bitmovin_player 0.4.0 copy "bitmovin_player: ^0.4.0" to clipboard
bitmovin_player: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard

Official Flutter bindings for Bitmovin's mobile Player SDKs.

Changelog #

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[Unreleased] #

[0.4.0] - 2023-12-12 #

Added #

Support for Picture-in-Picture (PiP) playback on iOS

  • PictureInPictureEnter which is emitted when the player view is about to enter Picture-in-Picture mode
  • PictureInPictureExit which is emitted when the player view is about to exit Picture-in-Picture mode
  • PictureInPictureEntered which is emitted when the player view finishes entering Picture-in-Picture mode
  • PictureInPictureExited which is emitted when the player view finishes exiting Picture-in-Picture mode
  • PictureInPicture example page to test PiP and show how it can be integrated and used
  • PlayerViewState.pictureInPicture namespace to access Picture-in-Picture methods
  • PlayerViewState.pictureInPicture.isPictureInPicture to check whether the PlayerView is currently in Picture-in-Picture mode
  • PlayerViewState.pictureInPicture.isPictureInPictureAvailable to check whether Picture-in-Picture mode is available
  • PlayerViewState.pictureInPicture.enterPictureInPicture to make the PlayerView enter Picture-In-Picture mode
  • PlayerViewState.pictureInPicture.exitPictureInPicture to make the PlayerView exit Picture-In-Picture mode
  • PlayerViewConfig to configure a new PlayerView instance. Currently its only field is pictureInPictureConfig
  • PictureInPictureConfig to configure Picture-in-Picture playback
  • PictureInPictureConfig.isEnabled to set whether Picture-in-Picture feature is enabled or not
  • PictureInPictureConfig.shouldEnterOnBackground to set whether Picture-in-Picture should start automatically when the app transitions to background

Changed #

  • PlayerView has a new argument playerViewConfig with a predefined default value

[0.3.0] - 2023-11-27 #

Added #

  • Support for background playback on iOS
    • PlaybackConfig.isBackgroundPlaybackEnabled to specify whether background playback is enabled
    • BackgroundPlayback example to the example application
  • Support for AirPlay on iOS
    • Player.isAirPlayActive to indicate whether media is being played externally using AirPlay
    • Player.isAirPlayAvailable to indicate whether AirPlay is available
    • Player.showAirPlayTargetPicker() to display the AirPlay playback target picker
    • RemoteControlConfig.isAirPlayEnabled to control whether AirPlay should be possible
    • AirPlayAvailableEvent which is emitted when AirPlay is available
    • AirPlayChangedEvent which is emitted when AirPlay playback starts or stops

Changed #

  • Update Bitmovin's native Android Player SDK version to 3.52.0
  • Update Bitmovin's native iOS Player SDK version to 3.49.0

[0.2.0] - 2023-11-06 #

Added #

  • Google Cast Support for Android and iOS

[0.1.0] - 2023-09-28 #

Added #

  • Support for DASH (only Android), HLS and progressive playback
  • Support for playing back live streams
  • DRM support for Widevine on Android and FairPlay on iOS
  • Bitmovin Web UI support, including customizable CSS and JS files
  • Bitmovin Analytics support
  • Subtitle & Caption handling
  • Fullscreen handling