bitcoin_base 4.9.3 bitcoin_base: ^4.9.3 copied to clipboard
A versatile library for Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash, BSV, and BCH. Supports P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, P2WSH, P2TR, with advanced creation, signing, and spending capabilities.
// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable, unused_element
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:bitcoin_base/bitcoin_base.dart';
import 'package:blockchain_utils/blockchain_utils.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
BigInt _changeValue(BigInt sum, List<BigInt> all) {
final sumAll = all.fold<BigInt>(, (previousValue, element) => previousValue + element);
final remind = sum - sumAll;
if (remind < {
throw ArgumentError("invalid values");
return remind;
Future<void> _brodcastTrasaction(String digets) async {
final params = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"API_key": "27c54568-c97c-49a6-8667-993f8de2d4d8",
"method": "sendrawtransaction",
"params": [digets]
final cl = http.Client();
final res = await
body: jsonEncode(params),
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
void _spendFrom2P2SHAnd2P2PKHAddress() async {
/// Define network
const network = BitcoinCashNetwork.testnet;
/// Define a seed using a hex string
final seed = BytesUtils.fromHexString(
/// Create a Bip32 key from the seed
final bip32 = Bip32Slip10Secp256k1.fromSeed(seed);
/// Generate child keys from the master key
final childKey1 = bip32.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(1));
final childKey = bip32.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(3));
/// Convert child key private keys to ECPrivate objects
final childKey1PrivateKey = ECPrivate.fromBytes(childKey1.privateKey.raw);
final childKey2PrivateKey = ECPrivate.fromBytes(childKey.privateKey.raw);
/// Convert child key public keys to ECPublic objects
final childKey1PublicKey = ECPublic.fromBytes(childKey1.publicKey.compressed);
final examplePublicKey = ECPublic.fromBytes(childKey.publicKey.compressed);
/// Define another private key using WIF
final ECPrivate examplePrivateKey = ECPrivate.fromWif(
netVersion: BitcoinNetwork.testnet.wifNetVer);
final examplePublicKey2 = examplePrivateKey.getPublic();
final msig2 = MultiSignatureAddress(threshold: 3, signers: [
MultiSignatureSigner(publicKey: examplePublicKey.toHex(), weight: 1),
MultiSignatureSigner(publicKey: childKey1PublicKey.toHex(), weight: 2),
/// outputs
/// make sure pass network to address for validate, before sending create transaction
/// Create a P2shAddress instance from the specified BCH address and network
final out1 = P2shAddress.fromAddress(
address: "bchtest:pz2mcmtv8ect77a0fjqhl2cwcqswmvfq3qsxe5rq9r",
network: network);
/// Create a P2shAddress instance from the specified BCH address and network
final out2 = P2shAddress.fromAddress(
address: "bchtest:pp5w24ym8f7h8aspam24hk5msvz6yr9djvlguqda4e",
network: network);
/// Create a P2pkhAddress instance from the specified BCH address and network
final out3 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(
address: "bchtest:qr8kl5t2rajthcryx9wdcmfn4t4634dvev5ly5ewas",
network: network);
/// Create a P2shAddress instance from the specified BCH address and network
final out4 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(
address: "bchtest:pq7w6zt4vcv33yg54y3xfemm3k5d0ahceqmdanzcmz",
network: network);
/// Calculate the change value for the transaction
final change = _changeValue(
/// sum of utxos
/// Transaction fee
final b = ForkedTransactionBuilder(
outPuts: [
/// Define a BitcoinOutput with the P2shAddress and a value of 0.01 BCH
BitcoinOutput(address: out1, value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.01")),
/// Define a BitcoinOutput with the P2shAddress and a value of 0.01 BCH
BitcoinOutput(address: out2, value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.01")),
/// Define a BitcoinOutput with the P2pkhAddress and a value of 0.01 BCH
BitcoinOutput(address: out3, value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.01")),
/// Define a BitcoinOutput with the P2shAddress and a value equal to the 'change' variable
BitcoinOutput(address: out4, value: change),
/// Set the transaction fee to 0.00003 BCH
fee: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.00003"),
/// Specify the network for the litcoin transaction
network: network,
/// Define a list of Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) for the Bitcoin transaction
utxos: [
/// Create a UTXO using a BitcoinUtxo with specific details
utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
/// Transaction hash uniquely identifies the referenced transaction
/// Value represents the amount of the UTXO in satoshis.
