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Flutter Plugin for using BidmadSDK

Introduce #

BidmadPlugin is a plugin for using Bidmad, a mobile app advertisement SDK, in Flutter.
You can use the plugin to serve banner/interstitial/reward ads in your flutter mobile app.

Flutter Sample Download

Programming Guide #

1. Android Setting #

*If you are using a version lower than 1.0.0, please check here first before proceeding to the guide below.

1.1 Setting

Add the options below to


1.2 Proguard Settings

If you are using Proguard, add the rule below.

-keep class com.adop.sdk.** { *; }
-keep class ad.helper.openbidding.** { *; }
-keep class com.adop.adapter.fc.** { *; }
-keep class com.adop.adapter.fnc.** { *; }
-keepnames class * implements
-keepclassmembers class * implements {
    static final long serialVersionUID;
    private static final[] serialPersistentFields;
    !static !transient <fields>;
    private void writeObject(;
    private void readObject(;
    java.lang.Object writeReplace();
    java.lang.Object readResolve();
-keepclassmembers class * {
@android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>;

-keep class com.adop.prebid.** {*;}

# Pangle
-keep class com.bytedance.sdk.** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }

# Tapjoy
-keep class com.tapjoy.** { *; }
-keep class com.moat.** { *; }
-keepattributes JavascriptInterface
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keep class * extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
protected Object[][] getContents();
-keep public class {
public static final *** NULL;
-keepnames class *
-keepclassmembernames class * { *;
-keepnames class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
public static final ** CREATOR;
-keep class** { *; }
-dontwarn com.tapjoy.**

2. iOS Setting #

2.1 import BidmadSDK-iOS CocoaPods

After fetching our plugin into your app by "flutter pub get", a "Podfile" will be generated in your project's iOS Folder.

  1. In Podfile, set the platform requirement to iOS 11.
  2. Install our CocoaPods iOS Framework with command "pod install"
  3. Now, open the Xcode Workspace file with the name "Runner.xcworkspace" and proceed to guide 2.2 below. Bidmad-Guide-Flutter-3

2.2 Xcode Build Setting

Select "No" for Enable Bitcode under your Build Setting.

2.3 Setting SKAdNetwork

To use AdNetworks provided by BidmadSDK, you need to add SKAdNetworkIdentifier to Info.plist. Please add SKAdNetworkItems below to info.plist.

SKAdNetworkItems List

Also, please add NSUserTrackingUsageDescription with your own description of why you would like to track user data (e.g. "App would like to access IDFA for tracking purpose") into info.plist

<string>App would like to access IDFA for tracking purpose</string>

3. Using Plugin #

3.1 Initializing BidmadSDK

Performs tasks required to run BidmadSDK. The SDK won't allow ads to load unless you call the initializeSdk method.
The initializeSdk method receives the App Key that can be checked in ADOP Insight as a parameter. You can import the App Key by referring to the Find Your App Key guide.
Before loading ads, call the initializeSdk method as shown in the following example at the beginning of app execution.

if (foundation.defaultTargetPlatform == {
    FlutterBidmadCommon().initializeSdk("ANDROID APP KEY");
} else if (foundation.defaultTargetPlatform == foundation.TargetPlatform.iOS) {
    FlutterBidmadCommon().initializeSdk("IOS APP KEY");

3.1 Banner AD

The following is an example of requesting a Banner ad.

3.1.1 Banner placement based on position
....//Banner init
    FlutterBidmadCommon common = FlutterBidmadCommon();
    FlutterBaseBanner banner;

    common.initBannerChannel().then((value) {
      String _channelNm = value;

      banner = FlutterBaseBanner(
          channelName: _channelNm

      banner.setAdInfo("Your Zone Id");

          onLoadAd: (String zoneId){
            print("banner onLoadAd");
          onFailAd: (String zoneId){
            print("banner onFailAd");

      //banner.setInterval(120); //banner refresh time(60s~120s)

....//Banner Load
    banner.load(300); //set Position Y(height)

....//Banner Remove
3.1.2 Banner Widget
....//Banner Widget init
      child: BidmadBannerWidget(
        onBidmadBannerWidgetCreated: _onWidgetTestCreated,
      height: 50.0, //Banner Height(50, 100, 250)

  void _onWidgetTestCreated(FlutterBaseBanner controller){
    controller.setAdInfo("Your Zone Id");

        onLoadAd: (String zoneId){
          print("banner onLoadAd");
        onFailAd: (String zoneId){
          print("banner onFailAd");


3.2 Interstitial AD

The following is an example of requesting a Interstitial ad.

