biopassid_face_sdk 4.0.0 copy "biopassid_face_sdk: ^4.0.0" to clipboard
biopassid_face_sdk: ^4.0.0 copied to clipboard

BioPass ID Face SDK Flutter plugin.

v4.0.0 #

  • Documentation update;
  • All texts in English by default;
  • Bug fixes for face centering;
  • Changing the name of FaceFeedbackTextMessages properties, see faceconfig section;
  • Added new liveness mode for face detection (Android only);
  • Added new face recognition (Android only):
    • Extract: Operation to extract a template from a given biometric image;
    • Verify: Operation that compares two biometric templates.

Breaking Changes #

Initialize face capture

// Before
final config = FaceConfig(licenseKey: 'your-license-key');
final controller = FaceController(
  config: config,
  onFaceCapture: (image) {
    print('onFaceCapture: $image');
await controller.takeFace();

// Now
final config = FaceConfig(licenseKey: 'your-license-key');
final controller = FaceController();
await controller.takeFace(
  config: config,
  onFaceCapture: (image, faceAttributes) {
    print('onFaceCapture: $image');


// Before
final config = FaceConfig(licenseKey: 'your-license-key');
config.feedbackText.messages.noFaceDetectedMessage = 'Nenhuma face detectada';
config.feedbackText.messages.multipleFacesDetectedMessage = 'Múltiplas faces detectadas';
config.feedbackText.messages.detectedFaceIsCenteredMessage = 'Mantenha o celular parado';
config.feedbackText.messages.detectedFaceIsTooCloseMessage = 'Afaste o rosto da câmera';
config.feedbackText.messages.detectedFaceIsTooFarMessage = 'Aproxime o rosto da câmera';
config.feedbackText.messages.detectedFaceIsOnTheLeftMessage = 'Mova o celular para a direita';
config.feedbackText.messages.detectedFaceIsOnTheRightMessage = 'Mova o celular para a esquerda';
config.feedbackText.messages.detectedFaceIsTooUpMessage = 'Mova o celular para baixo';
config.feedbackText.messages.detectedFaceIsTooDownMessage = 'Mova o celular para cima';

// Now
final config = FaceConfig(licenseKey: 'your-license-key');
config.feedbackText.messages.noDetection = 'No faces detected';
config.feedbackText.messages.multipleFaces = 'Multiple faces detected';
config.feedbackText.messages.faceCentered = 'Face centered. Do not move';
config.feedbackText.messages.tooClose = 'Turn your face away';
config.feedbackText.messages.tooFar = 'Bring your face closer';
config.feedbackText.messages.tooLeft = 'Move your face to the right';
config.feedbackText.messages.tooRight = 'Move your face to the left';
config.feedbackText.messages.tooUp = 'Move your face down';
config.feedbackText.messages.tooDown = 'Move your face up';

v3.0.2 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Connection timeout for license activation removed on Android;
  • References to class R fixed on Android.

v3.0.1 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Upgrade to Kotlin 1.9.10 on Android;
  • Added privacy manifest info on iOS.

v3.0.0 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Changed the minimum Android sdk version from 21 to 24, see installation section;
  • Removed faceDetectionDisabledMessage from FaceFeedbackTextMessages;
  • Renamed FaceMaskFormat.ellipsis to FaceMaskFormat.ellipse;
  • Added new score threshold functionality to FaceDetectionOptions:
    • Minimum trust score for a detection to be considered valid. Must be a number between 0 and 1, which 0.1 would be a lower face detection trust level and 0.9 would be a higher trust level. Default: 0.7.

v2.1.6 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Bug fixes on Android.

v2.1.5 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Reverted change in facial proximity calculation on Android.

v2.1.4 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Fixed a bug that caused crash when perform multiple switch camera click requests simultaneously on Android;
  • Improved facial proximity calculation on Android.

v2.1.3 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Fixing bug that caused crash when clicking the back button while capturing the photo on Android.