value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.101"),
/// Vout is the output index of the UTXO within the referenced transaction
vout: 0,
/// Script type indicates the type of script associated with the UTXO's address
scriptType: examplePublicKey2.toAddress().type,
/// Include owner details with the public key and address associated with the UTXO
ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
publicKey: examplePublicKey2.toHex(),
address: examplePublicKey2.toAddress())),
/// Build the transaction by invoking the buildTransaction method on the ForkedTransactionBuilder
final tr = b.buildTransaction((trDigest, utxo, publicKey, int sighash) {
/// For each input in the transaction, locate the corresponding private key
/// and sign the transaction digest to construct the unlocking script.
if (publicKey == childKey1PublicKey.toHex()) {
return childKey1PrivateKey.signInput(trDigest, sigHash: sighash);
if (publicKey == examplePublicKey.toHex()) {
return childKey2PrivateKey.signInput(trDigest, sigHash: sighash);
if (publicKey == examplePublicKey2.toHex()) {
return examplePrivateKey.signInput(trDigest, sigHash: sighash);
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Get the transaction ID
final txId = tr.txId();
/// Calculate the size of the transaction in bytes.
/// You can determine the transaction fee by multiplying the transaction size
/// Formula: transaction fee = (transaction size in bytes * fee rate in bytes)
final size = tr.getSize();
/// broadcast transaction
await _brodcastTrasaction(tr.serialize());
void _spendFrom2P2SHAnd1P2PKHAddress() async {
/// Define network
const network = BitcoinCashNetwork.testnet;
/// Define a seed using a hex string
final seed = BytesUtils.fromHexString(
/// Create a Bip32 key from the seed
final bip32 = Bip32Slip10Secp256k1.fromSeed(seed);
/// Generate child keys from the master key
final childKey1 = bip32.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(1));
final childKey = bip32.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(3));
/// Convert child key private keys to ECPrivate objects
final childKey1PrivateKey = ECPrivate.fromBytes(childKey1.privateKey.raw);
final childKey2PrivateKey = ECPrivate.fromBytes(childKey.privateKey.raw);
/// Convert child key public keys to ECPublic objects
final childKey1PublicKey = ECPublic.fromBytes(childKey1.publicKey.compressed);
final examplePublicKey = ECPublic.fromBytes(childKey.publicKey.compressed);
/// Define another private key from WIF
final ECPrivate examplePrivateKey = ECPrivate.fromWif(
netVersion: BitcoinNetwork.testnet.wifNetVer);
final examplePublicKey2 = examplePrivateKey.getPublic();
/// Create a MultiSignatureAddress with two signers and a threshold of 3
/// script = [OP_3, ch2PubPublicKey, ch1PubPublicKey,ch1PubPublicKey, OP_3, OP_CHECKMULTISIG]
final msig2 = MultiSignatureAddress(threshold: 3, signers: [
MultiSignatureSigner(publicKey: examplePublicKey.toHex(), weight: 1),
MultiSignatureSigner(publicKey: childKey1PublicKey.toHex(), weight: 2),
/// Calculate the change value for the transaction
final change = _changeValue(
/// sum of utxos
/// Transaction fee
/// outputs
/// make sure pass network to address for validate, before sending create transaction
/// Create a P2pkhAddress instance from the specified BCH address and network
final out1 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(
address: "bchtest:qr7nx7knh7q7ppkedf5wr7xk5zj3p7xzfgapvt5csc",
network: network);
/// Create a P2shAddress instance from the specified BCH address and network
final out2 = P2shAddress.fromAddress(
address: "bchtest:pz4xpuvkmtuz9k9rksdv5lnu5q6jqvc8hus60get4a",
network: network);
/// Create a P2shAddress instance from the specified BCH address and network
final out3 = P2shAddress.fromAddress(
address: "bchtest:prs0e39dpv0j2ysj00cec4t4x2k4833dsvmxeq8fr0",
network: network);
/// Calculate the change value for the transaction
final b = ForkedTransactionBuilder(
/// outputs
outPuts: [
/// Define a BitcoinOutput with the P2pkhAddress and a value of 0.01 BCH
BitcoinOutput(address: out1, value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.01")),
/// Define a BitcoinOutput with the P2shAddress and a value of 0.01 BCH
