bdk_flutter 0.31.2-dev.2 copy "bdk_flutter: ^0.31.2-dev.2" to clipboard
bdk_flutter: ^0.31.2-dev.2 copied to clipboard

A Flutter library for the Bitcoin Development Kit(bdk) (

[0.31.2-dev.2] #


  • Thread frb_workerpool panicked on invalid Fingerprint.
  • SignOptions issue to accept witness-utxo while signing.


  • Removed multiSig variable from SignOptions.
  • Updated example app to support mutinynet.
  • Mapped Hex, Address, Descriptor & Consensus exceptions.

[0.31.2-dev.1] #


  • Invalid Bip49Public, Bip84Public & Bip86Public.

[0.31.2-dev] #

Updated Rust and Flutter dependencies.

APIs added

  • Add InvalidInputException, InvalidLockTimeException & InvalidTransactionException .


  • Thread frb_workerpool panic on UnknownUtxo and InvalidPsbtInput.

[0.31.1-dev] #


  • Failed to load .so files in android.

[0.31.0-dev] #

Updated Rust and Flutter dependencies.

APIs added

  • Add sealed class Auth in RpcConfig.
  • Made PartiallySignedTransaction class mutable.


  • Replace AddressIndex's new withincrease.
  • Renamed Address's create to fromString.
  • txBuilder.finish returns a tuple.
  • Added cargokit to handle rust binary build


  • Functions hang indefinitely on iOS devices.
  • Thread frb_workerpool panicked.

[0.30.0] #

Updated Rust and Flutter dependencies. MacOS support bug resolved

APIs added

  • Add BIP-86 descriptor template

[0.29.2] #

Support MacOS and unit testing. Updated flutter dependencies.

[0.29.1] #

Updated Rust and Flutter dependencies. Exposed strongly-typed exceptions.

[0.29.0] #

Support Dart 3. Updated Rust and Flutter dependencies.

APIs added

  • Add isMine method to Wallet.
  • Expose script.toBytes() method.

[0.28.3] #

Fixed #

  • Multisig issue resolved by adding isMultiSig to signOptions.

[0.28.2] #

APIs added

  • Expose Wallet class's getDescriptorForKeyChain and getPsbtInput functions.
  • Expose TxBuilder class's addForeignUtxo function.
  • Add Input class.
  • Expose Descriptor class's maxSatisfactionWeight function.

[0.28.1] #

Fixed #

  • Invalid UTF-8 error for txansaction.input().

[0.28.0] #

Updated Rust ( Bdk to latest version 0.28.0 ) and Flutter dependencies.

APIs added

  • Expose Address class's payload and network functions
  • Add fromScript constructor to Address class
  • Add SignOptions to Wallet.sign() params.
  • Add jsonSerialize function to PartiallySignedTransaction, to get the JSON serialized value of all PSBT fields.
  • Expose Transaction class's txid, weight, size, vsize, isCoinBase, isExplicitlyRbf, version, isLockTimeEnabled, lockTime, input and output functions.

[0.27.2] #

API changed #

  • txBuilder.finish() & bumpFeeTxBuilder.finish() returns a TxBuilderResult instead of a PartiallySignedTransaction.

[0.27.1] #

Updated Rust ( Bdk to latest version 0.27.1 ) and Flutter dependencies.

APIs added

  • New Transaction class that can be created from or serialized to consensus encoded bytes.
  • Add estimateFee(int Target) function for Blockchain
  • Add getInternalAddress() function for Wallet
  • Add AddressIndex.reset(int index) & AddressIndex.peek(int index)

APIs changed

  • partiallySignedTransaction.extractTx() returns a Transaction instead of a the transaction bytes.
  • blockchain.broadcast() takes a Transaction instead of a PartiallySignedTransaction

[0.3.2] #

Fixed #

  • iOS build issue when using flavors
  • Added toString method for all objects

[0.3.1] #

Fixed #

  • analysis score
  • Type mismatch for descriptorSecretKey

[0.3.0] #

Updated Rust ( Bdk to latest version 0.26.0 ) and Flutter dependencies.

APIs changed

  • The descriptor and changeDescriptor arguments on the wallet constructor now take a Descriptor instead of a String.

APIs added

  • Added RpcConfig, BlockchainConfig.rpc
  • Added Descriptor type with the following named constructors:
  • Default create constructor, that requires a descriptor in String format and a Network
  • newBip44 constructor returns a Descriptor with structure pkh(key/44'/{0,1}'/0'/{0,1}/*)
  • newBip44Public constructor returns a Descriptor with structure pkh(key/{0,1}/*)
  • newBip49 constructor returns a Descriptor with structure sh(wpkh(key/49'/{0,1}'/0'/{0,1}/*))
  • newBip49Public constructor returns a Descriptor with structure sh(wpkh(key/{0,1}/*))
  • newBip84 constructor returns a Descriptor with structure wpkh(key/84'/{0,1}'/0'/{0,1}/*)
  • newBip84Public constructor returns a Descriptor with structure wpkh(key/{0,1}/*)
  • asString returns the public version of the output descriptor in String format
  • asPrivateString returns the private version of the output descriptor if available, otherwise, return the public version

[0.2.3] #

Fixed #

  • analysis score

[0.2.2] #

Fixed #

  • analysis score

[0.2.1] #

Fixed #

  • static analysis warning
  • removing internal helper functions from public api

[0.2.0] #

Updated API to match bdk-ffi

[0.1.4] #

Functionality Added

  • Generate Mnemonic method
  • Create Descriptors
  • Create Extended Key
  • Create XPriv
  • Create XPub
  • Create Wallet
  • Get New Address
  • Get Last Unused Address
  • Get Balance
  • Get Transactions
  • Get Pending Transactions
  • Get Confirmed Transactions
  • Sync Wallet
  • Create Transaction
  • Sign Transaction
  • Broadcast Transaction
  • Quick Send
pub points



A Flutter library for the Bitcoin Development Kit(bdk) (

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


collection, ffi, flutter, flutter_rust_bridge, freezed_annotation, meta, mockito, uuid


Packages that depend on bdk_flutter