v2.1.2 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Fixed a bug that caused the captured image to be different from the camera preview image on some devices.

v2.1.1 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Fixed a bug that left the face shape stretched on some devices.

v2.1.0 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Added screen brightness adjustment functionality during frontal captures.

v2.0.4 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Facial detection adjustment for Android.

v2.0.3 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Layout fixes for Android.

v2.0.2 #

  • Documentation update.

v2.0.1 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Bug fix in license functionality for Android;
  • Face detection improvements for Android;
  • Bug fix in camera preview for Android.

v2.0.0 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Refactoring in FaceConfig;
  • Refactoring in UI customization functionality.

v1.2.1 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Bug fix in maxFaceDetectionTime for Android.

v1.2.0 #

  • Documentation update;
  • refactoring on autoCaptureTimeout:
    • Now the autoCaptureTimeout is called timeToCapture.

v1.1.1 #

  • Documentation update.

v1.1.0 #

  • New feature maxNumberFrames:
    • It is now possible to set a maximum number of frames to be captured during continuous capture.
  • Documentation update.

v1.0.1 #

  • Documentation update;
  • Fixed a bug that caused the camera preview image to be stretched during continuous capture for Android;
  • Improved license functionality for iOS.

v1.0.0 #

  • Documentation update;
  • FaceCameraPreset Refactoring;
  • Fix autoCaptute and autoCaptuteTimeout for iOS;
  • Fix CustomFonts feature for iOS.

v0.1.23 #

  • Documentation update;
  • New config option autoCaptureTimeout;
  • UI customization improvements:
    • Added FaceScreenShape with more face shape options;
    • Added progress animation during face detection.

v0.1.22 #

  • Bug fixes;
  • Documentation update.

v0.1.21 #

  • Bug fixes.

v0.1.20 #

  • New licensing feature.

v0.1.19 #

  • Bug fixes.

v0.1.18 #

  • Bug fixes;
  • Flash mode fixes;
  • Face detection improvement;
  • New feature automatic capture;
  • UI customization improvements;
  • New feature face detection;
  • Camera preset fix;
  • Camera preview fix;
  • New icon capture button;
  • Fix in requesting permissions;
  • Fix in performance of ContinuousCapture;
  • Parameterizable screenTitle;
  • New option to set text color;
  • New custom capture button;
  • Class name standardization;
  • New option to set the font.

v0.1.13 #

  • Removing API Integration;
  • New CaptureFormat configuration.

v0.1.12 #

  • Refactoring enroll and update person;
  • Addition of verify person;
  • Added loading message during capture.

v0.1.11 #

  • Adding error handling for devices that don't have a camera;
  • Adding error handling for when there are no cameras available for the camera position chosen during setup;
  • Addition of enroll and update person.

v0.1.10 #

  • Update package name;
  • Fix base url;
  • Fix face shape.

v0.1.9 #

  • Configuration and Integration with BioPassID SDK Android and iOS v0.1.9;
  • New flashButtonEnabledColor attribute in BioPassIDStyles.

0.1.8 #

  • Configuration and Integration with BioPassID SDK Android v0.1.8;
  • Configuration and Integration with BioPassID SDK iOS v0.1.8;
  • Implemented spoof on liveness (Android);
  • Bug fixes.

0.1.7 #

  • Configuration and Integration with BioPassID SDK Android v0.1.7;
  • Configuration and Integration with BioPassID SDK iOS v0.1.7;
  • Add liveness detection config;
  • Implemented spoof on liveness (iOS);
  • Bug fixes.

0.1.6 #

  • Configuration and Integration with BioPassID SDK iOS v0.1.6;
  • Configuration and Integration with BioPassID SDK Android v0.1.6;
  • An apiKey for each BioPassID plan;
  • New way to set apiKey.

0.1.5 #

  • Integration with BioPassID SDK Android;
  • Add face detection config;
  • ICAO, Spoofing and APIKey variables added to config;
  • BioPassIDEvent modified to return photo and response from ICAO and Spoofing endpoints.