....//Interstitial init
    FlutterBidmadCommon common = FlutterBidmadCommon();
    FlutterBaseInterstitial interstitial;

    common.initInterstitialChannel().then((value) {
      String _channelNm = value;

      interstitial = FlutterBaseInterstitial(
          channelName: _channelNm

      interstitial.setAdInfo("Your Zone Id");

          onLoadAd: (String zoneId){
            print("interstitial onLoadAd");
          onShowAd: (String zoneId){
            print("interstitial onShowAd" );
            interstitial.load(); //Ad Reload
          onCloseAd: (String zoneId){
            print("interstitial onCloseAd");
          onFailAd: (String zoneId){
            print("interstitial onFailAd");

....//Interstitial Load

....//Interstitial Show

3.3 Reward AD

The following is an example of requesting a Reward ad.

....//Reward init
    FlutterBidmadCommon common = FlutterBidmadCommon();
    FlutterBaseReward reward;

    common.initRewardChannel().then((value) {
      String _channelNm = value;
      reward = FlutterBaseReward(
          channelName: _channelNm

      reward.setAdInfo("Your Zone Id");

          onLoadAd: (String zoneId){
            print("reward onLoadAd");
          onShowAd: (String zoneId){
            print("reward onShowAd");

          onCompleteAd: (String zoneId){
            print("reward onCompleteAd");
          onSkipAd: (String zoneId){
            print("reward onSkippedAd");
          onCloseAd: (String zoneId){
            print("reward onCloseAd");
          onClickAd: (String zoneId){
            print("reward onClickAd");
          onFailAd: (String zoneId){
            print("reward onFailAd");

....//Reward Load

....//Reward Show

3.4 NativeAd Widget

Native ads are ad formats that are displayed to users through app-specific UI components. Since the UI design unique to the internal app is required to display native ads, additional settings for Android and iOS are required to use this function.

Android Settings
  1. Create an XML file by referring to XML Layout Setting Guide for Android.
  2. Create a layout folder under the resource file and put the XML file in it.
  3. Copy the name without the extension of the XML file you created and pass it to the BidmadNativeAdWidget constructor layoutName as shown below.
        onBidmadNativeAdWidgetCreated: _onBidmadNativeAdWidgetCreated,
        layoutName: "nativead_layout"
iOS Settings
  1. Create an XIB file by referring to XIB Layout Setting Guide for iOS.
  2. Open Runner.xcworkspace.
  3. Put the created XIB file under the project Runner folder inside the Navigation Area.
  4. Copy the name without the extension of the XIB file you created and pass it to the BidmadNativeAdWidget constructor layoutName as shown below.
        onBidmadNativeAdWidgetCreated: _onBidmadNativeAdWidgetCreated,
        layoutName: "IOSNativeAd"

Here's an example requesting native ads:

....// Banner Widget Init
      child: BidmadNativeAdWidget(
        onBidmadNativeAdWidgetCreated: _onBidmadNativeAdWidgetCreated,
        layoutName:"YourXMLorXIBFileName", // Please enter the name of XIB or XML file
      height: 400,
....// After Banner Widget is fully created, the _onBidmadNativeAdWidgetCreated callback will be called
    void _onBidmadNativeAdWidgetCreated(FlutterBaseNativeAd controller) {
        controller.setAdInfo("Your Zone ID");
          onLoadAd: () {
            print("NativeAd onLoadAd");
          onFailAd: (String error) {
            print("NativeAd onFailAd" + error);
          onClickAd: (() {
            print("NativeAd onClickAd");

3.5 ATT Functions

reqAdTrackingAuthorization() displays a popup, requesting for App Tracking Consent from user.
And the function will return set of number string values, showing the result.

    FlutterBidmadCommon common = FlutterBidmadCommon();
      (value) {
        switch (value) {
          case "0":
            print("App Tracking Not Determined");
          case "1":
            print("App Tracking Restricted Authoriziation Status");
          case "2":
            print("App Tracking Denied Authorization Status");
          case "3":
            print("App Tracking Authorized Authorization Status");
          case "4":
            print("user is on lower version than iOS 14");

For App Tracking Not Determined, the function will return 0,
For App Tracking Restricted Authoriziation Status, the function will return 1,
For App Tracking Denied Authorization Status, the function will return 2,
For App Tracking Authorized Authorization Status the function will return 3,
and Lastly, if the user is on lower version than iOS 14 then it will return 4.

If you wish to obtain app tracking consent through a method other than what's provided by Plugin,
If the user agrees, True, and if rejected, pass False to setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled.


4. Plugin Interface #

4.1 FlutterBaseBanner

*Banner ads are handled through FlutterBaseBanner and this is a list of functions for that.

