binary_codec 1.0.2 binary_codec: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
Converts null, bools, ints, doubles, Uint8Lists, Strings, Maps and Lists into a binary format and back
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:binary_codec/binary_codec.dart';
void main() {
Map info = {
'allowedTypes': [
'Any strings',
utf8.encode('Any Uint8Lists'),
"'any' ints",
'sets': 'are also allowed',
'are also allowed',
'note about ints':
'Care about the floating-int-mess in javascript (for dart2js only integers in the safe range are handled correctly)',
'note about keys': {
'description': 'You can use any of the allowedTypes for keys',
'example': {
123: 'asdf',
124.235: 'qwer',
true: 'x',
null: 'y',
Uint8List.fromList([255, 0, 218, 17]): 'z',
'note about root type':
'Note that you can pass any of the allowed types into the decoder, not just maps',
Uint8List encoded = binaryCodec.encode(info);
var decoded = binaryCodec.decode(encoded);
assert(info.toString() == decoded.toString());