bitcoin_base 0.2.0 copy "bitcoin_base: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
bitcoin_base: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard

A comprehensive Bitcoin library for creating/signing and spending P2PK, P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, P2WSH, Taproot ...

Bitcoin Dart Package #

A comprehensive Bitcoin library for Dart that provides functionality to create, sign, and send Bitcoin transactions. This library supports a wide range of Bitcoin transaction types and features, making it suitable for various use cases.

Features #

  • Create and sign Bitcoin transactions
  • Addresses
    • Legacy Keys and Addresses (P2PK, P2PKH, P2SH)
    • Segwit Addresses (P2WPKH, P2SH-P2WPKH, P2WSH and P2SH-P2WSH, Taproot (segwit v1))
  • Support for different transaction types:
    • Legacy transactions (P2PKH, P2SH)
      • Transaction with P2PKH input and outputs
      • Create a P2PKH Transaction with different SIGHASHes
      • Create a P2SH Address
      • Create (spent) a P2SH Transaction
  • Segwit Transactions
    • Transaction to pay to a P2WPKH
    • Spend from a P2SH(P2WPKH) nested segwit address
  • Timelock Transactions
    • Create a P2SH address with a relative timelock
    • Spend from a timelocked address
  • Taproot (segwit v1) Transactions
    • Spend from a taproot address
    • Spend a multi input that contains both taproot and legacy UTXOs
    • Send to taproot address that contains a single script path spend
    • Spend taproot from key path (has single alternative script path spend)
    • Spend taproot from script path (has single alternative script path spend)
    • Send to taproot address that contains two scripts path spends
    • Send to taproot address that contains three scripts path spends
  • Sign
    • sign message
    • sign transactions
    • Schnorr sign (segwit transactions)
    • support different sighash
    • get public key of signature

Example #

A large number of examples and tests have been prepared you can see them in the test folder

  • Keys and addresses
      // private key
      final prive = ECPrivate.fromWif("");
      prive.signMessage(message) // sign message
      prive.signInput(txDigest) // sign legacy and segwit 
      prive.signTapRoot(txDigest) // sign taprot 
      prive.getPublic() // public key

      // publick key
      final public = prive.getPublic();
      public.verify(message, signature); // verify message
      ECPublic.getSignaturPublic(message, signatur) // get public of signatur
      public.toAddress(); // P2pkhAddress
      public.toSegwitAddress(); // P2wpkhAddress  addres
      final script = Script(script: [public.toHex(), 'OP_CHECKSIG']);
      final addr = P2shAddress(script: script); // p2sh address
      final script = Script(script: [
      final pw = P2wshAddress(script: script); // p2wsh addres
      final addr = public.toTaprootAddress(); // taproot addres
  • spend P2PK/P2PKH
  final txin = => TxInput(txId: e.txId, txIndex: e.vout)).toList(); // p2pk UTXO
  final List<TxOutput> txOut = [
        amount: value,
        scriptPubKey: Script(script: receiver.toScriptPubKey()))
  if (hasChanged) {
        amount: changedValue,
        scriptPubKey: Script(script: senderAddress.toScriptPubKey())));
  final tx = BtcTransaction(inputs: txin, outputs: txOut);
  for (int i = 0; i < txin.length; i++) {
    final sc = senderPub.toRedeemScript();
    final txDigit =
        tx.getTransactionDigit(txInIndex: i, script: sc, sighash: sighash);
    final signedTx = prive.signInput(txDigit, sighash);
    txin[i].scriptSig = Script(script: [signedTx]);
  tx.serialize(); // ready for broadcast
  • spend P2PKH/P2WKH
  final txin = => TxInput(txId: e.txId, txIndex: e.vout)).toList(); // P2PKH UTXO
  final List<TxOutput> txOut = [
        amount: value,
        scriptPubKey: Script(script: receiver.toScriptPubKey()))
  if (hasChanged) {
    final senderAddress = senderPub.toAddress();
        amount: changedValue,
        scriptPubKey: Script(script: senderAddress.toScriptPubKey()))); // changed address
  final tx = BtcTransaction(inputs: txin, outputs: txOut, hasSegwit: false);
  for (int b = 0; b < txin.length; b++) {
    final txDigit = tx.getTransactionDigit(
        txInIndex: b,
        script: Script(script: senderPub.toAddress().toScriptPubKey()),
        sighash: sighash);
    final signedTx = sign(txDigit, sigHash: sighash);
    txin[b].scriptSig = Script(script: [signedTx, senderPub.toHex()]);
  tx.serialize(); // ready for broadcast
  • spend P2WKH/P2SH
  final txin = => TxInput(txId: e.txId, txIndex: e.vout)).toList(); // p2wkh utxo
  final List<TxWitnessInput> w = [];
  final List<TxOutput> txOut = [
        amount: value,
        scriptPubKey: receiver.toRedeemScript().toP2shScriptPubKey())
  if (hasChanged) {
        amount: changedValue,
            Script(script: senderPub.toSegwitAddress().toScriptPubKey()))); // changed address
  final tx = BtcTransaction(inputs: txin, outputs: txOut, hasSegwit: true);
  for (int i = 0; i < txin.length; i++) {
    // get segwit transaction digest
    final txDigit = tx.getTransactionSegwitDigit(
        txInIndex: i,
        script: Script(script: senderPub.toAddress().toScriptPubKey()),
        sighash: sighash,
        amount: utxo[i].value);
    final signedTx = sign(txDigit,sighas);
    w.add(TxWitnessInput(stack: [signedTx, senderPub.toHex()]));
  tx.serialize(); // ready for broadcast

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Please follow these guidelines:

  • Fork the repository and create a new branch.
  • Make your changes and ensure tests pass.
  • Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.

Feature requests and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs in the issue tracker.

pub points


unverified uploader

A comprehensive Bitcoin library for creating/signing and spending P2PK, P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, P2WSH, Taproot ...

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


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