bloc_pattern 2.5.0 copy "bloc_pattern: ^2.5.0" to clipboard
bloc_pattern: ^2.5.0 copied to clipboard


Just a package with bases to deploy the BloC your code. Modules, Consumers And BLoC!

2.5.0 (Nov 08, 2019) #

  • Added generic support for any class bloc

2.4.4 (Nov 01, 2019) #

  • Added change inject in initModule (tests)

2.4.2+1 (Out 25, 2019) #

  • Added bloc_pattern_test from tests.

2.4.1+1 (Out 21, 2019) #

  • Fix Module Not Found error

2.4.0+2 (Out 06, 2019) #

  • Added distinct parameter in Consumer Widget and condition to call builder. Consumer
  • Added specific Consumer for Modules Pattern ConsumerModule<HomeModule, HomeBloc>(...);

2.3.4 (Out 03, 2019) #

  • Fix error singleton blocs module
  • Added debugMode false to print texts

2.3.3 (Sep 26, 2019) #

  • Fix error in segments bloc

2.3.2 (Sep 13, 2019) #

  • Fix multiple tags error

2.3.1 (Aug 24, 2019) #

  • Mapped Errors in Custom Exception

2.3.0 (Aug 23, 2019) #

  • Mapped Errors in Custom Exception

2.2.3 (Jul 11, 2019) #

  • Fix error dispose unique bloc

2.2.2+3 (Jun 28, 2019) #

  • Add ConsumerModule

2.2.1 (Jun 22, 2019) #

  • Prepare to Slidy
  • Fix error inject module.

2.2.0+5 (Jun 21, 2019) #

  • Fix error consumer module.

2.2.0+4 (Jun 19, 2019) #

  • Fix error dispose bloc.

2.2.0+1 (Jun 14, 2019) #

  • Introduced project modules.
  • Tag for each BlocProvider. You can use multiple BlocProvider independently.

2.1.9+2 #

  • Fix dispose error

2.1.9 #

  • Add Consumer pattern.

2.1.7 #

  • Corrections in the parameters.

2.0.1 (May 1, 2019) #

  • BlocProvider and BlocProviderList are now one.
  • Added Injection of BLoC dependencies.
  • Added Injection Dependencies.

1.1.2 (December 8, 2018) #

  • removed context injection

1.1.1 (December 8, 2018) #

  • removed context injection

1.1.0 (November 19, 2018) #

  • Injected the context (BuildContext) into the controller.

1.0.0 (November 19, 2018) #

  • Support for Dart 2.1
  • Enhanced Bloc lifecycle with fast access anywhere in the application.

0.1.0 (November 8, 2018) #

  • Provider with StatefulWidget.
pub points



Just a package with bases to deploy the BloC your code. Modules, Consumers And BLoC!

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unknown (license)




Packages that depend on bloc_pattern