bip32_ed25519 0.5.0 bip32_ed25519: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard
The Dart implementation of the BIP32-Ed25519 the deterministic key generation solution for the Ed25519 curve.
Changelog #
v0.5.0 #
API break changes due to the pinenacl v0.5.0 API breaks
v0.4.0 #
Bumped to v0.4.0 due to the API breaks presented in pinenacl-dart v0.3.5 (bumped to v0.4.0)
v0.3.1 #
Updated to be compatible with pinenacle v0.3.5
v0.3.0 #
API Breaking changes. Removed Cardano dependencies
- Cip1852
- Cip1854
- Cardano masterkey generation implementations