bloc_code_generator 0.1.1
bloc_code_generator: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard
Bloc Code Generator is a code generator for package.
Bloc Code Generator #
A Dart package that generates code for the bloc library.
GenerateBloc Annotation #
GenerateBloc is a dart annotation that requires a State
as parameter, the state can be a primitive or an object. It handles the bloc's generation.
How it works #
By adding the annotation to your Bloc
class like this:
part 'my_bloc.g.dart';
class MyBloc extends _$Bloc {
MyState get initialState => MyState();
Stream<MyState> _mapDoSomethingToState(int someValue, SomeModel someModel) async* {
yield MyState.doSomething(someValue, someModel);
And running
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
The generator will create the my_bloc.g.dart
file for you:
part of 'main_bloc.dart';
enum _$EventType { doSomething }
class _$Event {
final _$EventType type;
final List<dynamic> payload;
_$Event({this.type, this.payload});
abstract class _$Bloc extends Bloc<_$Event, MyState> {
Stream<MyState> mapEventToState(_$Event event) async* {
switch (event.type) {
case _$EventType.doSomething:
yield* _mapDoSomethingToState(event.payload[0], event.payload[1]);
void dispatchDoSomethingEvent(int someValue, SomeModel someModel) {
type: _$EventType.increment,
payload: [someValue, someModel],
Stream<MyState> _mapDoSomethingToState(int someValue, SomeModel someModel);
It gets all _map<NAME>ToState
methods, creates the dispatchers and maps the right events to them.
By using the generator you don't need to handle the events, only the mapToState
Examples #
- Counter - an example of how to create a counter bloc