bluesky_cli 0.1.0 copy "bluesky_cli: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
bluesky_cli: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

A powerful CLI tool that allows Bluesky Social's APIs to be executed from the command line powered by Dart language.


Getting Started ⚡ #

Install #

dart pub global activate bluesky_cli

Usage #

A useful and powerful CLI tool to use Bluesky Social's APIs.

Usage: bsky <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help        Print this usage information.
    --identifier  Handle or email address for authentication.
                  (defaults to environment variable "BLUESKY_IDENTIFIER")
    --password    Bluesky password for authentication.
                  (defaults to environment variable "BLUESKY_PASSWORD")
    --service     Name of the service sending the request. Defaults to "".
    --pretty      Enable to output JSON in pretty format.
    --status      Enable to output status code and reason phrase.
    --request     Enable to output request method and URI.
    --verbose     Enable verbose logging.

Available commands:
  actors-typeahead     Show the typeahead for actors.
  delete               Delete a specific contents from repository.
  feed                 Show the feed of specific actor.
  follow               Follow an user.
  followers            Show the followers.
  follows              Show the following users.
  like                 Like a specific post.
  likes                Show the likes of specific post.
  mute                 Mute an user.
  mutes                Show the muted users.
  notification-count   Show the count of notification of authenticated user.
  notifications        Show the notifications of authenticated user.
  popular              Show the popular contents.
  post                 Post to Bluesky Social.
  profile              Show the profile of specific user.
  profiles             Show the profiles of specific users.
  repost               Repost a specific post.
  reposted-by          Show the actors reposted specific post.
  search-actors        Search the actors based on term.
  seen-notifications   Update all notifications to read.
  suggestions          Show the actor suggestions.
  thread               Show the thread of specific post.
  timeline             Show the timeline of authenticated user.
  unmute               Unmute an user.

Run "bsky help <command>" for more information about a command.

Authentication #

The following methods are available to authenticate with Bluesky Social via this CLI tool.

Global Options #

Authentication data can be specified for identifier and password in Global Options.

bsky timeline --password=xxxxxxxxx

Environment Variables #

By setting the authentication data in the environment variable, the specification of authentication data in Global Options can be omitted.

Environment Variable Equivalent Option

Then you can call like:

bsky timeline
pub points



A powerful CLI tool that allows Bluesky Social's APIs to be executed from the command line powered by Dart language.

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ansi_styles, args, at_uri, cli_launcher, cli_util, xrpc


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