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bfastui: ^1.1.0+1 copied to clipboard


easy and fast ways to manage a flutter app

BFastUI - Introduction #

State and architecture management library for flutter

BFast UI

Installation #

Open your project's pubspec.yaml and add bfastui as a dependency:

  bfastui: any

You can also provide the git repository as source instead, to try out the newest features and fixes:


Module #

You organised your domain in your application in modules. Module is a top level abstraction of your application.

MainModule #

This is the bootstrap module for your application. Is only defined once your application. You will required to implement initRoutes and initStates method

  • initRoutes - You will add all routes of the pages your module will use

  • initStates - You will add all states you will use in your module

class MyApp extends MainModuleAdapter{
  void initRoutes(String moduleName) {
      // TODO: implement initRoutes
    void initStates(String moduleName) {
    // TODO: implement initStates


ChildModule #

This is the feature module to enclose your specific business logic. Your will required to impelement the following methods

  • initRoutes - You will add all routes of the pages your module will use

  • initStates - You will add all states you will use in your module

  • moduleName - This will return your module name, name can be any String of your choice

class MyApp extends ChildModuleAdapter{
  void initRoutes(String moduleName) {
      // TODO: implement initRoutes
    void initStates(String moduleName) {
    // TODO: implement initStates

  String moduleName() {
    // TODO: implement moduleName
    return 'your-module-name';


Page #

Page is what your see presented by your mobile phone. i.e login page. Page belongs to a specific module and characterised with url to navigate to. Page can have one or more components which make the whole page functional. To create a page you extend BFastUIPage and you will required to implement build method which return a Widget represent that page.

  • build(var args) - your must provide implementation for this method. args parameter your will use it to extract information of that page i.e url parameters. args has the following properties

    final Map<String, dynamic> params;
    final dynamic data;  

class MyPage extends PageAdapter{
  Widget build(var args) {
    // TODO: implement build
    throw UnimplementedError();


State #

State call information of the current view of your page ( s ). State is a ChangeNotifier class to be used with provider state management under the hood.

class MyState extends StateAdapter{

to notify listerner for changes your will just call notifyListeners() as you would in ChangeNotifier class.

Route #

A Route carry information of where to navigate to in your application and whether to allow someone access or not. You can navigate to another Page or Module.

Route Guard #

To create a route guard

class MyRouteAuthGuard extends RouterGuardAdapter{
  Future<bool> canActivate(String url) {
    // TODO: implement canActivate
    throw UnimplementedError();

when canActivate resolve to true the page or a module someone navigate to will be activated otherwise will return to previous route if available

Example #

class MyHomePage extends PageAdapter{
  Widget build(args) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Container(


class MyState extends StateAdapter{
  int count = 0;

    count += 1;
    count -= 1;

class MyAppModule extends MainModuleAdapter{
  void initRoutes(String moduleName) {
      BFastUI.navigation(moduleName: moduleName)
      .addRoute(RouterAdapter('/home', page: (content,args)=>MyHomePage()));

    void initStates(String moduleName) {
      .states(moduleName: moduleName)
      .addState((i) => MyState());


void main(){
    BFastUI.module(module: MyAppModule(), component: MaterialApp(
        initialPath: '/home'