bloc_use_case_generator 1.0.0 bloc_use_case_generator: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
Generates event and states for flutter_bloc
Bloc Generator #
Helper code generator library for flutter_bloc
. Generates States and Event for bloc with given annotation Information.
Library uses build_runner
for generate classes.
Example #
Create a file named with of your bloc. In this case city_bloc.dart
part 'city_bloc.g.dart';
abstract class CityEvent {}
abstract class CityState {}
baseEventType: CityEvent,
baseStateType: CityState,
failureModel: GlobalFailureModel,
blocUseCases: [
name: 'DeleteCity',
input: {'cityId': int},
output: {'city': City},
extraStates: ['NoCityFound'],
name: 'GetCities',
output: {'cities': List<City>},
class CityBloc extends Bloc<CityEvent, CityState> {
final RemoteService _remoteService = RemoteService();
CityBloc() : super(InitialCityState()) {
on<CityEvent>((event, emit) {
FutureOr<void> _onGetCities(
GetCitiesEvent event,
Emitter<CityState> emit,
) async {
final cities = await _remoteService.getCities();
if (cities != null) {
emit(GetCitiesCompletedState(cities: cities));
} else {
failure: GlobalFailureModel(
errorCode: 0,
message: 'Error when getting cities',
Run flutter pub run build_runner build
command from terminal inside project directory.
Generator creates city_bloc.g.dart file filled with defined states and events.
part of 'city_bloc.dart';
class InitialCityState extends CityState {}
class DeleteCityEvent extends CityEvent {
final int cityId;
DeleteCityEvent({required this.cityId});
class DeleteCityInProgressState extends CityState {}
class NoCityFoundState extends CityState {}
class DeleteCityCompletedState extends CityState {
final City city;
class DeleteCityFailedState extends CityState {
final GlobalFailureModel failure;
DeleteCityFailedState({required this.failure});
class GetCitiesEvent extends CityEvent {}
class GetCitiesInProgressState extends CityState {}
class GetCitiesCompletedState extends CityState {
final List<City> cities;
GetCitiesCompletedState({required this.cities});
class GetCitiesFailedState extends CityState {
final GlobalFailureModel failure;
GetCitiesFailedState({required this.failure});
Annotations #
Generator needs BlocAnnotation
declaration top of the bloc.
: Base Event class type for event classes.baseStateType
: Base State class type for state classes.failureModel
: Global failure model type. If its null failure states wont have any fields. Otherwise will have this failure
: Name of your event.BlocUseCase.input
: Define event inputs with map.Format:{"nameOfField":typeOfField}
: Define CompletedState fields with map.Format:{"nameOfField":typeOfField}
: if you want more state define them inside list of string .