Function Description
FlutterBaseBanner(@required String channelName) This is the FlutterBaseBanner constructor, Receives the Name for Channel creation as a Param.
Future(void) load(int y) Request a banner ad. When a banner ad is exposed, the banner is exposed at height y (center alignment).
Future(void) loadWidget() Request a banner ad. In order for the function to function properly, FlutterBaseBanner object must be obtained through the BidmadBannerWidget Class.
Future(void) setInterval(int sec) Set the banner refresh cycle.(60s~120s)
Future(void) setAdInfo(String zoneId) Set the issued ZoneId.
Future(void) setCUID(String cuid) Set the CUID property of each ad type. recommend encrypting text using sha256 or higher.
Future(void) hideBanner() Hide the banner View
Future(void) showBanner() Show the banner View.
Future(void) removeBanner() Remove the exposed banner.
void Function(String zoneId) onLoadAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad load.
void Function(String zoneId) onFailAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad load fail.

4.2 BidmadBannerWidget

*For banner ads in the form of a widget, it must be processed through BidmadBannerWidget, and this is a list of functions for that.

Function Description
BidmadBannerWidget(BidmadBannerWidgetCreatedCallback onBidmadBannerWidgetCreated) This is the BidmadBannerWidget constructor. After creating the widget, it receives a callback for processing.
onBidmadBannerWidgetCreated(FlutterBaseBanner controller) It is a callback that can receive a FlutterBaseBanner and handle banner related processing.

4.3 FlutterBaseInterstitial

*Interstitial ads are handled through FlutterBaseInterstitial and this is a list of functions for that.

Function Description
FlutterBaseInterstitial(@required String channelName) This is the FlutterBaseInterstitial constructor, Receives the Name for Channel creation as a Param.
Future(void) load() Request a interstitial ad
Future(void) show() Display the loaded interstitial ad
Future(bool) isLoaded() Check if the ad is loaded.
Future(void) setAdInfo(String zoneId) Set the issued ZoneId.
Future(void) setCUID(String cuid) Set the CUID property of each ad type. recommend encrypting text using sha256 or higher.
void Function(String zoneId) onLoadAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad load.
void Function(String zoneId) onShowAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad show.
void Function(String zoneId) onFailAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad load fail.
void Function(String zoneId) onCloseAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad close.

4.4 FlutterBaseReward

*Reward ads are handled through FlutterBaseReward and this is a list of functions for that.

Function Description
FlutterBaseReward(@required String channelName) This is the FlutterBaseReward constructor, Receives the Name for Channel creation as a Param.
Future(void) load() Request a reward ad.
Future(void) show() Display the loaded reward ad.
Future(bool) isLoaded() Check if the ad is loaded.
Future(void) setAdInfo(String zoneId) Set the issued ZoneId.
Future(void) setCUID(String cuid) Set the CUID property of each ad type. recommend encrypting text using sha256 or higher.
void Function(String zoneId) onLoadAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad load.
void Function(String zoneId) onShowAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad show.
void Function(String zoneId) onFailAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad load fail.
void Function(String zoneId) onCompleteAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad complate.
void Function(String zoneId) onCloseAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad close.
void Function(String zoneId) onClickAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad click.
void Function(String zoneId) onSkipAd If a listener is registered, the registered function is called when ad skip.

4.5 BidmadNativeAdWidget

*Native ads are provided in the form of widgets and processed through BidmadNativeAdWidget. Below is a list of their features.

Function Description
BidmadNativeAdWidget(layoutName, onBidmadNativeAdWidgetCreated) BidmadNativeAdWidget Constructor. After creating a widget, receive a callback for processing as a param.
onBidmadNativeAdWidgetCreated(FlutterBaseNativeAd controller) Callback that can receive FlutterBaseNativeAd and handle native ad-related processing.

4.6 FlutterBaseNativeAd

Function Description
Future Set the issued ZoneId.
Future Set the callback
void Function() onLoadAd If a listener is registered, the registered function will be called when the ad loads.
void Function(String errorMsg) onFailAd If a listener is registered, the registered function will be called when the ad fails to load.
void Function() onClickAd If a listener is registered, the registered function will be called when the ad is clicked.
Future Request a native ad.
Future Remove native ads.

4.7 FlutterBidmadCommon

*This is a list of functions available through BidmadCommon.

Function Description
FlutterBidmadCommon() This is the FlutterBidmadCommon constructor
Future(void) setDebugging(bool isDebug) Debugging log output
Future(void) initializeSdk(String appKey) Initialize the BidmadSDK support network. If you do not enter the appKey, advertisements will not be sent.
Future(void) setCUID(String cuid) Enter your custom ID.
Future(String) initBannerChannel() Creating a channel for controlling banner ad
Future(String) initInterstitialChannel() Creating a channel for controlling interstitial ad
Future(String) initRewardChannel() Creating a channel for controlling reward ad
Future(String) reqAdTrackingAuthorization() Requesting for App Tracking Consent from user
Future(void) setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled(bool enable) Setting ATT Setting manually
Future(bool) getAdvertiserTrackingEnabled() Getting ATT Setting, true if consent and false if not consent
pub points


unverified uploader

Flutter Plugin for using BidmadSDK



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