .hasNotLink
    • .hasEntity
    • .hasNotEntity
  • Changed property from int maxGraphemeLength to bool enableShortening on LinkConfig.

v0.4.5 #

  • Supported hashtag detection on .entities and .hashtags. (#839)

v0.4.4 #

  • Improved processing when .format() is executed. Correct if the original text link does not contain the http protocol.

v0.4.3 #

  • Added the ability to shorten links detected as facets. You just need to pass LinkConfig to BlueskyText and run .format(). You can get new formatted BlueskyText then.

v0.4.2 #

  • Upgraded xrpc package. Fixed field names for rate limit.

v0.4.1 #

  • Fixed a bug in which URLs were not detected in specific cases.

v0.4.0 #

  • Improved algos for .handles, links, and .entities based on official RichText.
    • .handles
      • The value set to .value in Entity no longer contains @
      • Domain is now validated based on ICANN TLDs
    • .links
      • Links with http|https prefixes omitted are now also detected (such as
      • Domain is now validated based on ICANN TLDs

v0.3.2 #

  • Fixed a bug that caused a range error if a string shorter than the search symbol (like https://) existed. (#734)

v0.3.1 #

  • Improved documents. (#677)

v0.3.0 #

  • Drop support for null unsafe Dart, bump SDK constraint to '^3.0.0'. (#599)
  • Dart3 modifier applied.

v0.2.7 #

  • Upgraded xrpc. (#636)

v0.2.6 #

  • Changed the dependency of the communication process from atproto to xrpc. (#574)
  • Added ignoreInvalidHandle option to toFacets in Entities and toFacet in Entity. This flag controls the behavior when the handle is invalid. If true, no exception is thrown if an invalid handle is passed, and the process of creating a facet of the invalid handle is skipped; if false, an InvlidRequestException is thrown if an invalid handle is passed.

v0.2.5 #

  • Upgraded atproto. (#563)

v0.2.4 #

  • Upgraded atproto. (#260)

v0.2.3 #

  • Added homepage in pubspec.yaml. (#549)

v0.2.2 #

  • Upgraded dependencies.

v0.2.1 #

  • Added getCustomEntities method. You can easily generate original facets, etc. by extracting entities from the text that are not officially provided. (#419)

v0.2.0 #

  • Updated SDK to ">=2.17.0 <4.0.0". (#406)

v0.1.1 #

  • Fixed toFacet and toFacets to exclude invalid handles from the result when they are called. (#354)

v0.1.0 #

  • Added some utilities. And changed return object from handles, links and entities to Entities. (#347)
    • isHandle in Entity
    • isLink in Entity
    • isLink in Entity
    • Entities object, and you can easily get facet collection by using toFacets
  • The following characters have been added as entity terminators. (#352)
    • \n
    • \n\r
    • full-width space

v0.0.1 #

  • First Release!



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2024.08.18 - 2025.03.02

Provides the easiest and most powerful way to analyze the text on Bluesky Social.

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characters, freezed_annotation, icann_tlds, json_annotation, xrpc


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