BitcoinOutput(address: out2, value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.01")),
/// Define a BitcoinOutput with the P2shAddress and a value equal to the 'change' variable
BitcoinOutput(address: out3, value: change),
/// Set the transaction fee to 0.00003 BCH
fee: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.00003"),
/// Specify the network for the BCH transaction
network: network,
/// Add a memo to the transaction, linking to the GitHub repository
memo: "",
/// Define a list of Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) for the Bitcoin transaction
utxos: [
/// Create a UTXO using a BitcoinUtxo with specific details
utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
/// Transaction hash uniquely identifies the referenced transaction
/// Value represents the amount of the UTXO in satoshis.
value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.01"),
/// Vout is the output index of the UTXO within the referenced transaction
vout: 0,
/// Script type indicates the type of script associated with the UTXO's address
scriptType: childKey1PublicKey.toP2pkInP2sh().type,
/// Include owner details with the public key and address associated with the UTXO
ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
publicKey: childKey1PublicKey.toHex(),
address: childKey1PublicKey.toP2pkInP2sh())),
utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
/// Transaction hash uniquely identifies the referenced transaction
/// Value represents the amount of the UTXO in satoshis.
value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.01"),
/// Vout is the output index of the UTXO within the referenced transaction
vout: 1,
/// Script type indicates the type of script associated with the UTXO's address
scriptType: childKey1PublicKey.toP2pkhInP2sh().type,
/// Include owner details with the public key and address associated with the UTXO
ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
publicKey: childKey1PublicKey.toHex(),
address: childKey1PublicKey.toP2pkhInP2sh())),
utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
/// Transaction hash uniquely identifies the referenced transaction
/// Value represents the amount of the UTXO in satoshis.
value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.01"),
/// Vout is the output index of the UTXO within the referenced transaction
vout: 2,
/// Script type indicates the type of script associated with the UTXO's address
scriptType: examplePublicKey.toAddress().type,
/// Include owner details with the public key and address associated with the UTXO
ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
publicKey: examplePublicKey.toHex(),
address: examplePublicKey.toAddress())),
utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
/// Transaction hash uniquely identifies the referenced transaction
/// Value represents the amount of the UTXO in satoshis.
value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("0.07097"),
/// Vout is the output index of the UTXO within the referenced transaction
vout: 3,
/// Script type indicates the type of script associated with the UTXO's address
scriptType: msig2.toP2shAddress().type,
/// Include owner details with the multiSigAddress and address associated with the UTXO
ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails.multiSigAddress(
multiSigAddress: msig2, address: msig2.toP2shAddress())),
final tr = b.buildTransaction((trDigest, utxo, publicKey, int sighash) {
if (publicKey == childKey1PublicKey.toHex()) {
return childKey1PrivateKey.signInput(trDigest, sigHash: sighash);
if (publicKey == examplePublicKey.toHex()) {
return childKey2PrivateKey.signInput(trDigest, sigHash: sighash);
if (publicKey == examplePublicKey2.toHex()) {
return examplePrivateKey.signInput(trDigest, sigHash: sighash);
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Get the transaction ID
final txId = tr.txId();
/// Calculate the size of the transaction in bytes.
/// You can determine the transaction fee by multiplying the transaction size
/// Formula: transaction fee = (transaction size in bytes * fee rate in bytes)
final size = tr.getSize();
/// broadcast transaction
await _brodcastTrasaction(tr.serialize());